
Kefálaio IV: Where is Dvalin?


I noticed a girl wearing dark reddish attire and a ribbon resembling a rabbit ears accessory. Amber, the one dressed in red, went to the Good Hunter to order some food from Sara. The Good hunter was better known as a popular good to-go restaurant for most-like adventurers, that's why mostly Sara's customers were adventurers from guilds and travelers.

Amber occupied one of the closest dining seats and calmly waited after ordering the cuisine she desired.

For me, there was a spark. Telling myself, "I can't waste this opportunity to talk to her. I'm quite sure that she's Amber. Remember that Amber was the first person that the traveler talked to? She was also the first four-tier character that you'd get. Amber is…cheerful and kind. I'm sure she won't find me strange if I talk to her…right?"

However, it does seem my legs don't agree with me. I began trembling for no specific reason.

I've never spoken to someone in person, let alone struck up a pleasant conversation with someone else. It's difficult for me when someone doesn't approach first, but this is different. I need to be brave today. She might think of me as an annoying person; thus, I wouldn't know whether she does unless I try talking to her.

I gulped. First, I need to get closer to her. "Right there…" the other seat was empty. My legs eventually started responding to me when I gathered all of my wits.

As I walked up to the open seat. Amber's eyes were a little perplexed. As though she didn't expect me to take the seat without being asked. I know it's impolite, but there's no other way for me to approach her.

"Uhm, hello there." Although I appreciate the greetings, Amber was still uncertain that her voice was full of hesitation. "It's nice to have someone accompanying me in my meal."

Hearing that made me feel embarrassed. "No… I mean—I'm not here to…" but she abruptly responded, "No…no, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I didn't want to offend you, it's alright." Amber was so kind that she was the one who apologized instead of me.

"...Ah…" and I was speechless.

"I would love you to join me in my lunch. Come to think of it, you have odd attire. It seems like I haven't seen you around. Are you foreign in Mondstadt?" she asked kindly.

"Y-yes!" I responded quickly as I could, "Goodness…Now I feel relieved. I'm glad that I approached you. It was difficult for me to talk to you; I know you're a busy person… and—"

"It's alright. You can talk to me whenever you feel like it."

Oh my God, Uwaa. I can feel her kindness and friendliness all the way to my bones. Many people believe Amber is nothing more than a lighter. The one who was solely used for runic puzzles. They don't care about the character's backstory or how she treats others with kindness. To be honest, I was using Amber till I got wrapped here. She is a well-built character of mine and a treasure to me.

"Lot'sa foreign people comes and visits Mondstadt lately, your clothes aren't from local that's why I could tell that you aren't from here immediately."

A lot of foreign visitors come to Mondstadt? It's pretty odd to hear that. I know the Fatui resides here but don't tell me, other than Fatui there are also people from other countries? But that wasn't in the game, was it?

"Oh yes. Perhaps…" besides, I don't remember the style of my outfit, but it's evident that this body isn't from Monsdstadt; she must be from another place. If I were to choose a country, I'd want to be from Fontaine. Hydro elemental power was not that bad either.

"I was the one that Dilu—Master Diluc saved from drowning before." I nearly slipped again, anyways, it's better if she has a knowledge of who I am. Who knows if I play an important role in this world?

I got isekai'd so I must be someone important. (<-Over fantasizing)

"So, you are the one who's reported to be drowning!" she said with a surprised tone.

"Umm, yeah," I replied.

Based on her expression, I think she already heard of me. Well, there's no way she wouldn't. Amber is an Outrider of the Knight of Favonius after all. Can I not be surprised at little things every time?

"How are your feelings? I'm glad to see you here. I was planning on visiting you before but there's an urgent matter that came up, and I had to deal with it. I completely forgotten that I need to visit you after that."

Urgent matter, huh?

Just looking at her face helps me decipher the matter was important. I should start asking her about the kind of matters, perhaps I could deal with it and might get promoted.

'The Second Honorary Knightess.'

Since the traveler, Aether, was the first. I should take the second. I don't mind if I'm the second, at least I will have that rare title in Monsdstadt

"That urgent matter you are talking about, is it regarding to Dvalin?"

Yes, if I remember correctly. Dvalin, the storm terror was the first problem they got when the Traveler visited Monsdstadt. They did a bunch of investigations and even took Venti with them just to remove the blight that was binding the poor pet of Venti.

"Oh, I see. That old news is dispersed, and I had no idea it was still popular these days. That, however, was not the issue. Dvalin is gone."

"...W—what? I don't think I follow quickly."

"If the news about the Traveler has reached another country, then you must be also aware of the Traveler who saved Monsdstadt and saving one of the four wind gods. However, that wasn't the case here."

