
That was quick.

When Theo woke up, three days after the Cullens had found out about his residence in California, he was still ignorant to the fact he had let his shield down enough for Alice to see a vision of him. When he stated that six months was an acceptable time limit to be found; he was speaking in terms of generality. Not a literal time limit.

But at this time, he was still ignorant to their knowledge; so, he showered, dressed in a pair of boxers and a loose pair of joggers and proceeded to make himself lunch. He had to 'write' a new song today and hand it in to his agent but other than that he had a free and lazy day. He was thankful because the weather was a rare, horrid day in California - the sun was hidden behind dark, gray and black storm clouds as heavy rain fell.

While he was in his kitchen listening to one of the many songs he had 'produced'; he chopped up some mango, watermelon, grapes, and strawberries. Drenching them in 'Chamoy' and then sprinkling them with some 'Tajin'.

He sprinkled some old bay seasoning on a piece of tinfoil then added his catfish. On his catfish, he seasoned it with paprika, seasoned salt, garlic and onion powder and pepper before he stuck it in the air fryer with some cut up carrots and potatoes.

Just as he was plating his food, and about to grab a blood bag from his bedroom mini fridge - there was a knock on his front door.

"Just a minute!" He called while he walked back into the kitchen. He jogged the short way to his door and opened it, surprised to see the six other Cullens on the other side; each one staring at him with relieved smiles and the small pixie looking like she was vibrating in either excitement or sadness... Theo couldn't tell.

His brow furrowed and he titled his head questioningly; thankfully remembering to hide his surprise. "Hi, how can I help you?"

The smiles dropped at his question, and he pursed his lips allowing the awkwardness to settle between them like a thick and heavy blanket. If he wasn't so focused on keeping himself composed - he might have laughed. Each of them wore sunglasses, scarves over their heads creating a shadow over their entire face, thick and long brown trench coats and black gloves. They looked ridiculous in California - even in the current weather.

"You..." Carlisle cleared his throat before he tried again. "I'm sorry that we just appeared on your doorstep. Truthfully, had my family and I had any other way to contact you we would have called ahead of time. I do hope you can forgive our rudeness and allow us entry into your home."

Theo ran his tongue along his bottom lip and nodded once with a slight smirk and a light, quick chuckle. "You're formal as hell. I was just making lunch; you're not bothering me much. Come on in - best get you out of that weather."

He opened his door wider, letting them shuffle inside. His front door was open concept with his kitchen and living room - the living room being straight ahead and his kitchen being off to the left.

As they stepped inside and began loosening their clothes, Theo headed over to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass and started filling it with ice. "Names Theo. Theo Pierce. Can I get you anything to drink? I'm afraid I didn't make enough lunch for seven, but I could offer you some fresh fruit?"

"Carlisle Cullen." Carlisle replied slowly, cautiously as he stepped closer to the kitchen. Theo ignored the way they all watched him pour his Pepsi and take a large sip; sighing in satisfaction when it quenched his thirst ... well one of them. "That's mighty kind of you but we ate on the way here, you see."

"Cool." Theo nodded, motioning with his hand for them to sit where they please while he grabbed his plate and glass and carried it over to his small black square dining room table. "Mi casa es Tu casa. Make yourself at home. I don't mean to sound rude but what can I do for you and your family, Mr.Cullen?"

He dug into his food; once again ignoring the way they stared in obvious and apparent fascination as he ate. He was sure they could also hear his heartbeat; while he knew it beat faster than an actual human - it still beat. They could smell the blood in his veins though hopefully it wasn't tempting. He'd hate to have to fight in his new home.

"Uhh.. Theo, was it?" Carlisle questioned cautiously, moving to sit opposite of Theo at the table. Theo nodded once at his question. "I'm not quite sure how to say this." He pursed his lips, his thumb under his chin and his pointer and middle finger pressed firmly against his lips in thought.

"Oh, for crying out loud! You are our long, lost brother!" The pixie, Alice, basically chirped - bouncing on her feet as she stared at him with big and wide golden eyes. When the other Cullens shot her a look, she glared. "What? It was taking so long."

