
Chapter 1

(hahaha…damn, of all the villages I had to get Konoha…damn, I really seem to have some bad luck, but it could have been worse, at least it wasn't the village hidden in the mist) I thought to myself as I uncontrollably felt like the corners of my mouth trembled strongly

Since he was somehow happy, but in some other way he was quite upset, and at the same time he was undoubtedly excited

But let's put it in context, for starters, this is not the first time I've been reincarnated, in fact, this should be my third life, in other words, the second time I've reincarnated.

It really is rare that this happens to me, but I couldn't say much either since I was quite happy on the one hand and quite upset on the other since just a few minutes ago I was supposed to sell my version of Tiktok to the version of Microsoft of that new world and I was going to become filthy rich

But no, fate wanted to play a trick on me and I literally threw myself into a blank room along with hundreds of other people in which we were simply told that we were going to reincarnate in another world and that in that new world, we would be given power or something similar

And that was it, it was literally less than 100 words before we all blacked out and here I am, an orphaned kid of about 3 years old in a small single-family apartment looking back on his past quite hungry since all the money was spent from maintenance on grilled meat

[Congratulations, he has successfully reincarnated, then you will be introduced to the different powers/traps you can choose from:

5 S-class ninjutsu (random)

Basic knowledge of the world

Bloodline Limit (random)

Superpower (random)

S-class special physique (can be chosen freely)

1 item from another world (you can choose freely)

tracking system

selection system

trader system

login system

level up system

simulation system




creation system

mall system

Note: clicking on any of the options will show the description of the selection, as well as the close button and the close button]


Looking at the translucent screen that appeared in front of me, I was totally frozen for a moment, since I thought that I would already have the power integrated into my body, by the time I arrived in this world, however, it was not bad.

So I completely ignored the hunger I was feeling and started to open all the options one by one, even some that seemed quite interesting to me, like the basic knowledge of the world.

I mean, it sounds pretty interesting, because even though it's my third life and I guess I should have over 100 years' worth of memories by now, my mind is pretty clear and if I want to remember something, I'll remember it perfectly.

Since somehow during my second life I realized that I had acquired a photographic memory, and don't get me wrong, a photographic memory all it does is give you an information retention capacity, as to whether it directly makes you more ok, I highly doubt it myself, since you still have to spend time studying it all to understand it

But anyway, I have strayed from the topic, the point is that I remember a lot of the plot of the world of Naruto, not all clear, but it is more than enough to know that if you want to live until the end of the manga, work with Ichiraku ramen and without no matter how weak you are you will survive

Although that being said, regardless of whether I remember the plot correctly or not, I'm sure there will be many points I missed, but that's fine too since the world of Naruto is not entirely based on opportunities that the protagonist finds in the world. path

Then I care little about plot holes which I'm sure I've forgotten, on the other hand, I was really tempted to pick the random superpower as that superpower will be picked from some entertainment outlet I know of.

But the fact that it's random didn't really give me enough confidence especially because among those superpowers there are a couple that is pretty bad, like having 3 mouths and 4 eyes, exploding yourself, and dying directly or even welding. dogs to people, so for the moment I am ruled out at least for now

And coming to the interesting part, the systems, really those things are much better at least as far as randomness goes, but clearly, some of these were just pits to jump into and die.

Among them, the worst, in my opinion, were the tracking, simulation, login, and creation systems, since, although the tracking system could be taken advantage of by looking for the accessories of the sage of the six paths, from what the description shows, at power level six paths it can only cover 1500 meters around you and although it seems like a lot, elemental nations are huge and by the time you get to that level you simply won't need the system at all

As for the others, they are just crazy, since the simulation one only works correctly if you have all the knowledge of the things that will happen in the world, otherwise, the system will give you wrong information in each simulation, not counting that It's just that, information, you can't get anything out of that system, you just know what's going to happen and even that, the probability that the information is correct is very low.

The leveling system requires you to kill more than 1000 existences of the same power level as you to increase your strength by one level and while it seems like a good option, I would love to see where you find 1000 Kage levels in this world

The mall system looks great, but it takes money to buy things and I don't even want to imagine what the cost of broken items like Excalibur is I'm sure even if I sell Konoha I won't have enough money

The login system is insane as 99% of all things are tech helper items, while .999% are common bladed weapons, and 0.009% are normal tech weapons, the remaining percentage are fantasy items basics and literally 0% powerful weapons or magic items as there are so many zeros after the period and before the number that it is literally zero

In fact, among these, it is the system that is good for it, since if you want to have a relatively easy life it is the best, that you can take, but among the systems, there is one that is great for me, but whatever, let's continue with the stupidly difficult system of creation

What the hell is it to take the chakra of the 9-tails as a unit of chakra measurement, literally, the creation system, it allows you to create everything, but the minimum energy threshold to create something is literally the energy of a 9-tails, and no, we are not talking about the split 9 tails that Naruto has, but the full one, that's just crazy because, with that energy since by the time you have that amount of energy to create things freely, I'm pretty sure you'll have the level of the sage of the six ways

It does have advantages though, as in theory as long as you have enough chakra you can create anything but you have to supply all the chakra at once which is insane

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