2 Part 2

Time skip 150 years


I have trained and learned for 150 years, I practice magic and swordsmanship and mastered both. I also learned how too run the country which I didn't have too do a lot since the nobles run there area so I have a small area too run but it's the must active. There are about 600,000 Fairies which is small compared too the other fractions but we make it up our quality being the best out of the three fractions. They also knew we exist and some fear as we very powerful but we are neutral but I want too have a alliance with the devils as it could be good after the war and while I was just thinking of doing it what crossed the line when heaven armies somehow crossed the border too this dimension and attacked us. We fought them back I was guessing they attacked because of the out break of the war and they were afraid of our power and since were immune too there light spears. They surprised attacked us and this crossed the line and I sent an envoy too the underworld too the old lucifer and set a meeting with us. After waiting for 3 days the envoy came back and they said that they wanted too set up a meeting with us. We left right after and we flown the way too the underworld.

Lucifer- Ah so good too finally meet the Fairy King

MC- It's good too meet one of the maou of the underworld.

Lucifer- Now lets get too the point of this visit too not waste both of our time.

MC- Oh straight to the point I like that okay I want a alliance with the devils we fight with you in this war of the three factions.

Lucifer- Wait so the Fairies want too alliance with us, I thought the Fairies where pure like angels.

MC- We kind of are but the angels have engaged us first meaning we are at war and the fallen angels aren't very trust worthy but the devils have done nothing too us so we should call an alliance between us. And since we aren't effected by there holy powers we will be good allies.

Lucifer- I guess we will be lets sign this treaty and move out as the angels and fallen have started too move.

MC- Lets.

After the signing Lucifer told me too get my troops ready, I sent my 1,3,7,11,14 battalion with them being mid to peak high class with few being low ultimate class also I sent a few nobles with them being peak ultimate class and low Satan class. I also sent the devils powerful demonic weapons and supplies which could help immensely in the war. I sent 2 of my generals too command the 2 battalions each while I take command of 14 the battalion. I had the rest of my battalion stay back too defend the home city. After we got too the underworld with my army we went too go meet the four maou of the underworld, I only got too meet the Lucifer not the rest. After meeting them we went too battle and it was gruesome and it was hard for fairies since we like peace and doesn't like killing but will do it if need be.
