
A Mother's Intuition is terrifying indeed.

It has been five months since I've come to this world, I haven't really done anything other than sleeping, eating and shitting without any control but it's been going fine.

From the wandering around I've done in the house in my mother's arms I've never found the pictures of my grandparents in the house. Seems like something's up with the family

In the past few weeks of awareness I've learnt a few words! Or at least I think I have. I learnt things like milk, food, time and a few other phrases.

"Sakura-chan! #$#!$"

I woke up as my mum picked me up and wrapped me into a burrito. She then held me up close as she studied my smiling face and tiny hands that kept reaching out to her devil's lock to try and play with it.

I was manifesting no phone after isekai syndrome. I needed something to keep my attention. And so hair it was.

Soon she placed me on a large white cloth folded in the shape of a triangle and tied the ends of the cloth into a sort of a satchel with me in it. She picked me up and placed me over her shoulders and tied the cloth across her waist holding me tight.

"GUE GUE!!!" I let out an excited shout when I realized we were going out which earned me a pat on my head after which we exited out and followed into the crowd.

People seemed happy and business seemed to be booming after the end of the third shinobi war in which Minato ended by single handedly massacring a thousand shinobi from Iwagakure under Onoki.

We moved through the crowds and arrived at a narrow street filled with street vendors and hawkers sitting on both sides of the road with their items on carts or tarps, shouting to make themselves heard to the people around them if no one was paying attention or bargaining in loud voices if there was someone buying from them.

We slowly moved with the crowd as mum travelled from shop to shop through the various fruits and vegetable sellers and bargained with them.

There were quite a few stores set up by people from the other villages that sold their own specialties, like people I presumed were from Kumo because of their dress and color of skin, sold a variety of grains and pulses of which mum bought a few that were cheap and nutritious.

We finally arrived at the meat section which I loathed, and after having to watch a hen get slaughtered in front of me, I didn't like it very much even though I admired people who did a little.

Since I worked in the morgue and assisted various intelligence agencies in their investigative cases I was not new to gore and blood. It's just that taking the life of something that wants to live more and then eat it just didn't sit right with me. It always brought me back to the moment I saw my parents get slowly torched alive in front of me. Each scream and screech of the animal brought me terrible nightmarish visions.

I stopped eating processed meat shortly after I started working at the morgue. It was just… just a little too much. I could never find the difference between eating the meat of an animal and the slab of meat that I used to work on in there. Both seemed the same to me since they are no longer alive, so does it make it right to consume them? Would I be fine if some more intelligent life form from somewhere in the universe tomorrow dug up my parent's grave and ate the flesh after garnishing it. I just couldn't stomach anything meat related after that, even things that just tasted and felt like meat, leading me to my current predicament.

I vomited on my mom's neck. My mum's eyes softened for a bit as she cleaned herself and started patting me on my back and consoling my shuddering baby self.

'You've got to respect those who do all the hunting by themselves and take care not to waste or misuse anything that they've gotten by taking another life.'

We finally returned home after mum managed to clean off my tiny vomit which looked more like bird poop than vomit and mum placed me back in my crib which she brought near the kitchen so that she can watch me as she cleans everything we brought today and place it in shelves and cover them so that they don't get spoilt.

I could've sworn Naruto had a refrigerator in his room for everything he stored, at least he had a rice cooker and a heater to heat water for ramen, there was also an old computer in the intelligence department too. Didn't he also eat cup ramen, where did the plastic cup come from for that then?

Our home doesn't seem to have anything electric.

Come to think of it, I never saw any electricity poles while we were outside.

Maybe we live in a poorer part of the village so there isn't anything electric?

Hmm… maybe it hasn't been implemented yet? Since it was only recently that all the villages entered an armistice? I don't really know. 

Am I in some sort of alternate universe? Or is this the original?

*Chop**Chop*Chop*. . . .*Chop*

The rhythmic chopping of vegetables for dinner soon put me into a trance. It is sometimes torturous to not be able to eat such delicious smelling food since I'm still a baby and have to eat gruel or just be happy drinking milk everyday. Sometimes mum and dad let me taste the food by dipping their fingers into my mouth but I can never eat, so it just makes me feel worse.

