Information About Cuisinia (Foodlet World)

What Are Foodlets?

Foodlets are the human equivalent of today's food. They have their own personalities and their clothing reflects on what food they represent. They have a soul core. Which forms their bodies and makes their physical form. A soul core is attached to one of their clothing if this is destroyed they will die.

How are Foodlets Made?

Foodlets do not have gender and do not partake in any sexual reproduction... although there are two ways a foodlet can be made.

Ingredient Combination: When two foodlets wish to procreate they can combine their ingredients. The ingredients that make them who they are.

Ex. When a Custard Bun and a Cinnamon Brownie procreate. The offspring will get the ingredients of both of their parent. Forming Cinnamon Bun.

Natural Creation: When a creature from the human world dies. They release something called Soul Essence. When a Soul Essence and a food combines. When there is enough soul essence it will form a soul core and will be taken to Cuisinia.

How Does a Foodlet Die?

A foodlet can die like humans although their organs never fail. They can never die unless their soul core was taken from them and was destroyed or they have turned spoiled.

What are spoiled foodlets?

A spoiled foodlet is a version of a foodlet which is a monster. They no longer have the ingredients that make them the foodlet they are but they will still have their soul core meaning they have the physical form but not their mental form. That's why they will act like a savage beast, hurting anyone near them.

How do they become spoiled?

A foodlet is made of a soul core and the ingredients that make them whole. A foodlet must continue eating ingredient that makes them who they are. If they don't eat for a long time. They will start the transformation into a spoiled foodlet

Ex. Salad: A salad will eat what makes her/him a salad like lettuce, tomatoes and etc. If she/he does not eat any of them. She will turn into a spoiled foodlet.

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