
Chapter 148: Peace negotiations (2)

"Go on ahead, I'm just a third party serving as witness"

"I'm Anthony Magus" the headmaster introduced himself

"We know who you are" a guy replied

He is this large bulky man, 190 cm tall, brown hair and has a bushy brown beard, looked to be in his late 50s, wearing a coat made from a bear pelt.

-A mid grey core, he should be strong- Ace said -But my spatial magic should be enough to take him down-

"I'm Boris, also known as the king of beast" Boris replied "And I have come here to represent my faction"

"What are your demands?" the headmaster asked

"Equality, we don't care whether you keep the your titles or not, but we demand to be treated equal, we shouldn't have to give you our seats in the restaurants just because you are of noble status" Boris read from his paper "No more slavery in all the 10 kingdoms. Better working conditions. Better pay. Social Welfare programs for people who can't afford proper living conditions. And this list is the list of noble's that needs to be executed, their corruption runs deep, we just want the ones on that list, we'll spare their families"

"That's a lot" The headmaster read the list "These are nobles of all 10 kingdoms, what if we offer to imprison them instead?"

"That's non-negotiable, they're all nobles, their 'imprisonment' is house arrest, and every on this table here is smart enough to know how good their house are" Boris answered "The 10 kingdoms have ignored these problems long enough, we want these nobles dead, they need to pay for the misery they've caused, they gotten away with it for so long. Perseus here would know. Your school might be against bullying, but that's not going to stop them, they would make rumors of you, and would try to indirectly make your life miserable"

"Some even hired assassins to go after commoners who threaten their position" the guy next to him added "And of course, due to us being commoners, the investigations aren't carried out properly, we want justice for the victims, and that list of ours, we want the ones on those list dead"

"Yes, we narrowed down the nobles of all the kingdoms, the ones who helped us, the ones who treated us horribly, we just want the ones on that long list dead" Boris nodded "The other demands will take time, but this list can be done in 2 weeks at most, you help us with our list, and we'll work on our other demands later, because we have quite a few more that cannot be discussed right now. We are uncomfortable with exposing them here"

The headmaster then whispered alongside with the other representatives before having a conclusion.

"Would you mind if I take this list to the 10 rulers?" The headmaster asked "I do not hold enough authority to accept this"

"Go ahead" Boris answered and the headmaster got up to leave

"Kid, I'm curious, was everything you said about that teacher of yours true?" Professor Craig asked "Do we know who he is?

"Of course, I wouldn't lie. Heck, everyone on this table know who he is "

"So is that teacher of yours the number 1 within the executives or whatever?"

"No, the top 13 does not include him, he's stronger"

"Can we have a hint?" Professor Williams asked

"You'll know soon enough, I'd say, 1 month at most, you will figure it out."

"That doesn't help" Professor Craig grumbled

"How's the child?"

"Shouldn't be long till I become a father" he answered

"No wedding?"

"Nah, not yet, we'll have it when our kid is 1 years old, right now, everything is chaos, so a bad time to have both a child and a wedding"

"Will I be invited?"

"Will you be allowed in the kingdom after this?"

"Fair enough, just wanted to see my brother in law's wedding"

"Don't call me that ever again" He replied with a somewhat horrified face

"Don't worry, I'm joking, but I'll give you an invitation to mine when I have one"

The headmaster then returned.

"We would agree with all your demands but we would need a few people on this list alive, at least for a bit longer. Their household currently does not have a successor" he stated

"But then won't they just prolong their life by delaying the successor selection process?" Boris asked

"We have talked about this, we will help hasten the process, but some will take years since their successor isn't of legal age, when they are, we will give them proper execution." the headmaster answered "But all of their execution must be painless and before we carry it out, you must present us proper evidences, we can't just kill an innocent man deemed evil by you"

"Of course, we also have witnesses willing to testify in court, with a lie detector and everything. Painless is fine, but we want their death to teach the other nobles a lesson" Boris then showed his hand "We don't like you abusing your status"

"Then that means that we will both pull our forces back then" The headmaster then shook his hand

-That was quick, took only one chapter-

-Well they'll have to discuss more on a later date- Dabria responded

"Well now that you all settle your differences, I have an advice before I leave, some of the terrorist in that crowd would not accept peace as easily as you guys did, you're going to need to stop them. And as for your questioning, headmaster, I'll send you a mail later for the days that I'll be available, just set up the place then. For now, I have a mission that I need to carry out. Everyone, fall back, it's time to do what we came here to do in the first place"

-Stella should be at the same spot right about now-

I then opened a giant warp portal in the sky, Terra summoned this giant stalk to get her up into the portal as the rest of us flew and got in and warped next to Stella.

"Welcome back" Stella greeted

"Let's go get your father's staff"

Next chapter