
reincarnated in the world of my dreams.

a story about a man who is reincarnated in the world of his dreams. p.s. this is my first novel so please be nice if you have any recommendations for the story please say so.

Bigus_dickus · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 1

I'm Jacob , and I am a big isekai I fan.One day this brand new anime game came out and I wanted it so bad that I waited out side the game store for 2 days straight.I waited so long that I died from my blater popping.Then I woke up in front of this lady.As I'm about to ask we're I am she suddenly says " I'm sorry but sadly your dead".When she's done talking I quickly say"is what I think is happening actually happening".she then says "you are correct".when she said this I immediately let

out a screech of joy.i then say "so I'm getting isekaid".she then nods her head.i then say "will I be human or not",she then says "you can choose which race you wish to join". I then say "one last question,will I be op".she then responds with a shrug. she then says "enough questions,it is time for you to go".I then nod,once I do I then blink then I awake in the void.after moments of being there this screen appears in front of me.i then look at the screen and on the screen there are three icons and they say.









I then remember all the isekaies I watched with demons.i then instantly push the icon that says (demon).once I do I blink again, and I wake up in a bed .once I sit up a beautiful woman comes in the room but she has horns. she then says "he's awake".in a surprised tone.