
A tango of views.

"Finally awake huh?"

I woke up with an abrupt start.

'I'm in Skyrim?'

As I looked around and noticed everything, I found I was in what I assumed was my memory palace or a super awesome replica and then I spotted Sakura huddled in a corner as memories of the last conversation flowed back into my mind.

I can't hear her thoughts anymore? Ah! My brain feels a little free, and I can feel the presence of a second one that I can tell is hers. So as long as there is a connection between the two of them we can talk in our minds? Jedi?

"Ho- how? Am I alive?"

"I know a thing or two about healing." Sakura said her hand glowing a light green.


"So what's your name?" she asked in a rather dull voice.

Looking at her dull lifeless eyes and face a smirk made it's way to my face as I said. "S-A-K-U-R-A, Sakura"

She looked at me for a second thinking I was calling her but then saw that I was smirking and replaced her dull look with an irritated and angry one.

"Do I look like I'm joking to you!? Do you think me being trapped here is a joke!?"

I got a little serious and shook my head as I looked her in the eye. I wanted to test her mental state and find out if she would still act compulsively or if she could control her compulsions so I immediately brought back the smirk and said. "You're already in such a situation, why not laugh while you are at it!"


I sat down beside her after noticing she never did anything other than shout while she said that, now I just felt pity for her and her situation but there was nothing I could do to make this situation better than joke as Jake did with me when I was like this, in spite of how annoying it all was. I didn't know how to tell mum and dad that I had taken the place of their daughter just yet. It felt kind of overwhelming to do so, how do you go about saying to a parent that their child was replaced by one from another world?

I turned towards her with a serious look. Perhaps it was her ninja training or otherwise, seeing me serious she got serious as well.

"You know what's the scariest plant in the forest?!" I asked calmly in an unnerving manner that sent chills up her spine.

"Wha- whats- "

"Answer me! What's the scariest plant in the forest?!"

"I- I don't know? Blood wood tre-"

"No its bam-BOO" I jumped at her and started to tickled her and then immediately jumped back to the other side of the table so she couldn't catch me and started rolling on the floor with laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You should've see your face when I said 'boo'. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You're a scardy cat!"


With three hits on my head and a few on my face I was once again sitting beside Sakura with an apologetic and painful look on my face.

*Deep Exhale*

"I'm trying to be serious here! Listen to me! Please!" Sakura pleaded after a deep exhale.

Looking at her I couldn't help but feel sad and a little guilty even though all this was not my fault as she was a person who had no one to listen to her for more than a year and a half so I conjured two warm fluffy and soft blankets with prints of Nyan cat on them, wrapping one around her and then myself I replied.

"Look we don't have a way to figure out what's happening, so the best we can do is make do with what ever we have. Don't be so down! Let's start again! I'm Anish, Anish Giri from a different world." I said holding out my hand for her to hold from under the warm blanket.

"Haruno, Sakura Haruno." She paused as if contemplating what to say but then she explained further. "Sakura Haruno, from the future." she held my hand but refused to let it go as if I might vanish at any moment, but I didn't think she realized what she was doing since she never reacted in anyway while keeping my hands entangled in hers.

"Huh!? From the future!? Is that why you're grown up? I see. I see. Yes that makes sense. How did it happen though?"

"I was fighting with a lady who was locked up on the moon for centuries before all of a sudden I came back here when I looked her in the eye." Sakura said while eyeing me.

Is she telling me this because she knows I know the future and wants to know if I'll lie to her or is she just telling me for the sake of telling me? She already knows I named the rabbit Kaguya right? She's been stuck for nearly two years so she probably has thought of a few ideas to question me. Let's go along with it for now.

"You mean Kaguya?"

"You know Kaguya?" She asked me with wariness and caution in her eyes.

"I do know Kaguya, at least I think I do, as long as you're not talking about our pet rabbit there's only one, like I said I'm from a different world."

"But then how do you know about Kaguya?" she asked her grip on my hands tightening.

I pulled my hands from her after giving it a little nudge which surprised her as she definitely hadn't realized what she was doing and turned towards the laptop that was on the table and then pulled up a picture of Kaguya on it, the scene where she was in her ice dimension.

"You mean this Kaguya right?"

Sakura although fascinated by the laptop itself, contained her questions and took in a sharp breath as soon as she saw Kaguya's picture on the screen.

