
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Myth_Valley · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 19

While still doing all this he was in high alert controlling his surroundings waiting for the demon-worshipper to make his move.

The crowd watching the massacre now couldn't take it anymore and began falling on the ground one by one.

As if waiting for this moment a silhouette moved quickly and nimbly. Seeing that he wasn't still discovered he immediately attacked Yue Bing who was in Yue Yang's arms.

Yue Yang finally moved and a sword that appeared out of nowhere blocked the demon-worshipper 'sneak attack '.

Seeing that the attack hasn't worked the demon-worshipper began retreating backward. Before he could even complete the movement he saw a sword coming at him.

The man immediately summoned his silver grimoire and a barrier appeared around him and blocked the attack.

The man with confidence retreated some steps back. Before he could fully retreat he felt pain in his lower body. The man was really confused since he was sure that the barrier blocked the attack so why was he injured?

Before he could finish his thoughts he saw the youth that attacked him calmly approaching him. For some reason, he couldn't help but become afraid of the youth and he began trembling.

Seeing the boy still approaching him he knew for sure that he was already seen through so he didn't hide anymore as he put his hand on the grimoire. His lower body then began emitting crimson light and after a while, a portal appeared.

While doing all this he continued to watch the boy that was already in front of him. Seeing how calm he still was all his body became colder as he was really terrified by how the boy watched him with those eyes as if he was an open book in front of him.

Demons began appearing from the demon gate and the people seeing such a scene became panicked and began running in every direction possible. Only some brave men stayed there as they put out their weapons or summoned their beasts and began battling the demons.

Ye Kong and his company really wanted to run and hide since they knew that they couldn't do anything against these demons but seeing how calm Yue Yang was they somehow became calm too and they then went and stood behind him.

Suddenly all the people heard a female voice then a golden light appeared.

"Everyone back off!" Said, the master of Luo Hua city. The three-tailed fox behind her transformed and became a six-tailed fox.

The demon continued transporting demons of all types on the battlefield. Luo Hua suddenly began emitting a light that was expanding in every direction.

When the light touched the demons, the weak ones were killed while the strongest ones were gravely injured. As for humans, the light helped them as their injuries began healing.

She then shouted, "Monarch's decree!"

Then a light emerged again and began enchanting all the humans' strength.

She then ordered, "Monarch's Decree: Everyone present must fight the evil spirits, otherwise they will be regarded as deserters!" The silk-clothed beauty's shrill voice caused the running mercenaries' hearts to shiver. They knew that they couldn't reject her orders no matter what so they could only comply and began summoning their beasts and take out their weapons.

She then turned toward Yue Yang preparing to say something but before she could he had already moved toward the man that tried to attack Yue Bing.

Seeing this Luo Hua frowned before she began charging power in her arm. As for Yue Yang, he was already in front of the man and he had already destroyed the fog monster that he tried to summon.

The only reason he didn't kill already was that he was waiting for him to give him his grimoire. Before arriving here he had already tried to obtain the divine grimoire but he didn't succeed. He killed many with grimoires but still didn't able to receive it.

After all this, he came to only one conclusion and that was that the grimoire contractor has to willingly give him the grimoire without any change of mind and without any intimidations. The grimoire's owner has to be prepared to death too since giving his grimoire was like giving up on his own life.

So he was waiting for that. While still thinking about that Luo Hua approached him and said, "As the saying goes, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. Hell's evil spirits attacked my domain of humans, so we must pay them back too. Do you dare to follow me through the teleportation portal and launch a counterattack against Abyssal Magic? Although your battle skills aren't put to good use right now, as an elite among humans, you should follow me and train in the abyss, to work on your heart's courage... Do you dare to launch a counterattack against Abyssal Magic along with me?" The silk-clothed Master of Luo Hua City had finally completed the condensation of the different energies. Within her hand, there was a big ball of light holding a scary amount of power. As long as it shot out, everyone in the straight line would almost instantly be turned into dust.

Yue Yang looked at her calmly and said, "My heart courage doesn't need any work since I wasn't born to be a coward. As for whether I dare to enter there to attack them is a matter of how I feel and since these ants had the courage to attack my sister then I would go there and return this favor."

Hearing him saying that Luo Hua was surprised as she only said that to motivate him and also for a little revenge since he didn't listen to her when she wanted to order him. But now her mind of him changed a little since he dared to attack the demons to revenge his sister.

While they were speaking portals began to appear in front of them as warriors began emerging from them. And only three people stood the most in those warriors. After appearing the came in front of Luo Hua then kneeled and greeted her with respect

Obviously, these three were the three killing stars. The 'most talented' people of this generation.