
Round 2

"Correct, mister Alaukik."

Instantly turning around towards the voice, Alaukik saw the two people he had been searching for this entire time.

"Troy and Droy … wasn't it? I see you've recovered quite well since the last time we met." he questioned, while motioning Divya to stand behind him.

'It seems they have a healer too…'

Without skipping a beat, Troy answered back,

"We have you to thank for that, don't we Droy? If you hadn't injured them previously, we wouldn't be here, would we?"

"The mission, brother," curtly reminded Droy, uninterested in the meaningless chatter his brother liked to do.

"Fine, fine," replied Troy, holding up his hands. He then turned towards Alaukik and said,

"Well Mr. Alaukik, just like last time, all we want is you. If you would just peacefully come with us, then nobody would have to get hurt."

"You already know my answer, why waste your breath?" mocked Alaukik, his expression stoic as always. 

"Then I must ask you to reconsider Mr. Alaukik. Our boss doesn't like it when … things don't go his way," Troy replied, slowly molding a spear from the space around him. 

Noticing this, Alaukik created a barrier around Divya, making sure she wouldn't be affected by the fight about to occur. 

"Stay here," he whispered to her, before quickly molding a sword for himself and instantly teleporting in front of Troy, while still paying attention to Droy's movements. Appearing in front of Troy with his sword raised well above his head, Alaukik slashed down at Troy. Before his strike could connect however, Droy appeared below him, raising his shield to block the attack while Troy stabbed forward with his spear. And yet, as if anticipating this, Alaukik instantly twisted to avoid the spear and teleported behind Troy, getting close enough to make sure that Droy won't be able to appear in the middle. Bringing his sword around in an arc as he was twisting, Alaukik slashed at Troy's back, not giving him a chance to react. 

To his surprise however, before the sword could bite into its target, it was blocked; by a shield that was poking out through a tear in space behind Troy's back. Not stopping for a second, Alaukik teleported away instantly, as he knew that the reaction time of the brothers was very fast. Appearing about 10 metres away from them, Alaukik gazed at them with surprise in his eyes. 

"You've grown stronger … no, it's not that you've become stronger. You both can wield the space around you better now, but how?" he questioned. 

'Now that I'm partially fused with OG, I can sense it. These two aren't like me, they can't naturally control space and time. And their proficiency with wielding their powers has also grown - by a lot. It's not something that you can learn from practice, it requires pure talent for that… Even I couldn't do what they are doing now before fusing with OG…'

What Droy had done there was partially send his hand through a tear in space while simultaneously molding it to create an object, a sturdy one at that. Doing this required a very high level of control and stability on the space around you, along with a lot of psions. In simple terms, it was simply a matter of whether you were talented enough or not. And this is where the problem lies. Last time they had fought, Alaukik knew that their control over space was nowhere close to how it is now. And their psion count also increased by quite a bit, which is supposed to be impossible. Your natural abilities can't change, unless, 

"Unless your powers are not natural, but were given to you artificially. Indeed, you two are more like … containers for your powers. You can't wield them on your own, but need the help of something else to help you wield it. And yet, the question remains, what is this something that allows you to wield a power so similar to mine, and from where did you get this?" said Alaukik, hoping to elicit a reaction from the twins. To his dismay however, their reaction was not what he wanted,

"Well, well, well," said Troy, clapping slowly. "It seems somebody has grown smarter. However - " he continued, suddenly appearing in front of Alaukik with his spear centimeters away from ripping a hole in Alaukik's stomach,

"That doesn't help you at all does it, mister Alaukik?"

However, even though it was sudden, Alaukik was able to easily teleport away from Troy and once again appeared a few meters away, his expression now grim. Immediately after, both Troy and Droy launched a furious attack on Alaukik, not giving him any chance to breathe.

Left, right, up, down - Alaukik was suddenly swarmed with attacks from all sides as both brothers went on the offensive, one holding a spear and the other a mace. For the next few seconds, a loud, high-pitched sound filled the subspace, as space ground against space, tearing holes in the very fabric of reality. 

