
[Installing - (1/2)]

Imagine the indescribable feeling of being inside a spaceship, gazing out the window at the vast expanse of the galaxy slowly spinning before your eyes. It would be a true miracle to witness such a breathtaking sight. Alas, humanity has failed to make significant strides in technological advancement over the years, with governments more preoccupied with their own political agendas than with progress. The absence of flying cars, advanced machinery, and other technological marvels is a testament to this fact. Instead, the focus remains on greed and self-interest.

Countless wars have been waged throughout history, often as a result of foolish decisions and pointless rivalries. The era of countries competing for power and control over their territories has left countless innocent lives lost in its wake.

As I contemplated the never-ending chaos and destruction, I couldn't help but wonder when it would all come to an end. The futility of using money in a time of war was painfully clear. We were forced to hide underground, waiting for the ceaseless explosions and gunshots to subside. But they never did. Our water supply dwindled, our food supplies grew scarcer by the day, and the electricity was cut off with alarming frequency. We were beset by countless problems, each more daunting than the last.

Finally, the explosions and gunshots ceased, and we breathed a collective sigh of relief. But as we emerged from our hiding places, we were confronted with a sight more horrifying than anything we had seen before. Piles of bodies lay strewn about, tanks and vehicles destroyed beyond recognition. The stench was overpowering, causing one of us to retch uncontrollably.

Suddenly, we heard sirens blaring in the distance. But these were no ordinary sirens; they were the unmistakable wail of nuclear warning sirens. We rushed back inside the underground shelter, with me bringing up the rear. From my vantage point, I could see a blinding flash in the distance, signaling that the nuclear strike had already been unleashed. I hurried inside just in time to escape the shockwave that followed.

We had no way of knowing for sure what had just happened, but one thing was certain: we were already suffering the consequences of the never-ending conflict.

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