
Blank's Powers and Clarifications


Author's Thoughts

Okay, I read the comments

Some of you my faithful readers are mad about Mc not training so,

I'm gonna make a summary of Blanks Power,

Blank Is Still Op,

He is more powerful than Jibril,

it's just that he doesn't actively look for trouble,

Also, Some of you my beautiful readers are saying that Mc's Biased opinion on devils,

Is ruining the novel,

The reason why I did this because I'm trying to make a unique novel,

so far I didn't read Dxd Mc biasing angels.


Blank DISLIKE devils, not HATE them, I'm sorry if I made it sound like he hates them,

English is my 3rd language.

Ehem.., as I was saying,

Mc dislikes devils, but it doesn't mean he'll kill them just because,(That's Cao Cao's Job)

But he won't save them either..,

It's more like, I Dislike you so I won't help you thing,

so don't expect Blank to try to train rias in the fried Kentucky Arc.

Ehem.., I'm not calling anybody out,(I'm sorry if it sounds like it does)

pls don't send hate, I want wholesome things,

if I read something about that,

I will instantly become edgy and watch Madaras speech about reality

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Blanks Powers

1st True Magic [Denial Of Nothingnes] Rank Ex++

-Is a magic native in Nasuverse,

- Blank can create any sh*t he wants, either it stands, powers overpowered gears, etc., This magic stems from the "materialization of nothingness", how it works cannot be explained.

Stand [Star Platinum Over Heaven ] Rank Ex

-It can rewrite reality, basically, reality is Mcs Homie,

The Supernaturals in Dxd cannot counter [Star Platinum Over Heaven], as it is stated that only stand users can deflect, harm, or see stands.

Blanks Gear

Blank Ultimate Ring, Aka (Reinhard)

-Blank only has this ring as his equipment, this ring has many effects,


-Immunity Against Magic

-Provides Infinite Supply of mana

-Gives Editic Memory

-Hides User's mana of that an average level

-Can connect to any device and from there, Blank can Issue demands like a hack, search, track, etc. How did he do it? he doesn't know. He just needs to say [Reinhard] search/hack/track, etc.

Essentially a Copy Of Jarvis but magical.

-Can Cast Magic By so simply saying a word. (Basically Word Magic from Black Clover)

-Detects someone's overall mana

-Brings The Concept of Infinity on the space around the user(Basically like Gojo's Limitless),(Do this means that Reinhard is Ophis's Brother?)


In summary, the ring is Reinhard from Re: Zero

Ja ne~~~,

v( 。・ω・。 )

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