
Chapter 1 Meeting yin and yang

My name is Arthur Golden and right now I'm in what i call the void thinking to myself about everything that was my life so far.

'When I was a child since the age of 7 I studied, I trained my body to the peak, and now you're probably wondering what kind of child does that well not many but since I was at a tender age I was a prodigy, I was always smart and wise enough that when I read a book I would remember the contents, though throughout the years my outlook on life changed every time I looked outside all I saw was pure chaos and insanity. I was intrigued when I found a comic on my phone, this day per chance it was the best read of my life it kept me entertained when I was bored at school, I read it when I woke up, before I went to sleep, in the car. I read it every day everywhere it was incredible but two bad things came from that.

'(1) I couldn't watch superhero movies I started getting mad that the villains never win or the fact that heroes must chose the people instead of their families or loved ones that was bullshit and (2) it showed me the reality of life one day I will weaken and become old and brittle till i die and become worm food and everything I leave behind no matter how great will turn to dust sooner or later.'

'I remember exactly when I figured out that this how the world really is, I felt anger and rage for the fact that no matter what I do my flesh will be food and my bones will become dust, since I I was smart I understood that I couldn't change it so what did I do, I slowed it down even if it was inevitable.'

'Anyway I also studied to have an easy life I built a company, had a big house well more of a fucking Mansion and it was great, I partied, I drank, had sex and got high of off pot, no hard drugs though, but between all that I trained myself the whole time in knives, guns, medicine and the worlds history. also i learned about humans the smartest but stupidest species we are killing our own planet we fight over pieces of paper that we say has value we fall into cardinal desires and do what we can to forget about our impending deaths most except it since they don't have a choice others are happy to go because they believe that they'll join their gods I'm an atheist what kind of sick fuck makes you smart enough to know you'll die but doesn't give you a way of stopping it if there is a god he's a dick.'

'Anyway, I trained and learned all for one reason to forget about my futurw death and in a hope that I would also get a chance to go to another world and maybe be able to become immortal so these skills would be needed.'

'To be honest it might sound stupid for someone so smart to think that they could gain immortality but since I couldn't accept the reality no matter how smart I was I read fanfiction and novels, watched anything that was magical or gave me an escape from life, because training wasn't my whole life and this helped me deal with the fact that I would die and become nothing, so after I watched something or read something I always wondered what would I have done different or the same and then it hit me, having a chance at immorality would be a big accomplishment or just some fun.

'Okay so lets go back to what I was saying, I didn't accept it I made myself believe that after I die I'll reincarnate and have a chance for immorality and omnipotence, but it's wrong to fool one's self, this is something that is very true but if i didn't id live in fear and anguish and wouldn't be able to enjoy the short life I had since I wouldn't be able to forget that every day I'm one day closer to death, also whose idea was it to celebrate birthdays I mean imagine going to a child saying happy birthday your one year closer to dying, now that I think about it that would be a really fucked up yet still funny joke to tell to a toddler and just seeing him crying and everyone going what the fuck man, well I guess it wouldn't be that funny to some people.'

'Well let's get back on track again I filled my head with a false hope and I spent my life training, learning and breeding since I can't live forever might as well create life I had over 10 kids with different woman which I could only afford since I was rich.'

'I had a fun life, I created different businesses legal or otherwise my legal business made me more than enough to live off of.'

'Otherwise this was for fun and to escape my boredom when I couldn't find anything fun to read or watch, mostly to explore the darker side of humanity myself because seeing is believing.'

'It's kind of funny to me how that led to my death.'

'I was making the biggest drug deal ever created in the history of drug deals, if it worked I would have made billions, I was in a factory that made alcohol so I could talk to three cartel leaders, the feds busted in too bad they didn't know that I wasn't willing to let my family and wealth crumble with me and that I always came to these deals with c4 on me literally, it was all on my body so I blew myself, the cartel men, and a bunch of S.W.A.T and D.E.A agents to hell with me, if I was right with the c4 and all the alcohol their shouldn't even be ashes left. My oldest son will make up a lie about how I had a heart attack in my sleep and died at the age of 49 then bribe some people to make a death certificate and cremate me then he will get rid of the ashes as soon as possible as it would be the last piece of evidence that can give them away thats how i taught him man imma miss my kids.'

