
Chapter 25

Name: Hell Shadow Wolf

Type: Half entity, Humanoid-type guardian beast silver rank level 3.

It's able to hide in the owner shadow and attack when necessary.

New skills:

Beast transformation: The owner if this skill is able to transform in its beast form when needed and can return in its humanoid form all time.

Retractable Claws: when the beast is in its humanoid form it can grow claws to attack the enemy.

After looking at the information in the grimoire he turned toward her. She looked like she was a ten years old little girl with black shining hair that arrived at her waist. Her eyes were shining in golden light and there was a smile in her face. When she smiled he could see her white teeth and her canines that were like razors. She also has wolf-like black ears and a black tail that was moving around. All in all, she looked cute and somehow enchanting for a little girl of her age. Her skin was in perfect contrast with her black hair. It was white and even from distance, one could see how tender it was.

Before he could even finish the control she already ran to him and then she began licking his face.

He was really sweating bullets here. Fortunately for him, he locked the room he was in. If not how could he explain this scene to someone who barged in and saw a little girl naked licking him? If someone really saw this scene he would be labeled as a lolicon. Although he appreciated lolis he wouldn't want to be called to lolicon by other people.

After a lot of 'efforts', he was able to separate the clingy little girl from him and then gave her some clothes that he had prepared when he was in Whitestone city.

He has filled so many clothes in Xiao Wen Li grimoire that it had literally become a wardrobe. Parts of the clothes there were for lolis since he hoped for all his beast to be lolis. He also had prepared clothes like nurses or maids outfit and others so he can enjoy watching his beasts or future wives wearing them.

All the clothes he has with him were designated by him and they were made by some professionals he hired.

He gave her a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at the shoulders. The little girl didn't know how to wear the clothes he gave her so he helped her to wear them.

When he finished helping her and looked at her he was really pleased. Although it wasn't as seductive as when Kuroka wore them it was still a feat for his eyes.

Now was the time to decide her name since he had promised her. The first name that came to his mind while looking at her was Kuroka but he erased from the list instantly. Then he began thinking again searching a name suitable for her. After many eliminations process, only two names remained. Freya and Hel. He really liked the two and didn't know which one to choose.

He looked at the little wolf girl and said,

"I have two names for you. Chose one between Freya and Hel" He knew that she was able to understand him although she couldn't speak so he transferred the responsibility of the choice to her.

He then said,

"Take your time to think about it while I'm finishing with them."

After saying that, he then he began looking at the other beasts that have watched them quietly like not wanting to disturb him. He then said,

"Now who is the next?"

This time all the beast like challenging each other began looking at him since they all wanted to be next. Not knowing who to choose he said,

"Ok, all of you stay calm. From now I will begin the possession with the arrival number other and your seniority will be designated by this. Understood?" He then called the Thunderfire wolf for the next possession.

The possession this time too didn't take long and like with the little wolf girl her page too disappeared and new information was added in the Phantom shadow page.

Name: Thunderfire Shadow Wolf

Type: half entity, Humanoid-type guardian beast bronze rank level 2.

New skill:

Beast transformation.

Retractable Claws.

Her skills were the same as the little wolf. Maybe it was because they were both wolves or maybe it was the possession that gave them the skill. For now, he didn't know what was right but after finishing the possession with the Earth dragon he would know for sure.

He then looked at her. Like the other one, she too was a loli but looked like a 9 years old little girl. She has red and yellow hair. Yellow on the left side and red on the right side. Her eyes color too were different. The right eye had a yellow pupil while the left eye had a red pupil, will like ears with the right one red and the one on the left yellow like her hair. Although she has only on the tail it was both red and yellow in a thunder-like motion. Her skin was white and glossy. He could see how sharp her canines were and he knew that if she bites someone with them she will break all the bones there.

Looking at her he already knows which outfit he wanted her to wear.

Like with her big sister she too jumped on him and began licking his face. It wasn't long before she too joined and began licking his face too. Then the two began looking at each other like they were ready for a battle.

He looked at their bickering for a while before separating them. He then gave her new clothes at the little hell wolf, he wanted her to help her little sister wear it since she already knew how it should be done.

After they finished he looked at them. She was wearing gothic lolita clothes similar to Kurumi's. It was really good to look at them since they were really similar to his two favorite bad girls but with some differences that he liked. His only fears were for them to not only look like them but act like them too.

But if they really acted like that he will really punish them.

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