"C-can you just be straightforward? What happened to Dvalin?"

The conversation was getting serious and somehow devolving into the deep when someone actually didn't take any caution to interrupt us.

"My my… looks who's here." it was Kaeya with his playful way of talking.

Geez! Kaeya, we're in the middle of an important conversation. You should have let Amber continue.

"You were only at Master Diluc's before, never thought you will come and visit the city in a hurry."

"Sir Kaeya," I sneer. His face was phlegmatically composed when he looked at mine.

"Did I interrupt a crucial conversation? What's with the expressions on both of your faces?" —How about, yes you did?

He continued, "Sigh. Anyways, my apologies if that is the case. I hate to say this but I might be borrowing this little red lady for a bit. I need to talk about something serious, and she needs to report to the headquarters right away."

This is bad. I don't know what is really happening here. It seems this matter was serious and can't be put aside or even be at ease. I wanna know what it is but I couldn't just pry my nose into their business without a name. I'm not like the traveler as of now, I haven't achieved anything yet. Although I know to myself how I will be an important person in this place, I couldn't just brag about something foolish and proofless, myself.

"I'm sorry. We'll talk later." Amber apologizes as she stands to the seat she was sitting.

"It's alright, please take care," I replied with a smile.

Amber and Kaeya went ahead. They left me, again. I'm the only one who is left alone.

"I don't know if it's just coincidence but people really love leaving me behind." I just sighed to myself as I leaned down the table, disappointed.

Traveler made a name when he came to visit Monsdtadst for the first time because Dvalin was wrecking everything in here. In my case, the matter of Dvalin being gone is out of the question.

"Where in the world did that pet go off to?"

He is the only way I can become more known to this place. Then we could have…'Dvalin wrecking the Mondstadst part two.'

"Eh? Where did Amber go?"

Sara, she brought the food to the table. I bent my head to glance at her, "Ah… Amber was with Kaeya. They have something urgent to discuss in headquarters. Is there any problem?"

Well of course, except for the food that will have to pay for by Amber. I don't have mora with me.

I leaned my back properly to the backrest of the chair, and Sara continuously talked to me, "Mmhh, what should I do?"

Wait. This is kind of familiar. This sound, I don't like her sound at all.

"Amber supposedly going to deliver some ordered food…" she's purposely saying this right in front of me. I'm not a traveler, why is she trying to give me a hint of what she wants me to do?

My glance shifted out of nowhere, trying to dodge Sara's stare, it's pretty obvious she wants me to do something for her. My cold sweat coursed from my skin, while my heart began to race irregularly.

"What should I do?"

Really? Right in front of me, you'll say that?

"...U—uh, is there something wrong?"

Oh no. Why did I have to say that?

"Great, you're going to help me, right?" I blinked confusedly. "—Right?" She is really pushing me to the edge of this cliff. The eagerness of her face was visible, as she popped out her eyes and even moved even closer at me.

"Y…yeah?" I couldn't help but be obligated to it.

"...Nice, so you see. I'm a bit busy today, and there was a scheduled delivery to Springville. Amber was supposedly going to deliver the food after she'd done eating, however, the matter wasn't really predicted. I can't leave my post, that's why I need someone to do it for me. I could also not delay the delivery furthermore. Please, I can only rely on you."

I scratched my head. It is hard to decline her since she asked so nicely, knowing that I have to deliver the food to Springville.


The city and Springville's distance is farther than you think. How could I go to that village without encountering the hilichurls?

I'm hesitating to accept it. It'll be nice if this is all a game but—.

"...W-what'dya think? Can you, do it? If not then I…" she's surely using reverse psychology here.

"I will do it."

"That's very nice of you!"

Sara took the wrapped lunch box from the counter as she gave it to me.

"His name is Draff." After she gave me the food, she went back to the counter and talked to the other incoming customers of her restaurant. I was about to go when she called me once more, "Hey! What is your name? I'm sure that I want to know your name."

"Ah…uhh… To—" wait, there's no need to use that name in here anymore… I had enough of that name and it bears a lot of misfortune, just, for example, this person's drowning, or perhaps Diluc's issue. It all revolves around that name; I should change it into something bright and positive.

That's right. From now on I will be, "Rheol!"

"Hmm? Rheol? Alright. Please come back quickly, I will prepare food for you by then."

My lips can't hide this wide smile on my face. "Yes!"

To be continued.


"I guess I'll just use the teleport point from here to Springville."

Rheol went near the Tp point where it was. But only to see that the Tp point, "None? Eh?! Why?!?!?!"






…Doesn't exist at all.

Tomorrow won't have update and sunday. Those two days will be my official day off. Happy weekends!


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