
10) Money Heist

Amidst this chaos, Shubh Udrabhan remained untouched in his cell, still watching the moonlight through the window. It seemed as though he had not expected Aryan's sudden assault and was lost in his own thoughts.

Aryan, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the brutality he had just unleashed, approached Shubh's cell. He couldn't afford to leave any loose ends, and Shubh was a key player in the political maneuverings of Kalinga.

Unlocking the cell, Aryan stood before Shubh, who finally turned to acknowledge his presence. There was a strange calmness in Shubh's eyes, as if he had accepted his fate.

"What brings you here, Prince Mahendra?"

Shubh inquired, his voice unwavering.

Aryan knew that Shubh held valuable information about the political situation and Paundraka Vasudeva's plans. He needed to extract that information before he proceeded with the rest of his plan.

"I have questions, Shubh," Aryan replied, his tone firm. "And you're going to provide me with answers."

Shubh Udrabhan merely smiled, a cryptic glint in his eyes. 



Aryan knew he had to act quickly to create chaos and divert the palace guards' attention away from the treasury.

With Shubh Udrabhan's lifeless body at his feet, Aryan made a calculated decision. He picked up Shubh's bloodied corpse and, with a swift and forceful throw, heaved it aside. Shubh's body fell to the floor with a sickening thud.

As he stood there, drenched in Shubh's blood, Aryan realized that he had fully committed to his ruse. This gruesome act was meant to serve as a distraction and sow panic among the guards. It was a brutal and necessary step in his plan.

"Aargh... Intruder, someone has invaded the palace. Prince Shubh Udrabhan is dead. Intruder!" Aryan shouted, his voice carrying through the prison's corridors.

His hasty exit from the prison was deliberate. Aryan ran through the maze-like passageways, his appearance and frantic cries catching the attention of any palace guards nearby.

He was a mess of blood and disheveled clothing, a sight that would surely set off alarm bells throughout the palace.

The emergency alarm was swiftly activated, and the news of an intruder and Shubh Udrabhan's death spread like wildfire. Panic erupted among the palace guards and staff as they rushed to respond to the crisis.

Aryan's intention was clear: to create a diversion that would draw the guards' focus away from the treasury. The chaos he had ignited was spreading rapidly, and it wouldn't be long before the entire palace was in an uproar.

As he moved through the palace's corridors, Aryan could hear the commotion intensifying behind him. His heart raced, knowing that the success of his plan hinged on the guards being preoccupied with the emergency.

With each step he took, Aryan pushed forward, determined to execute the remaining steps of his heist plan. The treasury was within his sights, and he knew that he had to act swiftly and decisively to secure the stolen treasure and make his escape.

The fate of Kalinga, the power of the Seven Sins, and his own survival all hung in the balance as Aryan continued to navigate the treacherous path he had set for himself.

Meanwhile as soon as the Udra kingdom's delegation received the message of Shubh Udrabhan's death, they immediately got enraged and the 50 elite soldiers waiting in a camp outside the palace, violently attacked the palace guards, forcing entry into the palace. 

King Chitrangad also got the information about the situation of the palace and quickly ordered the Senapati Mridul Nath to take charge of the situation. 

In the meantime, he convened an emergency meeting with his ministers. It was more so to gather all the important figures in the kingdom in one place, so that it would be easier to ensure their safety. 

Slowly, different ministers entered the emergency meeting hall and in a few minutes, almost all the important figures were here. But Bhanumati was getting anxious after not seeing Aryan's figure anywhere in the room. 


Meanwhile, Aryan, the object of Bhanumati's anxiety was currently travelling in the tunnel following the vine, leading to the treasury. 

He could constantly hear the sound of rapid footsteps above his head, meaning that his plan of creating chaos was a perfect hit. 

After another five minutes, Aryan finally arrived below the treasury. 

"Now let's see, "

Aryan looked around briefly and found a hidden switch. 

The moment he pushed it in... 

* clank *

A circular opening appeared just above his head and when he finally climbed up, all that entered his eyes was gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, gems, luxurious utensils and many more. 

"Oh boy, never in my whole life did I ever dream of being able to lay my hands on such a huge wealth. Hahaha, I'm rich. "

Aryan exclaimed happily as he sprawled on the mountain of gold coins. 

"I feel like those people in movies and dramas who sleep on beds of gold or cash. But guess what, I am one step head, I'm on a mountain of gold. "

Aryan couldn't control his excitement but he soon calmed down. 

After all, the mission wasn't complete yet. 

Reeling in his emotions, Aryan activated Moksha's powers and soon vines grew out from the ground and wrapped around all the gold coins.

Since he didn't want to occupy unnecessary space, Aryan only took gold coins with him. But that alone accounted for more than half of the wealth. 

Subsequently, Aryan activated Moksha's second form - guardian, and ordered it to pull the large sack made up of vines into the tunnel. The vines coiled around the treasure and began the process of transporting it away from the treasury.

After taking a last look at the now almost empty treasury, he himself also jumped inside the tunnel and tightly sealed it with dense plantation. 

From above, there was no trace of the tunnel opening. And since Aryan had previously stollen the key to the treasury, everyone will only think in that direction, thinking that someone entered the treasury through the door when no one was watching. 

No one will even think about the tunnel, which is already tightly sealed. 

Aryan knew that the success of his heist relied on more than just stealing the treasure; it was equally crucial to cover his tracks. He wanted to ensure that the palace guards and King Chitrangad's ministers would focus their attention on the supposed break-in through the treasury's main entrance.

After the bear dragged the treasure for some distance, Aryan estimated that they are currently under the court room, exactly one hundred and fifty metres below the throne. 

Then, Aryan just left the treasure here while he himself walked away, silently left the tunnel, threw the treasury's key out of a window randomly and

headed toward the commotion caused by the Udra soldiers. He needed to establish an alibi for himself and ensure that he wouldn't be linked to the treasury heist.

Meanwhile, chaos continued to reign in the palace.

The Udra kingdom's delegation had launched a violent attack on the palace guards, seeking retribution for Shubh Udrabhan's death. King Chitrangad had convened an emergency meeting with his ministers, unaware of Aryan's whereabouts.

Bhanumati, growing increasingly anxious, scanned the room for any sign of Aryan. Little did she know that her beloved prince had embarked on a daring mission that could endanger the fate of Kalinga. 


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