*Yawn…* Baby body is really weak….


"Kawai!!! Sakura-chan!!"

My mom came up from behind me and picked me up and started rubbing her cheeks on my cheeks after looking at my drawing that I made with a toothpick dipped in ink.

There isn't any colour available so everything in my drawing is black and white.

Since I don't want to freak people out by drawing anything complicated I just drew stick figures of dad with his star shaped hair, mum with her devil's lock, and me on mum's back with a round face poking out over her shoulder.

I also added a silly combination of both mum and dad's hair on my head, which given my size on the paper made me look like a starfish with big round eyes.

After drowning me in a few kisses mum picked me up and carried me in one arm along with the drawing in the other.

She then brought out a sort of hardened glue that looked like clay from a drawer in the hall cabinet and pinched a piece of it which she then used to stick the drawing on the wall.

A faint and mostly invisible blush carried onto my cheek as I did not expect that my first artwork in this world would be hung on the wall in the dinning hall so publicly. If I'd known I would've made it look better. Not that I could with the abhorrent hand eye coordination I had. 

I just made it to help me in my plans to make a drawing warning about the nine tailed fox.

I thought the best place to hide a drawing would be along with other drawings since no one would really suspect anything if I camouflaged it along with drawings of other animals like cats and dogs. That is if anyone even really checked it out.

And then perhaps if one day the time is right and maybe some stars align the drawing could be delivered to Kushina? It was a big 'if' that did not have any realistic chance of succeeding. But I prepared it for the 'just in case' case.

I remember in the anime mum was a part of some super moms group along with Ino;s mom and a few other clan member mums, so maybe just somehow somewhere there might be a crossover? Too much? Yep even for me.

I'm just praying it does happen since I don't want to feel guilty about not doing anything and letting people die if I don't reveal my knowledge of the future.

I know it is logically a bucket load of nothing, but emotionally it's scary having to face a situation where I know I could've avoided the deaths of people just by sacrificing myself.

The thing is, I would've sacrificed myself in a heartbeat, had I known that my sacrifice would be used properly. But I'm sure Danzo, Hiruzen and Zetsu will find a hundred different ways to fork it up.

I also don't want to drag my parents into this along with me to face problems for something they did not choose to do. After all no one plans to have a baby whose soul comes from a different world altogether.

And looking at my mum's enthusiasm for my artwork, I couldn't help but feel a bad for trying to even think of a plan which did not take into account her love for me. I'd already felt bad for drawing something which I was just going to use as cover for what I really wanted to draw.

I've got to remember, I've got a new life and one with a family of my own to boot with, so I've got to take care of them and their smiles along with everything else I want to do.

I mustn't forget their smiles which bloom upon seeing me are what makes it worth it.

Either way, it's only a few more weeks till the nine tailed beast is let out I think.

Since from what I remember Naruto was born a few months after Sakura was, I don't remember the exact days but I think Naruto's birthday was in October.

I do wonder though do mum and dad not have enough money to buy coloured ink? Or does everyone here just use black ink to write? Probably the latter.


Nothing keeps happening…. NOTHING!!!

Nothing wrong happening in world would have probably been good in any other scenario but just not this one.

Phew…. It is getting stressful. 

It has been a few days into October and things are getting harder for me.

I don't know if my plan worked, or if it didn't.

I try and stay up late at night just in case the nine tailed chaos happens this month to immediately wake up my parents and somehow help them escape so that nothing happens to them in all the absolute chaos that is about to break lose.

Although I can sleep through the afternoon, it gets more and more annoying day by day, since my sleeping and eating cycles are the opposites of each other.

It keeps making me feel like shit.

Adding on top of that the powerlessness I feel as a baby and my inability to communicate what that I want to do without sounding absolutely crazy or not baby like is getting more and more annoying.

I can't wait to be able to speak and do the things people can do like a normal human once again.

'I swear on my Dao that I'll enjoy, explore and live life to its fullest once I have the ability to by doing what I want to. Arggghhhh I'm even becoming a Wuxia protag because of the tension, help me!'