'Use our powers, Alaukik, you know you will win immediately if you do!' a voice spoke, enticing Alaukik.

'Use them, and we shall crush ants like them beneath the soles of our feet!' 

'Shut up! This is not the time for your nonsense,' screamed Alaukik inside his mind, while simultaneously trying to fend off the seemingly infinite attacks from the brothers. 

'However, he is right,' thought Alaukik to himself, 'I will need to use at least some of my powers against these guys, otherwise it might be me who loses. But at the same time I can't risk using everything, since it might increase the fusion rate between me and OG.'

And so, Alaukik immediately acted on his thought, using time acceleration on himself and deceleration on the twins. And yet, while he was able to buff himself, he was unable to interfere with the movement of time around the twins. It was as if there was an invisible wall separating them from his reach…

Unable to think more on why that happened, Alaukik quickly created a few other weapons apart from the twin swords he was wielding in his hand, and quickly launched a counterattack on the twins, successfully creating some distance between them, allowing him to teleport away. Of course, the twins followed him closely, intent on capitalizing on their advantage. Appearing near the edge of the subspace, the trio continued their fierce battle, not pausing for even a second. 

However, it seemed as if a turning point had come, as the twins found a flaw in Alaukik's defense, and immediately went in for a blow. Piercing his spear through Alaukik's chest, Troy looked at Alaukik, hoping to see the look of horror on his face, and yet to his surprise, Alaukik's expression didn't change at all. In fact, looking down, there was no blood coming out of the body. Realizing something, he instantly turned around, shouting at his brother,

"Watchout Droy!"

Although a bit late, the warning from Troy was enough for Droy to angle his body enough for a strike to the heart to become a strike to the lung. Behind him, Alaukik, who had suddenly appeared with his sword stabbed through Droy's left lung, slightly frowned before quickly teleporting away from the duo, appearing 15 meters away from them. Breathing in deeply, Alaukik looked at the twins before speaking,

"So? What now, Troy? Are you going to cry? Or perhaps come at me with all that you have got? Are you going to use your special move again?" he mocked, hoping to anger him enough to make him lose his senses. 

Knowing this, Droy looked at his brother, who was supporting his body from falling, and spoke, while continuously spitting blood,

"Don't fall for his traps, Troy. You know better."

"I know brother, I know. We're better than those two, brother. You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to have some basic trust in me," he snickered, as he quickly took out what looked like a pill from his pocket and tried to feed it to his brother. However, Alaukik knew that allowing them to do so would probably be detrimental to him, and so engaged the brothers once again; this time, with him being in the advantageous position. However, the two brothers managed to push away Alaukik for a second, long enough for them to teleport quite a distance away from him and mold some shields around them. 

All it took was one wrong move on their end to settle the winner of this match. While normally, a pierced lung wouldn't have matter to the twins as they could stop the bleeding easily. However, with somebody like Alaukik who could easily draw with them, Droy couldn't afford to split his concentration and stop the bleeding while also attacking Alaukik. 

While keeping an eye on Alaukik, Troy spoke, his tone grave,

"Brother, it doesn't look good for us."

Shaking his head, Droy replied,

"It isn't your fault, Troy. If it is anyone's fault, it's mine for being greedy and joining the Doctor. All you did was accompany your elder brother on his selfish quest for power… " he said, smirking, "It doesn't even matter, he would've caught us anyways"

Sighing, Troy placed his hand in his brother's, and suddenly, both of them erupted in white light, bright enough to drown everything around them. 

"Oh come on! I know I asked for it, but really?! Didn't it have serious side - effects or something?!!" cursed Alaukik, making sure to pay extra attention to the space around him, knowing that the new form of the twins was far stronger than either of them could ever reach.

Another chapter here!!

Should I start a patreon?

Thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!!

SoManyAngelscreators' thoughts
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