
Chapter 9 Catching kieren

once i reach dutch and the gang dutch starts his speach of bs that i ignore and use the time to think and plan on what to do next

should i make sure the tnt explodes whether it does or not should i kill the passengers if not then theyll get news of us sooner so that cant happen theyll need to die without mercy

huh this is alot easier to plan than i thought i guess when you know what happens things r easier

alright boys loot everything u can

i hear dutch say

i ignore all the bodies and loot i wont need money here and i have enough ways too get it

i wait for everyone to get whatever they can like beggers taking even the smallest change

after a while lenny finds the TNT i stay back and wait for the rest to of colms gang to show up and shoot at us

when we have everything and get on our horses and we start heading to camp

in my hy head

why in the hell didn't the other wave not show up did things change bc colm died this sucks ill have to alter plans

hey boys check it out i hear micah say

when i look where he is staring at and i see kieren

thank god this didn't change im gonna need my own muscle

dutch i say before they can do anything should i catch him he could be useful

useful how

colm always has a lot of men when they find out hes dead theyll just pick a new leader he might know where their hideouts are and in those hideouts their could be lots of money that they've collected if we get it the law wont come looking and we will be getting rid of competition

i like how u think morgan says micah

alright Arthur goget him meet us in camp

alright see u their

we separate and i go after Kieran i make my horse go as fast as possible he says me he goes to get on his horse i yell out weve been attacked

he stops and says what when

i get of my horse when i get close enough

i go to him and pull my gun out fast and point it at his head

reach for ur gun and i pull the trigger boy

plz dont kill me he says

just listen and dont do anything stupid and youll live i get near him and grab his gun on his rightside

once i have i start taking alright tell me do u want to live

he says immediately yes who wouldn't

good good cuz ive got a deal for u you see your boss is dead i put the bullet in him myself

what colms dead

yep and we want the rest of his boys dead now heres the deal you tell me where the rest are and help us kill them after u can leave or join me

what i cant theyll kill me

no they wont ill protect u well only if u join me

what if i refuse

then bill tortures u then we kill u and find another what im given u is a chance to leave alive or join a gang that cares about its members and has a plan for a better life and which you can be a part of

y me

because my gut tells me ur different then other odriscals i can see it in your eyes so choose so come with me and meet everyone and see the diffrence thatll make u want to stay but bewarned if u betray me or hurt anyone that i care about you will beg for death

i won't

ik u wont get on your horse and follow me


i go and get on my horse and so does he i head to camp and he follows i thought youd run away as soon as u got on your horse

well if i do without my gun chances are id die

you could survive make it down the mountain and get to the odriscals and warn them about us

i could but the O'Driscolls arent good people colm didn't even remember my name and the rest if u die they just loot your body and burn it

well we bury ours and we take care of our own were a family and you could be apart of that if you cooperate

you said that you guys had a plan for a better life

yes were going to buy land overseas or here it doesnt matter really where after that well live of the land and make a new life for ourselves hire people to work and sell the crops for money and grow everything have a better life where the law doesn't chase and we are high up on the food chain of the world

that sounds great

yea a good life with no troubles you interested

of course

good when the gang accepts u which will take a while you were an O'Driscoll you cant expect them to soon

yea ik were your getting at

good. their's our camp

whats your name anyways i never asked


kieran Duffy

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