
Chapter 9: meeting Kakashi!!

Saitama's POV:

After seeing her I could not help but glare at her, I always found her beautiful especially in Boruto when she matures. Sai just wasted her love, but now it will not happen.

So without noticing it I unconsciously walked towards her but when I realized it was already so I made up my mind and decided to make a bold move. So I kissed her hand and presented myself:

Saitama: " hi, beautiful lady what's your name? my name is Saitama. "

when I brought my head up, I saw her blushing, she noticed it so she wanted to take my hand off of hers but I was too strong for her, So without waiting for her to do anything I released a minuscule amount of my domineering aura because from what I saw from the anime she likes domineering and strong persons.

When Ino felt that aura she did not feel scared but was blushing more, she was like a tomato with her red Face. I think she's a masochist.

After waiting a little bit she responded:

Ino: " hi, my name's Ino. "

At that moment the door opened and Asuma who just arrived and wanted to say:

Asuma: " team 10 with me!! "

felt such a strong killing intent that he was paralyzed but he managed to see who it was, it was the kid that his father warned every Ninja in the village to not provoke. So he knew he fucked up, But at that time he heard a voice in his head that warned him to return 10 min later, he did not understand why and how is this done but he obeyed fearing for his life.

Saitama who is the culprit of all of this didn't want his time with Ino to be wasted so he did it, And finally after Asuma left he said:

Saitama: " Ino, hmmm! that's a beautiful name perfect for such a magnificent flower as yourself. "

Ino: " thank you. "

Saitama: " here take this scroll and this necklace, one will allow to contact me, and the other one will protect you when you are in mortal danger. take them as a gift from me. "

Ino who found it weird that someone she just met had given her such gifts still took them because his aura was still working on her.

After that, he began to talk to her about herself and complimented her for about 10 min because she loved the attention.

Meanwhile, Everyone was dumbfounded because they found out that the blond hair guy who was with the bald one was actually Naruto because of how he was bragging about how his teacher taught him new cool jutsus and also because the teacher he mentioned was actually the bald guy named Saitama but the one they found the most strange was that he was flirting with Ino while SHE was BLUSHING, they all knew she didn't like anyone but Sasuke but here is she getting talking to another guy resembling a maiden in love.

After the 10 minutes, Asuma who returned quickly summoned his students his team and left running his tail between his legs like an actual monkey afraid that he will offend Saitama, And he was right because Saitama was a little annoyed he does not get to spend more time with Ino, So before she left he used two active skills he created for a day like this Charm boost, and Voice of seduction on himself and called Ino:

Saitama: " Ino, I expect a date with you at a Ramen shop named ' ichiraku Ramen ' after you finish what you have to do, Bye. "

Ino with a voice suppressed voice and a blush said: " okay. "

And disappeared from his view.

Several hours later:

there is no one here but me, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke

team 8 consisting of Hinata, Kiba, and Shino had already left.

at that moment The door opened and a ninja with a face mask and silver hair entered the room while saying:

" My first impression of you all is that you are good. meet me at the roof. "

he said that because this time Naruto did not prank him and Sakura did not show her hate toward Naruto blaming him.

the moment he wanted to shunshin I activated my X-ray vision and saw His Face, and let me tell you he was handsome I now understand why he covers it because every girl in the academy will have chased after him like Sasuke in his childhood.

After that me and Naruto Shunshined with him leaving a shocked Sakura and angry Sasuke because he thinks that we don't deserve that Jutsu.

After we arrived at the rooftop we could see that Kakashi was shocked because Naruto knew how to shunshin, but quickly regained his neutral expression.

after a few moments of waiting Sasuke and Sakura entered the rooftop by the door and sat down.

at that moment Kakashi said:

Kakashi: " present yourself. "


hi guys thank you for reading today is the beginning of the holiday so I may not write sometimes 🤷 but don't worry I will do my best!!!!


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