
Chapter 1 Where it all begin


A very bright light is the first thing I saw when open my eyes.

'So bright. I thought I closed my window and I why is there a tree in my room' I thought, looking around


'Oh… Now I remember, it have been a few days since I ended up here'

*Flash back*

3 days ago

'Woah, why is it so dark and when was I unconscious' I thought

'And what is this place? It's so dark' That's when my hand touched a "wall"

'Wait what? A wall? Why is there a wall around me? And why does this wall felt so weird? It felt warm but at the same time it cold. It felt hard yet soft at the same time. How did someone made this wall and what are the materials of it?'

Then i felt an urge to break those wall around me.

'I don't understand! Why do I feel like I have to break these wall? But something tell me that I have to get out of this place'

I start pushing the "wall" and keep putting more force into it. I doesn't care about anything around me anymore. All I care now is to get out of this place, even though I don't know why.


And I finally destroyed the 'wall' then…

'Uh… A forest? And I am inside an… egg?'

An egg is white with blue dots on them.

'These tree are so tall as if I am in some kind of fantasy world… or am I?'

'I am inside of an egg and everything look so big to me, not to mention that..' I then bring my 'hand' in front of my face


'Uh… This wasn't a dream, right? Everything look so real. And now I have paw instead of hand but it look familiar'

'But it confirm that I am no longer a human. Does that mean that my family won't be able to recognize me anymore?'

Then realization strike me.

'I have no one to care about anyways. I doesn't have any friends either.'

I jump out of the egg shell and start examining my body.

'Hm… Alright. I know what I am now. But seriously, a Riolu? Does that mean I will become lucario eventually? If that's the case then why is my colour red instead of blue? Am I inside some kind of parallel universe or something?'


'I will think about it latter. For now I will find something to eat, with this new body I am pretty sure that it would be easy... But seriously, I can't believe that this is real.'

I looked at the egg shell for the last time before walking away.



I fell to the ground.

'That's so embarrassing, I hope no one saw that' I thought, embarrassed

'But it hard to walk with new body, If I can't even walk then how am I going to find anything to eat'

*Flash back end*

'And that's how I ended up here. I spend 3 days trying to find some food but I couldn't find anything except for berry which I don't even know if normal Riolu even eat and I drink water from river that I don't even know if it clean enough or not'

I don't know where to go so all I do is follow the river, hoping to find something.

But after 3 days I still found nothing. Not even a single pokemon

'Seriously am I in Pokemon universe? If I am inside of Pokemon world. How come there is not even a single Pokemon?'

'But on the good side I don't encounter any Pokemon which is lucky since I won't get myself in trouble. Not to mention if bad trainers show up and 'kidnap' me'

For now all I can do is run in the same direction

'Am I getting lucky or am I being unlucky? What if this was some kind of punishment for something that I have done?'


While I am thinking about stuff I done when I was human. I saw the end of river, it is a giant lake with many different kind of Pokemon and...

'Trainer?' I could here them talking. My ears are better and my eyes could see further.

'I should avoid getting close to them. With my weird colour. I could be spotted easily...'

I look around trying to find something interesting.

'Hmm? What is he doing? A binoculars? He is looking this way!'

I quickly run away from river as fast as I could.

I keep running deeper into the forest.

'phew. That was close. I have to be more carefu-'

"Are you sure that you really see it here" said adult male.

"Yeah, I am sure. I saw it run away right here" said younger male.

'What?! Someone saw me? And how could they reach here so fast?'

"But did you really saw Red Riolu. You know that red red Riolu doesn't exist, right?" said adult male

"I am sure! And I will let the world see it too. That is why bring this camera with me so I could take a photo of it" said younger male

'Not only that someone saw me but they are going to take a photo of me too?' I thought, decide to hide behind nearby bushes.

"What is that noise? Maybe it is trying to hide and accidently make a noise" said younger male.

After that I heard a sound of footsteps getting closer

'I messed up again!' I tried to move but my leg got stuck on the bushes 'Why did all of sudden I keep messing up stuff! If I move now they are going to find me!'

Suddenly the sound of footsteps stopped.

'What? Why did they stop? Did they found something? But why doesn't they speak anything? Did they somehow pass out?'


I heard a sound of someone taking a photo

"What? You found it?" said adult male

"Ah, sorry. I am just making sure that the camera is working" said younger male

'ah haha.... I thought they really found me for a moment ther-' I accidentally pull out my leg from the bush.

"Something just move behind that bush just now" said younger male

Then I heard sound of footsteps coming closer.

"Hey are you sure that it not just random Pokemon?" said adult male

'He found me!' I start running away as fast as I could but I did a small mistake.

I run into plain part of the forest and there is not a single tree around that area.

"Got you!" said younger male.


Just a few inches away from bush but he took a picture of me.

I am currently sitting behind the bush. Sweating and panicking

'Oh no. Did they really took a photo of me.' I sit there panicking and hope that they didn't take a photo of me.

"Oh you found it?" said adult male

"Yes! Look at this picture!" said younger male

"Hmm... Look like it really does exist" said adult male

'This is very bad. They really took a photo of me'

"So what are you going to do with it now? This is pretty big discovering you know? " said adult male.

"All I want is to take a photo of pokemons. But I will post this picture online so if someone manage to catch it. I might get more photos of it" said the younger male

"Whatever, just keep in mind that it will just run away and people probably won't be able to find it" said adult male.

"Yeah, that might be the case. But for now this is enough" said younger male before walking away


Right now I am shivering and shocked to what will happen to me once people find out about me.

'They are going to catch me and will force me to battle with other pokemon even if I don't want to. Why me? I am basically just a Riolu with different colour, I am not even good at fighting. I am basically useless.

'Just 3 days after I turn into Riolu with different colour I am already getting attention'


'I completely forgot I haven't eat anything since morning. I feel so tired but I have to find something to eat on my own. This is what I hate the most when it come to bring pokemon but I will get use to it eventually' I though before walking deeper into the forest.


Hello! Author is here. So how is the chapter? Do you like it? I hope you do since if not then I might rewrite again someday if it get worse. Anyways have a good day!!

Will they like this rewrite tho.

Asriel_IsDreemurrcreators' thoughts
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