
The Judgement

What, Percy said as he started to wake up and rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Looking around to find himself in a white room. He's sitting in a comfortable chair. Sitting right in front of him in a chair like his. Is Morgan Freeman looking at him. He is sitting behind a office desk.

You awake young one, Morgan spoke to him.

Yes. Where am I?

You are in the afterlife or judgement room if you will

I see, I guess I died from overstraining myself didn't I

Yes indeed

Morgan stared at Percy as if he could see everything about him from his birth to his death.

Going for that amount of weight on benchpress would normally kill anyone anyway. But with you just getting done with your 12 hour shift didn't help anything.

Chuckling Percy answers

I guess so but I couldn't just not go for it even if it did kill me.

Guess so. But, let's get back on track. I see you have done some bad things in your life.

Yea. Everybody does at some point I'm just glad I found out the right way to live before it was to late.

That's correct the good things you did are enough for you to get into Elysium or paradise. But, there is another choice if you want.

I choose the second.

Percy answers before God or ROB (from what he figures this Morgan look alike) can finish.

Then reincarnation it is.

Morgan states while pulling out a drawer in his desk.

There are two places to choose from. 1) The Originals world. Or 2) Twilight AU


Percy starts pondering the choices. One he has to worry about Original beings coming after him and trying to mess with him. Two an AU of Twilight that he doesn't know what changed.

What changes are in this Twilight AU?

Percy asks

There are mostly just changes in the mate bond and the characters genders

Great thats a relief. Do I get wishes or...

Yes. You get three wishes. But, if you want to change the look of your body then you have to use one of the wishes.

Alright then. For my first wish I want to be a shapeshifter that can effortlessly shift from bipedal to quadrepead wolf with midnight black fur with a snow white undercoat. The second is I want regenerative properties equal to Wolverine and Deadpool combined. For the third I want to look like Escanor from the Seven Deadly Sins series with the same hair color as my wolf form. But make me around 17 years old with my height being an even 7 foot

Excellent. Have fun in your second life young one.

Author's Note: This is my first time trying out writing a fanfic. Please give me some constructive criticism. Don't be one of those people that complain about my fanfic without telling me what I'm doing wrong.