

A/N: It has been a while since I wrote a chapter here. Welp enjoy the story!


A warm feeling feeling filled the room as D covered himself in the blanket. It has been around 11 hours since he had started sleeping. The door to the room however clicked and opened as a goat humanoid enters the room.

"C'mon child it is time to wake up" Toriel gently spoke. D slightly uncovers the top of the blanket to see her standing by the door. However he immediately covers himself again to Toriel's dismay.

"Child you have been sleeping for far to long, you at least get some foo-" Toriel's couldn't even finish her sentence as D jumps out of the bed and runs past her.

"Huh, she was right about him" Toriel said as she walks towards the dining room. D enters the dining room to see Frisk and a floating Chara next to her. Chara was the first to notice D as she notifies Frisk of his entrance.

"Hello!" Frisk waved at D as she pulls out a chair. D notices and walks over to sit down next to her. By now Toriel entered the room and entered the kitchen.

"Children it will take about 20 minutes for breakfast so be patient" Toriel's voice rung out.

"Well now that she's gone we can talk" Chara said, she then floats next to him sandwiching himself with her and Frisk.

"First of all how the hell can you eat through your mask?"

"I can what?"

"You know the mask your wearing right now" D then raised and touched his face to feel a rough mask that covered his mouth and nose.

(A/N: is anyone is wondering it is a pitch black covid mask)

"I... didn't notice"

""You didn't?!"" Chara and Frisk said the same time.

"How can you not notice?" Frisk asks.

"I am not sure?"

"Well anyway, why are you wearing one?" Chara asks.

"I..." A sudden memory flashed by D's ming as he started shivering in fear. Frisk immediately notices and brings him into a hug.

"Again seriously?" Chara said.

"Hey, it is not my fault he started shaking" Frisk replied.

"Besides he is just a little kid, he is barely 5/8th of my size" Frisk continued, she then started to pat D's back as he slowly stop shivering. After 10 minutes he completely stop moving.

"Um... you can let me go now" Frisk nodded in response and let him go of the hug. D then picked up a fork and fidgeted it around his hands. It had a cool metallic feeling to his hands. The only times he felt something like this is his 'brothers' phone or the silver whip that he gets hit often with. For the rest of the time Frisk and Chara just watched D play with the fork in his hands as if he got a new toy for the last 10 minutes.

"Breakfast is ready!" Toriel yelled softly, she walked into the room with two plates in hand and placed one infront of both Frisk and D. The plates were filled what appears to be eggs, bacon, and toast. However D's portion was triple the amount of Frisks.

"Now eat up!" Toriel says, she then heads back to the kitchen. Drool started to pour from D's mouth as he stares into the delicacies on the plate. He never had even touched an egg before much less bacon. The only food he eaten before was the bread but not as high quality as this.

"Um... thank you for the meal..." David said, he then used the fork in his hand and started to eat. Both Frisk and Chara are still bewildered by the fact he can eat through his mask. Toriel then came back from the kitchen and came with a plate of her own.

It was a pleasant breakfast for the three with different reasons. When all three plates were clean of any food did Toriel started to gather them.

"My my you ate everything huh? you sure are a growing boy" Toriel said.

"yes, thank you for the meal..." D said.

"Well I am gonna wash these plates and forks, you two can have fun in the house, if you ever need me I be by the fire place" Toriel said, she then leaves with the plates and enters the kitchen again. The moments she leaves D jumps out and runs down the hall.

"Hey wait!" Frisk calls out, she also left the table and chases D with Chara who continues to float by her side. They run down the hall until they reach D's room which he entered and closed behind him. Frisk tried to enter as well but the door knob didn't turn.

"Hey let me in!" Frisk said, there was no response. Frisk then lightly knocked on the door but there is still no response.

"Sigh* Chara can you please check what he is doing in the room?" Frisk asks.

"Sure" Chara replied, she then phased through the door as a ghost. She looked around the red room to see D sitting on the bed with a blank look in his eyes.

"Hey, can you open the door" Chara asks, D however continued to sit still as if he hadn't heard her.

"Hey! I know you can hear me! you just answer my question around 35 minutes ago!" Chara yelled, there was still no response as D continued to sit still like a statue.

"Fine I am gonna leave then" Chara said she phases back out the room. Frisk sees this and immediately asks her.

"What is he doing?"

"Dunno he is sitting on the bed staring into the wall"


"Yeah he is just sitting there"

"Do you think it has something to do with his past?" Frisk said.

"Most likely, I mean we both could tell that he had a bad childhood, hell even badder than mine"

"How so?"

"Well for first starters I am not terrified of sitting down in a chair" Chara replied, Frisk nodded in response.

"True... do you think it's the reason of his... soul?"

"Maybe, the soul is the manifestation of ones emotions and being so if his soul is shattered... it probably means that his mindset and emotions are unstable"

"Like how he is easily scared?" Frisk said.

"Not only that but also the fact that he was completely calm when we first talked to him" Chara said.

"Actually now that think about... it is as if I am talking to two different people!"

Now I want some bacon and eggs.

FerretLovercreators' thoughts