
Chapter 3: More Training

After the fight with the goblin and realizing that he still needed to learn more control over his abilities, Miyamoto began to seriously train his [Sharingan] and control the mana within his own body, he realized that that with how much the [Sharingan] currently drains from his stamina that trying to learn [Haki] at the same time would not be the wisest idea.

So for the next few months he trained his [Sharingan] and mana control for a few hours after he woke up and then would hunt goblins in the forest without his [Sharingan] so that he could keep up the hunt longer.

During this period he was also learned that his sword wasn't the only thing he could store within his 'box' as he could store just about anything as long as it was solid and he could hold it with both hands, this allowed him to store and hold on to all of the monster cores he was obtaining from the goblins he was encountering within the forest.

After the first month of his training came to an end he unlocked a new skill called [Mana Manipulation] which as the name implied, made it easier for him to manipulate mana inside and outside of his own body, after obtaining this skill Miyamoto was able to activate his [Sharingan] nearly instantaneously which came in handy when he would run into large groups of goblins in the forest. He continued this regimen of training his [Sharingan] in the mornings and hunting in the afternoon for the next few month until the surrounding goblins began diminishing in number due to his excessive hunting

At least that was what he thought until he heard Ella

[Hey Yamo, there is a high likelihood that the goblins aren't diminishing in number but instead are being lead by a more intelligent monster]

"Really, like what El" Miyamoto responds to Ella who he has grown close to over these last few months due to his isolation within the forest.

[My best bet is that the creature leading the Goblins is a Goblin King they are a rare species of goblin that is only born on the surface and is a larger goblin with more intelligence then normal ones they usually end up gathering a group of around 20 goblins to lead and live within large caves for protection]

"well that's just great, the largest horde of goblins I've ever faced was 6 and I even had to use my [Sharingan] for the whole fight to win"

[Yes that is correct, but over these last few months your mana capacity has greatly increased and so has your control over the [Sharingan] so I would recommend that you stop hunting for goblins for a while and start to train [Haki] because with that you would easily be able to kill the goblin king]

"Alright El I'll give it a shot, I have been wanting to learn how to use [Haki] for a while now and I have been able to feel a little bit of my will power during my morning training sessions"

After returning to the cave and deciding to start training [Haki] Miyamoto begins his meditation once more until he is able to feel and manipulate his own will power.


The sun had long gone down and Miyamoto is still trying to manipulate his will power, he had already learned how to feel it, but learning to control your bodies own will was much more difficult than mana. When Miyamoto had finally opened his eyes and realized the sun was down he finally decided to go to sleep.


The next morning Miyamoto had woken up a bit later than usual due to how late he went to sleep the night before but he still had enough time in the day to continue his training with [Haki].

He Trained his [Haki] for the entire day and was only able to finally manage to get his will power to slightly move by the time he Had Decided to go to sleep that night.


This pattern went on where he would use the majority of the day to train his [Haki] and only hunted when he was running out of food. And after a week he was eventually able to freely manipulate his will power and started to try different things with it and try to emulate the three forms of [Haki].

The first form he decided to learn was observation [Haki] to not only allow him to have high perception without his [Sharingan] active but also so that he could scour the forest for any clues as to where the Goblin King may be residing with its group, And after learning how to manipulate his will power this form of [Haki] was rather easy for him to learn as all he had to do was spread his will power out into the surroundings, which when done would give him something almost akin to 360 vision as he was able to detect everything within his personal domain which was able to reach around 100m is diameter. Another thing he learned about this [Haki] was that he was able to combine it with his [Sharingan] and basically use the [Sharingan] within his entire domain which allowed him to search for the goblins much easier than before. He was even able to narrow down where the Goblin King would be based on how many mana signatures he was able to pick up in one location.

After he learned how to use observation [Haki] he found out that conqueror's [Haki] was fairly simple he only had to increase the amount of will power he was releasing and focus it on one thing or his immediate surroundings. Currently he was only able to use conquerors [Haki] within 30m when he condensed the will power and 10m when he spread the will power out with high speeds and density.

The last form of [Haki] he learned was the armament [Haki] which was also fairly simple to do after learning to manipulate his will power, all he had to do was focus his will power into a specific body part, the more will power he focused the darker the skin would become. After all of his training he was only able to get a prefect armament [Haki] which basically meant it couldn't by cut, onto only one finger, while when spreading his will power he could coat his entire sword and the arm holding it in [Haki], however the density of the will power was very low and the difference in color could barely be seen by the naked eye.


Miyamoto was currently standing outside of a large cave in which he could sense over 30 goblins present and one larger mass of energy which he presumed to be the Goblin King. Right before he entered he checked his status one last time before entering.



[Name: Miyamoto Uchiha]

[Age: 11]

[Level: 1]

[Race: Human]

[STR: G204]

[END: G236]

[AGL: F301]

[DEX: G289}

[MAG: C723]


Swordsmanship C

Mana Manipulation H (New)

Haki F

Sharingan F (Three tomeo)]


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