"Yes, her. But how?"

"Like I told you I'm from another world right?" She nodded urging me to go on.

"So in my world there are things called Anime and Manga, things that are like novels that you have in your world but have illustrations in them and one of these stories was the story of Naruto in which he ended up fighting Kaguya along with you and Sasuke."

"So my entire world was just a story in yours? Is that why you kept talking about Naruto from when you were in my baby body, and you recognised the other people like the Fourth Hokage?" She asked as if something was broken inside her.

"Hey, hey, don't be so confused or shocked. You might look to me like a character in a book but that doesn't mean that's what it is like."

She looked at me a little confused.

'The sooner this is addressed the better. Although I could've chosen a better time I'm sure she might think I was trying to manipulate her if I don't tell her how exactly I know her and things about her. It'll only cause more drama down the line if I don't address it. And there might be further benefits I could gain in doing so, like comparing the things that were different between what I know and what she knows. I also don't want a suicidal human puppet in my head.' I though as I turned around to look at the laptop to explain further.

"Although my world might have a manga and an anime about your life, that does not mean you were just a character in the book. Your world might have existed independently of the book, and just so happened to be one of the many that was drawn into mine by accident. Or maybe I'm the one that's not real and a figment of your imagination? Anything is possible, after all endless arguments could be made about things we have no idea or clue about."

"There are many other reason too like the multiverse theory of the universe and the infinite monkey theorem that attempt at explaining such things that we have no way to prove and know or understand about so it would be rather nonsensical to think and conclude that you are just a character! If you want more proof, I can give you that too if you want."

"What more proof?" she asked.

I just pinched her nostrils shut and held her mouth to stop her from breathing.

*Smack* she slapped away my hands.

"Hey what are you doing!?"

"See, don't you want to live?"


"Don't you want to breath and continue being alive?"

"Yes, but what-?"

"Then that's enough, isn't it? Forget and stop thinking about things you don't have a solution to just to drag yourself down. You can get existential later on when you find the solutions. Just live for now, that is enough, maybe find answers if you want to."

 "Also I'm sure you already know, but what ever happened in the manga shouldn't happen anymore, since I already changed something fundamental."

"Huh? Wha- Oh!" She got furious with me again. "You killed the Third Hokage!!"

"Hey! I did nothing like killing him. He just died during the Kyuubi incident. Neither you nor I know why or how he died right now."

"But it was your actions that led to his death! You can't just act and then ignore the consequences that result from them!"

"I get what you are saying, but in that case, logically speaking, to prepare for the future, Hiruzen would've been a great deterrent to the enemies as long as he was alive and 'logically' speaking it would've been great that he lived. But I don't have the ability as a baby to do such things! What do you think would happen if a baby started speaking and telling it knew the future!? It was more of a coincidence he died at all, and the Fourth survived at all. And you think I should've stayed quite without doing anything and just watch as people died?"

"How can you talk about things like that! The Third Hokage was a great ninja! And he would've listened to you! And he'd help protect the village from the Kyuubi incident!!!"

"Look Sakura, just calm down and think about it for a second. What would you do if suddenly a random person told you they knew everything about your future and that they knew the Kyuubi would break out of it's container, which is a highly classified secret by the way. And then they told you that there was a thousand year old lady who was sealed in the moon and she was trying to escape!? Also, I'm sure you trust the Third Hokage a lot because of what you've been taught from the academy but I haven't learnt such things, all my knowledge comes from the anime I've watched which leads me to believe that he was not as good as everyone seems to think he is so I don't really care much for him or his death apart from the fact that there is one less deterrent to the scary away the enemies of the village."


"You don't get it! You are a shinobi nation! A country that keeps going to war every two decades, they'd most likely throw me to the Yamanaka clan to read all my memories, and then what happens if they find out I'm from a different world!? What then? What about your parents, who might get in their way and then be removed without anyone realizing where they'd gone and what had happened to them?" I brought her parents into the argument to appeal to her emotional side a little manipulative but I didn't think I could just randomly convince her about the Hiruzen x Danzo ship so I had no choice for now.

"But the Third is so kind! Naruto looked upto him so much!"

"Sakura. Tell me, you watched the fight between Madara fight Hashirama and the other Hokage right? Tell me how strong was Hashirama? Or How strong was the Fourth? Was Hiruzen's title as the Strongest Hokage that you studied about in the ninja academy really true?"

