
Disgustingly hot

"What the fuck." Steven attempted to say but what came out were what could only explain it as screeches and screams of a terrified animal that smoked all its life.

As Steven gazed into the mirror he saw his figure..

Steven notices that he has short black hair, long enough to cover his forehead and barely reaches his eyes, pale skin head to toe, and eyes that is a dirty crimson, with a lifeless feel to them.. his lips are a bit blue, when not stained in blood, and his teeth seem sharp, almost like small daggers.

He looks.. disgustingly hot!

Steven jumps awake from his trance by a scream of a women.

As soon Steven recovered from his scare, he soon began to breath heavily and grinding his teeth.. Steven was feeling.. angry..

'Why do I feel so angry? was it that women..'

thought Steven.

As steven was wandering why he felt so angry and why that women made him feel so angry, he hasn't noticed that his feet was alright at a dead sprint towards the women..

Passing all the other infected he came across, he was unexpectedly a lot more nimble and fast compared to the rest. He didn't trip, limp or make any unnecessary movement or sound, and every step he took was calculated perfectly with maximum mobility..

It was when he was standing in from of the frightful women, staring her down as foam dripped from his jaw, just like a animal with rabies, he then realized where he was and what he was about to do.

Steven looked at his surroundings in shock.

'how did I get here so fast?' thought Steven but was soon his thoughts were interrupted by the pleads of the women.

"P-please dont hurt me.. I d-dont want to die.." cried the women as snot and tears poured out of her face.

"god damn women, chill the fuck out, I'm not gonna hurt you" Said steven while approaching the women slowly to comfort her, but all that came out of his mouth was devilish groans and growls.

"GET AWAY YOU MONSTER! HELP ME PLEASE HELP! I DONT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TEST ANYMORE!" Screamed the women as she started to run the opposite direction.

The moment when the women started to run the opposite direction, Steven started to feel so much joy and thrill by seeing his prey run away.. wait prey? Steven didn't see her as game... did he..?

A few seconds after the women started to run away, Steven started to run after her, unknowingly he had a ear to ear grin on his face.

"Hey! Stop running, what the hell is going on?" yelled Steven, but again all that came out was growls and groans, while he ran after her.

Steven was catching up to the women at a impressive rate; The women starts to panic and she knew that she couldn't out run this impressive infected, so she could only do one thing that might give her a chance to survive.. well it's a higher chance then running away from something that's faster then you...

She had to fight.

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