
Wakanda (3)

We discuss various projects that I thought might be interesting to make with the technology they use here. We didn't notice the time until someone told us that King T'Chaka is calling us for dinner. They guided us in to a room. It was much different from the banquet area earlier. This room has the home feels to it.

King T'Chaka told us to get seated, and then he asked me about how I thought about Wakanda after I was toured around. I honestly told him that I really love the place but I was just disheartened of the fact that they are hiding this technology from the world, not that I blame them of course. I knew that world isn't as simple. Even if they have the strongest metal in the world and their advance technologies, if some was overcome by their greed, they would definitely attack Wakanda to obtain its natural resources. War would happen and the people of Wakanda would suffer.

After dinner the king dismissed everyone including his family except for me. He told me that he needed to discuss something.

"So I will ask you again now that you have seen what Wakanda truly is. What can you offer us to make Wakanda reveal itself to the world?" King T'Chaka looked at me seriously.


I think I've been talking a while now then King T'Chaka cut off my monologue with a laugh.

"HAHAHAHA, you really are a kid. Remember books are not always correct. I'm sure you've read a lot about our situation from some books but that information couldn't be more wrong"

The laugh startled me and I made a note to myself with the things that he said 'remembering everything is not equals to knowledge'

"Enough with that, I will just ask you one last thing. Why are you so eager on this matter?" King T'Chaka asked with a curious look on his face.

"Well I don't really know. I won't say a hypocritical thing like it's for the good of all. I think I just wanted to help brother once in a while. If I convinced you earlier it will favor Stark Industries I think. Besides I want some of the things you use here, especially if you can teach me how to make that jet or whatever that we rode on earlier. That thing was AWESOME! And if the technology here could be shared around the world, we might all advance to a technological age like no other. Flying cars would just be around the corner by then!" I said to King T'Chaka.

I didn't notice that I was so excited talking to King T'Chaka that I got to close to him. I felt embarrassed as I try to calm myself down before I do more stupid things.

"Hmm, do you really not want to marry my daughter? That would make things easier."

"Hah, you must be jesting again your majesty. As you said I am still a kid," I was sweating bullets as I try to make him not insist on this matter.

"Very well, I will ask my council about this matter. I also need to talk to your brother if we can go through this deal. Why don't you stay here for the night and think how you can convince your brother."

'Ah right, I haven't told brother where I went. He must be worried by now. Nah, this is just the first time I did this I think he'll forgive me. I'll just tell him about it tomorrow,' I thought then said to King T'Chaka, "Thank you for your hospitality your majesty. I would love to stay here."

"Good, I'll ask someone to bring you to your room."


A few days before Daniel Stark got into Wakanda.

King T'Chaka called for a council meeting to discuss matters about the kingdom. The meeting proceeded as usual. But then King T'Chaka suddenly felt nauseous and fainted. The people around the hall panicked as they saw their king suddenly fell. But before they could get near him, he suddenly shot up straight from the ground. His eyes glowing and he suddenly said

"Hear me people of Wakanda, changes are happening in the world. Threat far greater than any of you have seen shall come. Someone would come to aid in your future endeavors. Welcome him as he will come far sooner than you know. He would be the key for the continued survival of my people."

After the declaration, King T'Chaka fell into the ground once more. The people around are still shocked by the whole occurrence. Someone broke their daze when he said that they should bring the king to his chambers. Everyone quickly ran towards the king and carried him away.


"Where am I?" King T'Chaka said as we woke up in an unfamiliar place.

"T'Chaka," said by voice

"Who are you? What is happening?" T'Chaka looked around to see who spoke to him.

He suddenly saw someone magically appearing in front of him.

"Father?" T'Chaka said.

Then others also appeared in the same way as his father. T'Chaka remembered an old saying that all the past kings who ate the Heart-Shaped flower are connected to the Panther God Bast. The people around T'Chaka suddenly opened a path. As he somewhat knew what was going on, he walked towards the path. At the end of it he could see a person or more specifically a woman with the head of a panther.

He knew who she was, she was the goddess Bast. The goddess who helped the people of Wakanda since the start of his ancestors. He kneeled in front of the goddess and bowed towards her.

"RISE!" declared by Bast.

He slowly got up as the goddess orders.

"Hear me people of Wakanda, changes are happening in the world. Threat far greater than any of you have seen shall come. Someone would come to aid in your future endeavors. Welcome him as he will come far sooner than you know. He would be the key for the continued survival of your people." The goddess declared while looking at him

He only listened to her. After her declaration, T'Chaka was suddenly pulled towards to the place where he started. He was calm and he knew that the goddess just gave him some sort of revelation.

After he woke up, he immediately called for the meeting of all tribes and council. There he told them about the prophecy that he received. Some of the tribe leaders where skeptical about it but his council members immediately believed him as they saw what happened after he fainted.


"Don't you think that was a little excessive?" a man said to the goddess Bast.

"For you, anything," she replied as she continued kneeling in front of the man.

"Whatever I think things will be quite easy for him in a while. Heh! Then I don't need to hold back once this prologue is over." The man declared while looking towards the horizon.


Someone woke me up in the middle of the night saying that King T'Chaka was asking for me. I quickly followed her to see what King T'Chaka needs in the middle of the night.

"You're here, I apologize for the suddenness of this but I think we are in trouble," King T'Chaka said to me while having a troubled look on his face. He then showed me a video on his Holographic screen.

"We are here right now in Kampala, Uganda reporting live on what is happening. Earlier today the brother of multi-billionaire CEO of Stark Industries Anthony Stark was reported missing. Mr. Stark said in his statement that someone was chasing his brother and he might have been kidnapped. Earlier this afternoon US military joined force with the Ugandan Government is trying to track down the whereabouts of his brother. Due to this, chaos has spread to the streets of Kampala as every known crime base was raided. Now we have a message from Mr. Tony Stark to the kidnappers."

The screen then changes to a video of Tony.

"Hi, ahm is this on? Hi to you people. I just wanted to tell you that you better bring my brother back immediately. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I have money. I have money so much I could drown you with it. I also have friends that can make you're life a living hell. If you let my brother go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will make sure they you will be really miserable."

'I messed up' I thought while looking apologetically to King T'Chaka.

Hey hope you guys haven't forgotten about this. Sorry for not posting for a long time. I know some people would think this chapter doesn't make sense.

Yeah, I also think so. Sorry about that. I don't know a lot about the marvel universe aside from the movies and some research that I did for the chapters.

RndmDudecreators' thoughts
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