
Chapter 38

The guard looked at Yue Yang and bowed then said,

"Excuse me, sir, are you the third young master of the Yue clan?"

Yue Yang nodded his head without saying anything. From how the guard was here before they came out he was sure that he waited for a lot of time. That means he knew that he will find him here.

The guard seeing that it was him continued speaking.

"Miss Luo Hua invited you to an adventure with her. She also said that you can't refuse. She is waiting for you at the teleportation circle "

After saying that the guard headed back after giving a bow to Yue Yang and co.

Yue Yang looked at the others and began speaking.

"Seems like I have to go." He then took his hotel key and some gold coins and gave them to Yi Nan and Ye Kong.

"The key is for the inn and the gold coins are for you three to rent a room. Before I come back you should have finished another quest okay?"

"Yes!" Replied Ye Kong and co.

After that, he turned toward Yue Bing and said,

"Bing'er you should buy something for Fourth mother and Shang'er before we leave this place. Use this time and search for something with Yi Nan. You are not exempted from the task I gave them understood?"

"Yes, big brother. I will do all it". Replied a determined Yue Bing.

Yue Yang smiled and began patting her head. He didn't know why but this a habit to him.

Yi Nan seeing how happily Yue Bing was smiling while being patted on her head wanted a pat too. But as shy as she was she couldn't ask, and she began fidgeting.

Seeing how she was acting Yue Yang looked at her and asked teasingly,

"What is it? You want a pat on the head too?"

Hearing that Yi Nan looked at the ground and nodded shyly.

Yue Yang then began patting her head too.

"Since you are the older one you have to take care of Yue Bing okay?" said Yue Yang smiling at her. She, on the other hand, nodded her still looking on the ground as she didn't want the others to see her face right now.


After saying all the things he had to he began walking toward the teleportation circle.

It didn't take him long to arrive there and Luo Hua was already there waiving her hands at him signaling him to hurry up.

"So what is it? You are already using the favor?" Said Yue Yang teasingly.

Luo Hua smiled and then shook her head.

"No. This is a partnership between the two of us where we both gain something. So this can't be considered using my favor. If it really was a favor I'll be the only one gaining out of it. Understood?"

Yue Yang nodded then asked,

"What would I be gaining and why did you choose me?"

Luo Hua looked at him as if he was stupid before saying,

"Of course, I'll choose you. First of all Yi Nan trusts you and second, you are powerful so you can help me. As for you will be gaining it will a gold ranked bloody queen."

While they were teleporting, she began explaining the location and the story of the flying mountain. She also warned him saying that some demon generals would appear there too.

After teleporting from the first floor to the third floor they began going toward the bloody queen territory. But before they began walking Yue Yang couldn't help but stop and admire the way buildings on this floor were made. It was like he was in a hive.

It didn't take them a lot of time since they used their quickest pace.

When they arrived at the flying mountain all they could see was a massacre between the harpies and the abyss demons. The corpses were everywhere on the mountain.

They could also see a battle between three demon generals and a giant beast that looked like a female ox head monster.

On the other side, there were two demon generals attacking a banshee trapped in spider threads.

While they were looking at the battles they heard a scream so strong that even though they covered their ears it still hurt their eardrums.

The low leveled monsters near them, on the other hand, began falling dead one after the other. As for the demon generals, some of them fainted while others were kneeling on the ground with blood on their ears.

Yue Yang recovered quickly thanks to his innate Qi that acted by itself when he heard the sound. As for the others they were still dizzy or fainted.

Yue Yang looked toward the origin of the sound, and he saw the bloody Queen covered in blood with a dagger in one of her wounds.

She was flying in the sky and near her, there were dragons encircling her. She was trying to escape, but she was so injured that even flying was a torture to her.

It wasn't long before she fell on the ground near Yue Yang and Luo Hua. After falling, she tried to stand up, but she couldn't as every effort she made only engraved her injuries.

Yue Yang looked at her for a while before he looked at Luo Hua and asked pointing at Ma Li Ang,

"Can you take care of that demon general alone?"

"Yes. Although he is strong we battled many times, and he still didn't win."

Said Luo Hua confidently.

Yue Yang nodded and said,

"I'll take care of the rest here then. You don't have to worry about me you just had to focus on your battle."

After saying that he took his silver and began summoning his beasts.

Seeing that the beasts were only bronze ranked with only a silver ranked one the demon generals were first surprised before they began laughing their asses off.

"Ha-ha-ha. This puny human thinks he can battle us with only measly bronze ranked beasts. Ha-ha-ha." Said one of the demon generals.

"Aha. I'm so scared! Aha" sarcastically said another one.

While they were laughing Luo Hua on the hand was surprised. She never thought that he would use bronze ranked beast against demon generals. She also never thought that he even has grimoire and on top of that, it was a silver one too. She thought that he was a physical cultivator like Princess Qian Qian.

Luo Hua couldn't help but think about when he said that she shouldn't believe in rumors. It seemed like he was right about that.

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