
Big Brain Sakura.


Wiping away the sweat on his brow Megumi watched the newly added mud-stone dome settle down into his backyard as he collapsed onto the grassy floor all around him.

"Who'd have thought that one teleportation would take all my chakra away. Too little!"

Sitting in the grass Megumi thought about what Ashina had just told him.

'If I were you, I'd get people from other nations too.'

"Why didn't I think of that! Don't all the best secret organizations go international!?"

"But, who should I recruit from these other countries?"

"Who else do I know?"

"Zabuza? Hmm...Someone from the land of lightning who'd even betray their country? Is there really anyone like that possible? I don't think so…well at least I can keep it at the back of my mind for later when I actually find someone like that."

"What are you doing Megi?" Sakura arrived at the backyard since she'd been tasked with bringing him for lunch.

"...nothing much, I was just bringing this dome here."

"What does it do?" Sakura asked, walking ahead to stand by his side.

"Lets you speak to the dead."

"..." Sakura stared at Megumi for a couple of seconds and then back at the dome as a switch flipped in her head.

"Oh! The place you told you spoke to Ashina, Toka and Izuna!"

"Yep." Megumi agreed.

"I want to too! Take me!"

"No, can't do that."

"Aww!? Why!?" Sakura asked, lightly hitting Megumi's back, as he stood up using her hands to pull himself, as a form of protest.

"Because you can't use Universal Sage Mode."

"....Argghh!!! I don't like you!"

"What did I do!? And shouldn't I be the one that's angry with you since you tried scaring me last time?!"

Sakura just turned her head away as she continued walking back into their castle and to the grand hall but made sure to drag him along the way.

"Rura!" Megumi whispered, prompting her to hum in question, asking him to continue.

"Rura, I'm tired! Carry me!" Megumi said as he promptly dropped onto Sakura's back like a child while Sakura did her best not to fall over because of the sudden weight that had been thrust upon her.

"What are you doing Megi! Don't be silly!"

"Nooo!!!! Carry mee!!!!! It's your punishment for scaring me!!!"

Sakura gave up knowing Megumi wouldn't agree and continued walking into the hall talking to Megumi about her day.

"Megi... I have this idea that I wanna make."

"Oh? What is it about?"

"I don't want reveal it to you so soon. I wanna gift it to you!"

"Oh! Now you've really got me excited! What is it that you want from me then?"

"Not really that much, but I just feel like it could become a really popular product in the store. Can I?"

"Oh!!!? So I'm going to be the first ever person to use it!?"

"...." Sakura felt confused for a second and then looked directly at Megumi only to find him genuinely really excited about it.

"...?" Megumi became confused at Sakura's confusion and then suddenly something clicked in his head which caused him to get sad.

"How could you Rura!? How could you do this to me!?"

"Megi! I'm sorry I just wanted to let everyone hav-" Sakura tried to explain herself but Megumi interrupted her by speaking at the same time.

"You already named it without me! How could you not even let me name my own birthday gift!?" 

Megumi stopped after he spoke as both he and Sakura looked at each other in a confused way.

"...what are you talking about?" Megumi asked Sakura.

"Aren't you sad that I'll be using your gift as a prototype for selling others the same thing in Haruno store?"

"Why would I be sad about that?" Megumi asked, making a face like he'd been offended.

"But... you always make us such personalized gifts. I thought…"

"*sigh* No, I don't care about that as long as you really want me to have something I won't really care if it's a simple paper crane, I'd be happy anyway and love you and the gift just as much since it means you're trying to give me something that means a whole lot to you!"

Sakura felt her cheeks redden, but she didn't let Megumi notice them by turning away.

They walked in silence for a while before Megumi asked, "By the way, you're letting me na-"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NEVER! YOUR ATROCIOUS NAMING SKILLS! I'LL DIE BEFORE I LET YOU EVER NAME ANYTHING AGAIN!" Sakura shouted so loud, everyone in the grand hall heard her and began remembering the times Megumi had insisted on a name.

Megumi's naming skills were peculiar. Very peculiar. So much so that it was best left to the darkness of history to be forgotten.











As they entered the hall, they saw Mebuki cough a little which prompted Sakura to drop Megumi like she'd never picked him up at all and continue waking to her seat on the table.

Megumi who was on his butt felt a glare and a chill run down his spine whose source he traced to the busty blond haired lady sitting on the other side of the table, Tsunade.

"What was it that you were going to do on New Year's Day Megumi?" Tsunade asked in a kind and polite tone that definitely matched the horrific expression on her face.

"...what have you done." Megumi whispered out loud as he looked at Sakura who promptly ignored him once again.

Sliding along the floor for a while until a butler managed to help him up, Megumi sat down on his chair at the table and continued pretending as if Tsunade didn't exist.

The servants served food as they all soon began eating their food and spoke to each other about their day while Megumi did his best to ignore Tsunade.

After a while when everyone was done and the butlers and maids picked up their plates and replaced them with after fresheners, Tsunade spoke calmly.

"Megumi, I need to tell you something." Tsunade said, which startled Megumi, but he kept a calm face and replied.

"Tsuna-nee if you didn't want me to retaliate then you shouldn't have pranked me first."

"..." Tsunade became silent but then continued to speak again, "I'm talking about something else."