(Back in the void)

'I'm praying to god, the devil or whatever is out there that I'll get my chance to become immortal I would do anything.'

as i think this

" a shine of a blinding light blinds me when i look infront of me, I see two people out in the distance one made of light and one made of darkness like some cosmic beings." {Thought Arthur}

'Who are you two? and what the hell are you?' {I asked}

'Hello mortal says the dark being i am yin this is yang and we are celestials the rulers of everything in this plane of existence.' [Says yin]

'I see it's nice to meet you two.' {Says Arthur}

'It's nice to meet you to mortal but your pretty calm for a human that just died, you do know your dead right?' [Says Yang]

'Yes, I do but since I can't do anything about it why should I freak out.' {Says Arthur}

' Hes got a good point' [Says Ying]

'So, what do you need from me I'm pretty sure you aren't the judges that say whether I go to heaven or hell that sounds pretty below your pay grade like way below.' {Says Arthur}

'You are correct.' [Says Yang]

'we are here for something else we have chosen you to take one of our places.' [Says Yin]

'Why me?' {asks Arthur}

'You will know some day, you will figure it out and everything will make sense for why you were chosen.'[Says Yang]

'So, I will become one of you, which one though?' {Says Arthur}

'That is not for us to decide it shall be your choice in a way when the time comes it might take you a day to figure it or even a millennia.' [Says Yin]

'What about the other one, the one I don't choose what happens to him?' {asks Arthur}

'You will one day meet him you won't know who he is till the time is right and him just like you will become either yin or yang now you must first find out who you are and then find out who's worthy you pick him as he picks you.' [Says Yang]

'So, one of us will be evil and the other good?' {Says Arthur}

'No you might represent good or evil but you don't have to be good or evil, hmmm it's hard to explain to such a dumb primate but I'll give it a shot' [Says Yang]

'Me I am the light but I can destroy a world and all its inhabitants without blinking once and still be the light as for yang he can save a dying world and be happy about it' [Says Yang]

'How is that possible if your yang shouldn't you only do good and him evil?'

'Be patient mortal one day you'll understand what it means to be good or evil I can give you the true answer but that won't help you.' [Says Yang]

'You will need to figure it out on your own.' [Says Yin]

'Ok so what exactly are you two?' {Says Arthur}

'We are celestials.' [Both Yin and Yang said]

'I understand that but what does it that mean?' {Says Arthur}

'A celestial is basically the highest being that you can reach you can't go any higher, they look over things and make sure everything is balanced but even we can't leave here to go to another plain of existence, or even to become even more powerful and wiser unless we have a replacement to take over.' [Says Yin]

'Our predecessors the first yin and yang who created this plain noticed that since no matter what it's impossible to reach the pinnacle of perfection since once something is perfect it was a failure they were disgusted about the fact that they failed to evolve anymore and couldn't become stronger or smarter they realized it was because they had reached the peak in this realm and the realm itself wouldn't allow them to keep going higher but they believed that there must be a way to go higher but something was holding them back chains of a sort after a few years of thinking and investigation which is a very, very long time for mortals, they figured out that they need replacements so that the existence of this realm still existed even though they created this realm and controlled it, created its laws and yet don't have to follow them, but you would think that they would be able to leave but this realm is like a living organism it needed them so it worked for them but once it realized it would die without them it forced them to stay unless they found a replacement so they gave a chance to two mortals which were us, and now it's our turn since we have reached our peak we have learned all we can here from every world and universe and have become the smartest and most powerful beings our guess is our predecessors are waiting for us to take their place in the next realm that way the cycle never stops you take over for us we take over for them then you and your future partner will choose your successors to keep the cycle going.' [Says Yang]

