
Reincarnated in Prison School

Hi! I'm Kojin (Deceased) I know it's a weird name but I like it. It like a name of a very badass character or what my friends always told me.

Some hours ago I was on my birthday party. After my parents made a lot of pictures and we had some fun togheter like every normal family my brother send me at a susprise party. It was the best day of my life! I became 18 so we had alcohol and we drank like it was no tomorrow. However this storm start and I was outside vomiting because of the alcohol the next thing I know I was hearing a very loud noise and everything became dark.

Now I'm next to a angel boy and a female god who arguing. How I know they are a god and a angel because the boy have this beautiful weird wings on his back. I expect that the angels to look divine like some supermodels but this boy looked.. How to say it plain black eyes, black hair nothing unusual at him except for the wings.

The woman was... well how to say it in a nice way without to look like a pervert. Gorgeous? Beautiful? Just imagine the most beautiful female in this world and it would look like a very bad parody of Joker next to her. Whe I got here the boy call her godness and from there the spectacle began.

Godness-"How could you did this mistake!?

AngelBoy-"I was asleep! They party till 02:00am you know I just close my eyes for a se... "

Godness-"... 5 days, 3 hours, 33 minutes and 55 seconds. IT'S A MIRACLE HE DOESN'T DIED MUCH EARLY!!!."

AngelBoy-"Oh... that much... Hehehe... W-Well you see... Well, I-Its his fault for not being careful!"

The boy point a finger at me I just stare at them. Now I think I have a idea what the heck happened her. This guy it's like my guardian angel, a very bad one and because he didn't look after me I died, I think I don't really know. Maybe I just fall in my head and now I have just a very weird dream but maybe...

My thoughts were interrupted by a evil aura I turn my neck and I see the godness with a very scary look in her eyes.

Godness-"You did not do your job and now throw all the blame on a poor soul that died because of you? You'll gonna pay, Alexander."

I was trembling like a little girl in front of boogeyman. I shallow my spit and I rise my arm. The godness saw my and made a surprise face.

Godness-"Oh my! I'm very sorry Kojin-San you don't have to raise your arm to speak"

"Thank you... We-Well I have a lot of questions but can you be a bit easy with him. I-it's my fault for drinking and please don't get so mad you'll end up made a bad decision who you'll probably regret... "

Hey! I not can't just let her do this even if he deserve it. When somebody is this mad you must calm down if not you could take some choices you'll definitely regret them later. I don't want something to happen to him only because he was a bit careless. I lived a pretty good life I didn't get bullied and have a couple of friends who I love greatl. If he got a 5 days vacation its not like I can complaint.

Godness-"Oh my, oh my! You are a truly good person its a shame that you died.

Alexander's face was fully of guilt not just he kill me but also he throw all the blame on me because he was too scared of the godness. I can't be mad at him. I was the same. The godness look its nothing compared with my mom look. Its like the reincarnation of Satan was reading my soul! Sometimes when I know I screwed up I would throw the blame at my big brother or younger sisters.

.... Hehehe.... I only did that to escape hell but when my mother fund out the truth I wished to be in hell... From that horrible memories I learned to tell the truth and if you throw the blame to your little sister you'll wake up without eyebrow. Alexander look at me like a puppy who did something wrong. Hhhmmm Alexander it's too long for my taste I will call him Alex. Yeah!

Alex-"Sorry, it's all my fault. I was exhausted and I wanted a vacation. I couldn't imagined this would happen. I'm very sorry Kojin-San"

Yes! He did it! Admitting your mistakes with sincerely and puppy eyes always work! If he would cry a bit the chances of getting no punishment would be raised with 29%.

"Don't ya worry and you can call me Kojin or Jin. Now that I will stay here let's be friends!"

I died but its not that bad I already made a friend. That guy made some big hopeful eyes and he hug me.

Alex-"Big Brother!"

Alex bury his face in my chest and holding me tighter. Damn its getting weird. I almost said "No homo." But its a lady here so I hold my tounge.

Like he did know what I was thinking he separed by me blushing.

Godness-"I'm happy that you're not mad Kojin-San but unfortunately you can't stay here."

Thank you for clearing this awkward moment godness-sama good jo... Wait a minute. Did she said I can't stay here, but I died. I put a hand on my back and nothing is unusual, just my back. Some people would be happy but for me this means... Damn! Heh, I think they don't throw me "there" for no reason. I don't remember but I think I did dome pretty mess up things. I look down depress and I walk slowly to godness I stop in front of her, she was looking at me with a confused face. I thing she don't know I figured it out.

"I'm sorry for my sins. I know is useless to say it now but at least I did something good before to get in hell.

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