"Long... Lost... Brother?" Theo asked slowly, letting his fork - that had been hanging just a breath away from his mouth - fall back onto his plate. He let his eyes wander slowly from one Cullen to the next.

He eyed the cautious smiles on Emmett, Carlisle and Esme's face. The wary expression on Rosalie and Jaspers. before finally, his eyes landed on Alice who was just beaming at him; he was sure that if Jasper didn't have his arm wrapped around Alice's waist that she would have already been across the room and jumping him by now.

"It would appear...well, that you have somehow lost your memories." Carlisle answered with a frown on his face. "Among other things."

This was as good an opportunity as any. They weren't just going to come out and tell him they were vampires and Theo had no intention of revealing that information so quickly or easily. He wanted to have a little fun with them first. How long could they play the 'we just ate card' after all?

Theo clicked his tongue. "Could be." He shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "I woke up here about six, seven months ago. Had cash in the trunk but no ID or anything to tell me who I was or where I belong. I felt like a Theo, so I became Theo Pierce. Made a life, a name for myself...." He trailed off, letting his face scrunch up as if he had a question.

"What is it?" Esme couldn't seem to hold herself back anymore. She made her way over to Theo and when he didn't shy away from her touch, ran her hand comfortingly, but hesitantly through his hair. She studied his face as if it was the first time, she was seeing him. "You can ask us anything."

"I don't mean to sound skeptical, honest; but how am I your long-lost boy? I mean I seem to be lacking the eye color you all share; not to mention the complexion but I have been living in Cali for seven months." He smiled with a faux innocent smile, even going so far as the scratch the back of his head sheepishly.

"All of our children are adopted, sweetheart." Esme cooed at him, reaching into her purse and pulling out a little wallet sized photograph. She eyed it lovingly before she handed it to Theo. "You used to look just like us, I'm not sure what happened but it doesn't make you any less our son." The photo was of Esme, Carlisle and Edward. Theo nearly startled seeing himself but with less muscle definition standing behind a seated Carlisle and Esme with bright ass golden eyes and the complexion of milk; his surprise must have slipped through because he heard several muffled laughs.

While he studied the picture, Jasper chose to break the silence. Theo didn't acknowledge that he said anything, not yet at least. By the low timbre of his voice, barely a vibration that he could feel in the air. He was speaking at a volume humans wouldn't have been able to hear or understand.

"I can't feel his emotions, anymore." Jasper didn't sound bothered by it; more confused and relieved.

"He has a heartbeat..." Rosalie sounded more stunned about that than anything else. Theo knew Rosalie, out of all of them, would appreciate the opportunity to become a hybrid. If not for the sleep and ability to eat food, then at least for the ability to have children.

"He was hardly that big when he left our school!" Emmett scoffed with a pout in his voice. "Do you think he'll wrestle me now that he can't read our minds? I bet I'm still stronger than him." Out of the corner of Theo's eyes, he saw Emmett flex - carefully eyeing Theo's bicep before turning to his own.

"How are you sure that he can't read our minds?" Carlisle questioned, watching Theo with a calculating gleam in his eye. The doctor narrowed his eyes once, twice, then tilted his head with pursed lips. "I see..." He mumbled more to himself than anyone else.

None the less, Rosalie responded. "He hasn't acknowledged any of our thoughts. If he could have read our minds; He would have already known why he was our brother - he would have known not to offer us food or drink. He would have known our names. He's oblivious." She scoffed, but he could hear a hidden and surprising concern in her voice. "Can vampires even get amnesia?"

Theo stands by what he said, it would have been fun to mess with the Cullens.... but he couldn't stand being talked about like he wasn't sitting right goddamn here. "I'm not sure if vampires can get amnesia but I can still read minds. I just choose to turn it off because it gets annoying and overwhelming. Besides it's a horrid breach of privacy. I'm not really about that life."

He handed the picture back to Esme and continued eating his lunch; inwardly smirking at their startled looks. Clearly, he was wrong.

He could still mess with them, just like this and enjoy it just as much.

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