'Incredible, how do I become a celestial?' {Asks Arthur}

'Well you need a strong soul for starters to get that u need experience lots of it and power so what happens is we throw you in different worlds, even if you get some kind of immortality or godhood that gives you unlimited power for mortals, anyway after a few trillion years you will realize that it's pretty weak so we will bring you back here take that power and bottle it up then throw you into another world and repeat the same thing, when you have enough power that will be the thing that will help you cultivate a body then you'll just need a container to become your celestial body and with it comes your new life.' [Says Yang]

'As soon as you and your partner become celestials we will be forced out of here meaning everything that we created in this plane of existence or realm will disappear with us.' [Says Yin]

'And all that's going to be left is pure nothingness that nothingness is the realm in its infant state it will be like that till you figure out what to do with it.' [Says Yang]

'As for your soul we would take most of it, the more you experience the stronger and bigger your soul gets so we would shrink it keep most of it bottled up and store it since a mortal human body can't hold all that power unless it goes through a sequence, if it does not your body rots and dies the soul is like your essence as long as a tiny piece is left you will be Eternal but also a celestial body needs a powerful soul if you make the body and your soul isn't strong enough you will be rejected out with no way to get back into your celestial body for let's say a while, you humans don't have a big enough number for the time it would take for your soul to strengthen itself enough to be able to take over the body.' [Says Yin]

'What else is there?' {Says Arthur}

'Hmmm I think that's it for now any other questions?' [Says Yang]

'Yes, so once I go into a world will I be their till I die.' {Says Arthur}

'Yes and no.' [Says Yin]

'let's say we put you into a world you do stuff and then everything is just calm you will not experience anything anymore and your basically not growing, your soul and knowledge might grow but your power will not which makes you stuck so we speed things up you will be able to see everything but at a fast speed, we can wait for eternity till you are ready but the sooner the better, also in a magical world you can become immortal like a god and rise up the ranks to the king of the gods but you can't become any more powerful and you don't die so we take you out of that world and your back here of course you will remember everything that you went through even the parts that were sped up.' [Says Yang]

'If for some reason you do die prematurely you will come back here, and we will send you to another world to continue the same process.' [Says Yin]

'Alright that is cool but what happens to the world if I get pulled out of it?' {Says Arthur}

'You will just be forgotten if you died like everyone else, but if you get a kind of immortality we take the core of you soul, and leave a fake core, it knows that its fake and its only purpose is to keep growing, the longer you live the bigger the soul gets so it will stay in that world and try to become stronger if it reaches its peak it will stay and rule till it's time to merge back with you.' [Says Yang]

'So, any more questions or are u ready?' [Says Yin]

'What if it tries to become me and I'm the one merged into the fake core?' {Says Arthur}

'No need to be worried no matter what if it's not the original core it will merge into you and if it tries to make a core itself and allow itself to be able to make you merge into itself then we will stop him so you don't need to worry about that problem.' [Says Yang]

'Ok, that's my last question so is their like a system that i can get?' {Says Arthur}

'Yes, but only on your first world, so u don't die to fast we will make it the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S you get in those useless virtual games you mortals like to waste your time on, I'll give you quest that will make things interesting for you mortal.' [Says Yin]

'And you will be keeping any of the skills that you learn from those worlds you have traveled to.' [Says Yang]

'That sounds sweet but can I pick the world?' {Says Arthur}

'sure.' [Says Yin]

'Then I choose a world similar to Red Dead Redemption 2 if you know what that is.' {Says Arthur}

Yes we know what that is and I guess since I let you choose then it shall be done but it will be like you are stuck in the video game itself, when you finish the tutorial I will give you one wish but don't expect another one from me so make it count and yang will also give you one but you can save that one for the future when you have really need something whe you have used them both and you want something you need to get it yourself, also we will be watching so make things entertaining if not we will speed things up and throw you somewhere more dangerous and more entertaining for us because why not have some fun with this.' [Says Yin with a grin]

'Well have fun we will make it so you are on the mountain just as the start of the game, when they get to the mountain, you will have a young body at the approximate age of 21, enjoy and make this interesting we will be leaving the supernatural as in the game like big foot and the vampire, what you decide to do is only up to you, your choice alone, Goodbye mortal and may you prosper in this new world.' [Says Yang]

(In a flash of light, I end up on a mountain.)

To be continued .....

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