
2 - Young Genius?

It didn't take long for him to get there, a few minutes after he arrived, the square was full of students and there were some chunin and jonin nearby.

One of them wearing a ponytail, approached and said.

"Good morning everyone, I presume that all of you here dreams to become a good shinobi, however not everyone can enter the shinobi academy, if you pass the test you will be qualified to study here." he and the other chunin took out a formulary and started giving it to every child present.

"Fill up the formulary and after you guys finish follow me."

Sasuke POV (Point of view)

I look at the form and I can't help but think how realistic it is, maybe the anime and manga show only a percentage of their true reality.

Well, it makes sense, after all you don't want to see the protagonist's daily life, he brushing his teeth and using the bathroom isn't what I would call exciting.

Lets just finish this.

Third person POV

As soon as everyone was finished, they handed the form over and started following the guy with a ponytail.

As they walked towards the testing ground, Sasuke looked at the place with stars in his eyes: 'Isn't that the place where Kakashi beat the hell out of Obito? Amazing!'

The man with the ponytail stopped and looked at everyone before continuing.

"Ok guys, first of all, you can call me Iruka sensei, my job here is to evaluate you and decide whether you will be accepted or not, there is a limit to how many people we can accept, because of that you will need to do your best If you want to study here! "

Clenching their fists, everyone had a fiery aura around them, being a shinobi is a necessity if not an extremely good opportunity, everyone will try their best!

"First you need to hit a target with a shuriken, second you need to hit the tree with a kick or a punch, third and last one of our sensitive chunin will assess how much chakra you have."

After that, they started calling alphabetically, one by one, most students missed their target and left discouraged to try the next test. There, most students had a similar level of strength, but in the last one, unless you're a hyuga, there's no way to tell how well the students did.

Then Naruto's turn came, almost everyone looked at him with some kind of hate in their eyes. Seeing this situation, Sasuke couldn't help looking at the window in the academy building where the hokage was watching the test.

'How can you let Naruto live this kind of life, he is just a child and yet he is treated as if he were some kind of demon, instead of the son of the hero who sacrificed his life to protect the entire village! It reminds me of some of the fanfics I read before I reincarnated, perhaps they were not wrong in representing Sarutobi as an imbecile!'

In the first test he literally missed all the targets. Everyone started laughing and saying bad things about him.

"Haha, looked at the demon, he can't even throw a shuriken right!"

"Why would this piece of shit participate in the test, he doesn't deserve to be here!"

Even though Sasuke wanted to help him, he didn't want to do it yet, he wanted to see with his own eyes how would Naruto react to all of this. Sasuke always remembered the scene in the battle of the bridge were kakashi spoke to that child saying that dispite all the problems and hatred the people had towards him he never cried. Sasuke never believed that because as a child its to difficult to have this level of willpower even more so considering that Naruto was born during times of peace.

Clenching his eyes, he looked closely at the scene in front of him and to his surprise, even though Naruto had a dejected expression, he said nothing and simply went on to the next test.

In the test of strength, Naruto really managed to shut everyone up. With a single punch, he left an inch deep mark on the tree. This is probably due to his Uzumaki lineage, if he was not mistaken, the benefits of being a Uzumaki was the stronger than average body and the large chakra reserves.

As for the last test, there was no surprise, at least for Sasuke, being an Uzumaki and Jinchuriki it would be expected that Naruto chakra reserves was monstrous.

One of the teachers watching couldn't help but look at the scene with his mouth agape! Chakra reserves that reaches those of a jounim and a force like that without any training ... This child was a monster in the literal sense!

Next chapter