"Yes. I need to tell you, I think it won't be possible to publish those simple jutsu you were talking about." Tsunade spoke in a serious tone that grabbed the attention of everyone around the table.

"Why? What happened?" Megumi asked hurriedly.

"Remember the village that you and Sakura found the citizens of?"

"Those that were being experimented on?" Megumi asked with certainty for clarification as everyone winced at his brutal words.

"Yes." Tsunade said and continued, "They got a new Kage."

"Isn't that nice?" Sakura interrupted. "Unless it's a person that Rasa planted again?"

"No, this time it's not Rasa." Tsunade clarified.

"Then wha-" Megumi tried to speak, but Sakura interrupted him by instantly reading between the lines.

"DANZO." Sakura's voice was purely filled with venom, but she continued nevertheless. "Will there be a war?" Sakura asked with tension and doubt a question both Mebuki and Kizashi had but left Megumi confused.

"Why war?" Megumi asked.

"Megi, you remember where the village was located right?"

"Borde- Ah. You're saying, they're going to destabilize the situation?" Megumi asked, his eyes returning to hold a calmer outlook.

"Yes." Tsunade responded, "For now that's all we think will happen, but I'm not so sure about that. No one really is."

"If I may ask, how did you know it was Danzo who did it?" Megumi asked.

"It was because of the portrait Sakura painted about the people we should be wary off."

"Oh!? So you found Kabuto? He was made the Kage? They trust him so much?"

"Yes. It would seem so."

"Huh. I see."

"Tsunade-sama, do you know how it'll impact the trade between Sunagakure and Konoha then?"

"Well, at this moment we're not sure since the Haruno store goods are too big an advantage not to have, so I don't think they'll directly disrupt any of our caravans. But under the surface, placing bounties, sending shinobi to disrupt trade with other countries, all of those things that cannot really be tracked, remain on the table."

Kizashi frowned as he heard this since his work had just become exponentially harder from this point on as both sides would also try and keep using his caravans as a way to infiltrate other shinobi countries under the guise of working to protect them.

"No. Nothing will happen to Haruno store caravans." Sakura spoke, bringing confusion into everyone.

"What do you mean Rura?"

"Just that. No one will do anything to the Haruno store caravans. Since our next products will be too revolutionary. If they have to do anything then they'll have to make their entire village suffer and not grow alongside the others. And I doubt that'll last long when people see how green the grass is on the other side."

"That's not realistic at all, why would countries on any side spend money on the Haruno store products if there was a war. And even if we forget about money what about people!? Since all our employees can use chakra, they can technically still participate in war." Tsunade countered, but Sakura maintained her business focus.

"No. We can just provide them for free during the war and extract the price from the people on the other side once they surrender after loss."

Sakura's words put a silence to everyone on the table after which there was an abrupt question from Mebuki.

"How do you think we'll handle selling so many things for free?! Did you hide money from us?!"

"Well, maybe but not really. Since I handled the finances, I always pushed most of our money into the orphanages of Konoha. And since none of them really use all that much, we've got a lot of money saved up."

"How!? What about the Hokage's office? Didn't they spot any of this?"

"They did. But how can they speak up when they come out of those same orphanages that I basically run? And it wasn't like I did it directly, I just increased the wages of people from the orphanages who worked in our store, and most of their money is donated to the orphanages instead. On paper, it looks like they are very kind-hearted individuals, while in reality I still hold power over them. It's a win-win for everyone."

"..." Sakura's words put everyone into a stunned silence as they watched her sip on the drink that had been placed in front of her.

"What about people?" Tsunade still asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"...well the kids in the orphanages might or might not know how to use chakra." Sakura shrugged.

"How did you keep that hidden from the ANBU!?" Tsunade asked with obvious confusion.

"Well that was easy. Too easy in fact that I don't know how no one noticed it. I initially thought it was a trap, but then I just realized no one had changed the previous laws that existed before the Hokage introduced the new ones, so I got lucky."

"What exactly did you do!?"

"Well, you know how after passing from the academy you get to meet your Jonin teacher?"

"Yes." Tsunade responded, since she was the most familiar as she was currently a teacher there.

"Well, what happens if you fail the Jonin teacher's exam?"

"You need to become a member of the Genin corps."


"You can't use members of the Genin corps without paying the village! That's a law!"

"True. But no one said you need to pay the village for students who fail to graduate from the academy itself."

Another bout of silence captured the people around the table as Tsunade tried opening her mouth to speak only to shut it later and repeat the action every few seconds like a fish.

That was when they realized while Megumi plays chess with people during his pranks, Sakura played fifth dimensional chess in real life.

As Sakura continued to sip on her drink looking cool, Megumi asked her a question, "If I may ask, Rura, why did you go to such lengths?"

Everyone expected something more complicated and well reasoned, but this time Sakura said a single word, a word that sent chills up everyone's spine because of the way it was said.


The single word felt more like 'That bastard. I'll hunt him till the end of the world if I have to and kill him there.'

'Scary.' That was what everyone on the table thought while they watched Sakura's cat Meowgi walk up and jump onto Sakura's lap while she rubbed its soft fur.

'All cat ladies are crazy.' Megumi remembered. 'I should've known.'

'Wait. But didn't I introduce her to cats?'

'Am I to blame?'


A/N: Any ideas for a character that can join the O5 Council from other nations? Preferably characters from fillers and not main stories.

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