
Reincarnated in mha as Madara with Orochimaru & Kakuzu as my brothers

A boy dies a horrible death. gets sent to a black void with a reincarnation god. gets reborn in the world of MHA with the body, looks, and power of Madara Uchiha and has two siblings who is none other than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. Over time the trio unlocks their power they once had in Naruto universe and rises to the top as they defeat their enemies.. but as what? will they be known as heroes or villains to the world? nobody really knows.. but we do know one thing that will happen.. people will start to 'wake up to reality' ---------------- ----------- Hello!! this is one of my first novels so I'm sorry if it's bad :

SSJ2_Vegeta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chap10: ~Kai Chisaki~


Kai was sitting on his bed, fiddling with a copper coin, changing its molecular structure into any shape he wants, all that Kai wanted was some friends..

But unfortunately being the grandson of a yakuza leader restricts you from going to any kind of school and socializing with anyone that's not a part of the mafia.

One day Kai overheard his grandfather's underling reporting about one of their hoes went missing and has stopped giving them drug money entirely..

"Just send a couple of grunts to kill her and collect the money and any of her valuable belongings" Said Kai's grandfather while sitting at his desk examining a ball of pure gold.

"Yessir." Said the underling and quickly departed to form a trio to deal with the problem.

Kai heard this and seem uninterested and went back to fidgeting with the coin.

Days went by and those men that were sent out to collect lost contact.. The yakuza leader seemed annoyed by this and sent another trio to find the last party and finish the job.

This continues for a good few weeks.. six different groups has been sent out to look for and correct the last entil the old man grew impatient and decided to hire a assassin to do the job.

Kai's grandfather picked up the phone and dialed some numbers and held it up to his ear.

*ring, ring*

"Zero. I have a job for you."

"Just give me the location, target and objectives to complete."

"Down to business I see.. Very well, The target is a women on ##### street. Objectives are to kill her and take any valuables she has and deliver them here. Dont shed unnecessary blood, please." Said the old man.

All that Kai's grandfather heard was the click of a phone being hung up.

They accepted

Kai has heard all of this.. Whoever this woman is to defend off against waves of thugs is somewhat impressive, Especially someone who prostitutes themselves..

Kai was a bit intrested to see what will happen.. So he waited patiently to see what Zero will bring back..

As Kai was waiting for the mission to be completed, which will at most take a few days, decided to practice his open palm martial art.

Kai was considered good, by professional standards, and thanks to how his quirk, <Overhaul>, it complements the martial art sense he needs to touch a object with his palm and/or fingers to activate his quirk.

Days went by and Zero has came back with what they has considered as 'valuable'.

When the Yakuza leader and his grandson Kai came to see what Zero has brought back and what the report is..

The family duo was confused.. Their wasn't a lot that Zero braught back but what they did braught back confused them.

"Zero" Said the Yakuza leader.

"Yes?" Zero responded.

"Why did you bring back four unconcious, tied up, children?" Asked the Yakuza leader.

Kai was intrested on what was happening and a bit curious as well..

"You told me to bring any sort of valuable, so I did.. These children, despite their age, are extremely coordinated and very unique and deadly, I, myself almost been slayed by these children.. And the reason I spared them is because of their potential.. And could be good rivals for little Kai to compete with in training.. if that's fine with you." Said Zero coldly.

"Sensei.. these will be my friends and peers?" Said Kai with eyes shining with joy.

The Yakuza leader seeing this now know that he cant protest seeing that his grandchild is happy.

"If it's ok with your grandfather, then yes" Said Zero with a warm smile towards Kai.

"*Sigh* Yes it's ok, but they better show results in the futer."

"YAAAAY" Screamed Kai jumping up and down in joy.

As this was happening, one of the four children, Kakuzu, has gained conciousness and saw what was happening..

It seems that none of them has noticed yet.

But then he saw the assassin that attacked then.. Kakuzu noticed there back was turned so he readied himself.. Waited.. And shot tons of threads towards the back of the assassin, aiming for the heart!