A few days ago on a vegetable shopping trip, mum and I, met Kushina and who I assume was Mikoto who was carrying baby Sasuke right before it was October.

Seeing me again Kushina got a little excited and began to carry me and tease me in the hands that were now free of carrying a bag filled with cup ramen that had been placed on the ground in front of her feet.

During said time Kushina got advised by both Mikoto and my mum about what I could only assume was the pain of childbirth from the exaggerated expressions and handwaving they were doing.

I sneaked in the cryptic stick figure drawing inked on a paper I was carrying, in between the folds of my cloth wrap, into the ramen bag.

I only used one fourth of the paper to draw what I wanted to so that I could fold it in to a small enough size and hide it under my crib blanket underneath a bunch of other drawings to keep it safe from mum, incase she ever checked.

I didn't really have a way to hide my smell from the paper so that it wouldn't be tracked back to me by a ninja dog from the Inuzuka clan.

I just always stuffed it in between the flowers that mum put around my crib so that I always smell something fresh instead of my poop if I happened to do it.

After the two young moms and the soon to be mom stopped talking, Kushina picked me upto eye level and rubbed my forehead with hers while something passed into me which I couldn't really understand and then she handed me over to mum saying something. "House @#$! enter *!^& freely."

After which they all bowed a little and we parted ways.

Since then mum hasn't left home for the last two days.

She seems to be worried about something.

Is there a problem at work? Or is it something about money? I don't really know. But it isn't good for her as it might affect her during our escape if the Nine tailed beast chaos happens.

Mum walked over to my crib after waking up from her afternoon nap, and after finding me awake picked me up and tied me to her back.

We took a different route than we usually do as we walked out of the house. This area was a little unkept when compared the path we usually take to the market.

I watched from over my mum's shoulder as we passed through the facets of the village that showed me how most civilians of the village who were not ninja lived.

The houses were small, few small stray animals roamed about resting themselves in the shade of these houses or wherever the soil was a little damp from any water that was poured out by someone else before.

We passed by a sand pit where kids in the ages of six to ten jumped about through hoops and bars as they chased each other in a game of tag, laughing and smiling at each other as they did so.

Unconsciously I let myself rest on my mum's shoulder as we passed through watching them.

Soon we reached the edge of a forest, but mum kept walking deeper into it and after a while of confidently walking over the thick roots and navigating between shrubs mum stepped behind a thick bush while carrying me.

The remarkable change in brightness from exiting the cover of the forest trees left me a little blinded after which I adjusted a little to it only be left agape at the magnificent scene in front of me.

A crystal clear large pond stood surrounded by a vast amount of fauna that encapsulated it with stones and pebbles at it's bottom catching the light of the setting sun making them seem like stars in the early night sky.

A few deer and other animals laid surrounding the pond, some drinking, others just resting- no not resting, but sitting as if a part of nature as if it was only natural for them to do so.

A few deer immediately looked over at us who had intruded into their sanctuary but quickly discarded any alertness after just looking at us for a few seconds.

Mum brought me out to the front as she cradled me in her arms and sat down under a tree as I just remained entranced by the scene as if hypnotized by an unbreakable spell.

It was only after the sun set and I started to feel a little sleepy did mum carry me back along the path out of the forest and then back to the house.

'I wonder why mum took me along to the forest though?' I thought as I watched mum putting me back in the crib with a smile after feeding me a little gruel for food.

She seems to be more relaxed, perhaps it was just because she was tired. I never found out why she was so stressed in the first place. Anyway I feel much better now I thought with a smil-.

'Ah! She must have felt stressed because I had stopped smiling as often as I had become so stressed given the upcoming incident.'

*Sigh* I shouldn't forget to keep laughing or I'll just get caught in the complexities of the situation and become another Itachi Uchiha a genius who somehow fooled himself into slaughtering his entire clan for the greater good.

Truly a terrifying genius who has mastered the Dao of Illusions.

I wonder how she knew I was stressed, I guess a mother's intuition is never wrong.

At least now I know if I'm ever too far gone I'll have someone who can bring me back and remind me to smile once again.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face holding onto my mother's finger as she hummed me a lullaby.


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