
Chapter 13

Yi Nan was amused by this boy in front of her, she couldn't help but laugh seeing him still bragging. He was funny but that's for sure but how can he defeat someone that even herself wasn't sure of defeating? She only smiled at him before she changed the subject asking about famous people in this town. She wanted to know if that criminal was here.

But only began bragging again,

"You asked the right person! I am the number one famous person in this town and in others, of course, I know them. Even if you united their names they couldn't beat my fame. They are only fit to carry my shoes."

Yi Nan was very annoyed at this man in front of her. Every time she changes the subject of their conversation to obtain the information she needed he always skillfully become the center of his histories again without giving her even one bit of the information she asked. He was very annoying but she didn't know why but she found him very funny.

After speaking with him (only him speaking all the time) she was very tired. She stood up and before walking away she said hello to this boy that she encountered.

Seeing her walking away Yue Yang asked,

"Do you want this young master to accompany you?"

"No, but thanks for the chat." replied the bright-eyed girl before pushing the door and walking away. After chatting with him she didn't know why but the tiredness that she had completely disappeared. She began walking and touring the town to find some information.

On the other hand, Yue Yang at the mercenary guild was smiling as he thought about the bright-eyed girl. He knew that he left some impression on the girl. But he didn't know if it was a good one or a bad one. The most important thing is that at least he wasn't a stranger in the girl's eyes anymore.

After staying in the guild for another hour listening to the mercenaries and obtaining some information he left. While still walking he thought that he was really in need of people or beasts that could get information for him. Maybe he could create his own intelligence agents? That was only a thought, for now. Maybe in the future, he will do it. But now that wasn't the most important thing to do. Now was the hunting time!

This time his hunt was in another city. He didn't want for people to narrow his hunting ground to white stone city. Another reason was that he didn't want the criminals to unite together to hunt him down. For now, he will a bandit group as the scapegoat for his huntings.

The hunting this time will be very difficult since he didn't plan on using xiao wen li, she was too powerful and it couldn't be training if he let her bind the criminals and let his beasts kill them.

The first prey was a group of 5 thieves. The first thing he did was to summon his two little new bests and the Devourer. He made them form a three-man formation with the devourer as the support with its poisoning claws, the earth dragon as the tank and the thunderfire wolf as the main attacker.

The first one to attack was the devourer who managed to poison 2 thieves before they could react. After seeing their 2 allies being injured the other didn't lose their cool but they formed an attack tactic with the 2 injured behind and the 3 healthy in front of them. The 3 took out their attacks while the other two began throwing daggers.

Seeing their formation Yue Yang knew that these thieves weren't newbies but experts. He commanded the earth dragon to defend the thunderfire wolf. On the other hand, the thunderfire wolf began attacking one of the 3 attackers while the earth dragon distracted the other 2. As for the devourer, it took any chance to use either poisoning claws or flaming claws on the already poisoned thieves. Some times it will launch attacks to assist its two companions. The first one to be killed was the thief that was attacking the thunderfire wolf. It used the thunder to electrocute and cause paralysis while it used fire to burn him.

Even after seeing one of them die they didn't panic but attacked more fiendishly. But their attacks produced only superficial wounds on the thunderfire wolf. As for the earth dragon and the devourer they didn't receive any wounds. It was normal for the earth dragon since it has strong scales and earth energy helping it. But for the devourer to not receive any wound was very strange. Even the master was surprised.

After 2 minutes the 2 poisoned fellows died in the hand of the devourer. As for the other 2 one was killed by the earth dragon and the other by the thunderfire wolf. This was their first fight as a team but with their abilities and Yue Yang strategy, they had won.

After looting them he let the corpse to the devourer and the thorny flower. He even discovered a peculiarity of the devourer skill. When it devours an enemy killed by itself the chances of obtaining a skill was higher. Another one was that if it devoured people with the same skill, the skills wouldn't be two but they will be overlapped and level up.

After devouring its opponents it gained a new skill that was sneak level 2. Although it didn't level up it gained a skill so it was fine. As for the other two, they leveled up by a level.

His grimoire didn't increase in rank but he received some experience points.

After this hunt, he let his beasts recover before hunting another group. This time it went more smoothly and their collaboration increased further. His hunt continued for the entire night and his beasts all leveled by one, the thorny flower. His money to has a huge increase and this was already not counting their heads reward.

After this hunt, he chose for now and let his beast digest all their gains. As for himself he also wanted to control Yi Nan and see when she would begin her attack. He was also tracking that criminal that has the barbarian cow so he was too occupied to go hunting for some time.

I wanted to ask you if you know some undead type monsters that are beauties and powerful too since I want to add an undead type monster to his grimoire.

LongAdicreators' thoughts
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