She had an unconvinced thoughtful expression on her face, trying to understand why I was against Hiruzen, but stayed silent for a couple of seconds nonetheless so I changed back the topic.

"Anyway, I'm not trying to argue with you about what is right and wrong, I'm sure we'll have different opinions on that since we're from completely different worlds and our ideas are very different so it doesn't matter. What I want to tell you is you are no longer in the story. You are living in a completely different world!"

"I'll explain you all the decisions I took till now later. Forget about them for now. Tell me do you want to know something more?"


"Fine. But only for now. I'll ask you everything about it later."

I nodded.

"Then, leave me alone, I need to sleep."


"Yes! You idiot! I haven't slept in since I've come back in time! I was stuck in you body and couldn't do anything!!! Not even sleep! I could only see what was happening and kept hearing your thoughts which were in a completely different language until recently!! Who wakes up everyday only to check under their panties and then let out a disappointed sigh as if it's the end of the world! Why are you checking out my body! YOU PERVERT!!!!!"

And then I got beaten up again until I fled from my own mind palace.

**Future Sakura POV**


"Cha. How tiresome. Is this how Shikamaru always feels?"

'I want to leave..... I want to see mum again. Argghhh..... I've been unable to control my own body all this time but now that I can it feels heavy with the weights of the things that are playing out around me. At least I can move and control myself now. Baby steps Sakura, baby steps! You can do this! You promised yourself you'd push through without loosing to what ever is trying to play with you! You promised you'd make them pay! You've got to do it! After all Sasuke-kun is waiting for you outside in the real world! You can do it Sakura! You are not useless.'

I looked around the small room I was in which had colourful paintings of different women in different styles all around the wall.

'He surely must be a pervert!' Sakura thought, conveniently ignoring all the posters of cool men interspersed among the women.

'There's a painting of Tsunade-sense too. Oh… there's me.'

"Is he a pervert? He doesn't look at my body with anything but disappointment ever time he's in front of a mirror but maybe he just wants to be in the body of an adult woman?"

"I wonder how Ino's doing, how Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei and Tsunade-sensei are doing."


I was startled as the fool who occupied my body was back here.

"I just remembered if you want to sleep you probably want to be more comfortable. You might be a regular civilian outside, but as long as you are living a fantasy why not live the life of a luxurious princess?"

He then focused a little by closing his eyes and after he opened it, he looked around and smiled then winked at me and vanished, leaving me confused.

As I turned around to see what was different I shocked beyond words.

The wall behind me opened up to a magnificent ice garden on top of a snow clad mountain which ended at a crystal ice palace around whom several fairies of ice jumped about while winds howled in the background.

As I took steps into the snowy region, tightly clutching the blanket he'd given to me, I didn't feel cold but a springy warmth instead that seemed to melt everything around me. 

While walking I noticed something was dragging behind me which brought me to notice my dress which had changed to become a beautiful silk with a colour of blue I had never seen in my life with a transparent cape clad with twinkling stars.

As I made my way through the snowy mountain the fairies seem to recognize me and danced around for a moment before flying away, giggling and laughing. 

The gates of the palace opened up on their own as giant ice creatures seem to be pulling it from the inside. The inside was beautiful, filled with ice sculptures and a large ice monument hanging from the ceiling.


The floor suddenly jerked and moved along with pulling me up to the top floor through the ceiling as it opened a little each time to let me pass through.

The most beautiful scene came into view as I found a Sakura tree standing tall in the middle of the room, illuminated by the lights reflected by the crystals around the palace under which was the most royal bed I had scene in both my lives. I don't think even Madam Shinji has such large beds.

The bed had a golden framed figure with leaves and flowers designed throughout, while a simple, soft and warm looking blanket covered the mattress with a stuffy and soft pillow on one end. It had cartoonish paintings of the people I knew, Tsunade-sensei laughing with money in her hand, Naruto eating ramen, Hinata stalking him, Sasuke-kun who was smiling looking at an older man that looked like him, Ino, Choji and Shikamaru all together sitting under a tree with Ino shouting at the two and Kakashi-sensei reading that perverted book of his.

Sweeping myself under this nostalgic warmth I was feeling I soon fell asleep without realizing the first small smile that I had on my face for the past few years.

'Hmm… he wouldn't be such a bad friend after all.'


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