
Wake up to reality

" you're starting to irritate me you meat sack" the deep voice grumbled in the dark as grey floated in the void.

"i see you understand your strong but. you never use your full power, you never try to activate your logia affect to much and you let your self get beat to a pulp." the voice said as it swirled the void and flipped grey over onto a block

"listen grey if you keep acting weak then you will become weak you wont even know how to act strong or how to use your logia affects that well." the voice rumbled as grey clenched his teeth

"so how the hell you know if im trying my hardest or not? !!" he yelled at the voice

"you fool. how do i know? how do i know? when did you ever use a raigo? when did you attempt to use a black hole? when have you even attempted to use darkness in anyway possible when have you used flame emperor. you been looking down on people but soon you will understand what it really means to suffer! hell hahah you even made your self a pawn to a weaker individual."

plus, don't think i don't noticed there's more. when you went through those dimensions you got a lot more than just a few devilfruits. your left eye has a sharingan a eternal mongekio sharingan at that that's not all" the voice started to cackle as grey breathing got un even and his vision blurred, the rinnegan, kybi chakra, cursed energy and lots more. you absolute idiot you think i would just let you not use things so you wouldn't leave people in the dust. well think again you little shit-" grey was staring in the direction of the voice with a face that would make any god drop dead on sight ( basiacly had itodori death stare x10)

"oooh scary well now that you know that how do you feel knowing your system broke becuse your power level didn't match the way you acted? listen boy. Wake up to reality." the voice said as grey dropped to his knees gasping for air

"be gone and i hope you understand not to hold back to this extent anymore." grey vision went black.

usually, you humans would be the first to show your power but look at you. absolutely foolish but i wonder how frantic your face will become when you have to stop the Juggernot mode" the voice started to cackle. as he got transported out of the void his last facial expresion was that of horror, confusion, and fear.

ah just something small i wanted to post before i went to sleep but just know alot is going to change.

Dr_Mochicreators' thoughts