
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Capsule House

Tora took a breath and jumped forward, kicking an incoming wolf. Two more were approaching him so he jumped in the air above them and stomped down of their backs. More and more wolves were coming but Tora would strike them away as they came.

"This is... really fun!" Tora had stopped overthinking the fight and began to enjoy being strong. It reminded him of being a kid in his past life as Jacob, punching and kicking kitchen drawers shut after watching Dragon Ball Z. Soon he was laughing while fighting alongside Goku, before he heard the sound of the airplane starting. Shu and Mai had managed to flee back to their ship in the chaos.

"Well not that I care." Tora thought. The plane took off and rose above the valley.

"Hey my bird, it's getting away!" yelled Goku. Tora turned to see Goku take out his Power Pole and grab his arm.

"Come on!" "What are yo-" "Power Pole extend!" Goku pushed his pole into the ground and the two of them rose high in the air.

"Dude!" yelled a shocked Tora. "We can't let dinner get away!" a smiling Goku said.

Tora turned his head and saw that they were about to collide with Shu and Mai's plane. Goku and Tora at the same time shot out a leg and kicked the plane which careened down back into the earth outside of the valley. Tora saw a large explosion in the distance as Goku brought the two of them down, without a word he ran off in it's direction and Tora followed.

"I didn't just kill them did I?" The thought passed Tora's mind, he knew it was something he'd have to do eventually but he thought if it came to that it'd be aliens, demons, or androids but not regular people.

When he arrived Tora saw Goku poking the destroyed airplane with the power pole a few times.

"Doggonit, this birds rock hard." Goku said to himself. Tora looked around for Shu and Mai's bodies before looking up and seeing they were (mostly) fine in the tree above, a relief to Tora.

"How about we go grab a wolf to eat?" said Tora. "Sure! I'm Goku G-O-K-U, what's yours?" "Tora T-O-R-A." Goku laughed "That's a funny name."

Together they grabbed a wolf and Tora's things and walked to where Bulma had set up her Capsule House. Goku knocked on the door to the house "Bulma, I'm back." Tora heard a voice from inside "He's alive after all, well I'll be darned."

Bulma opened the door, she had on a hair band holding up one side of her hair and was only wearing an oversized pink shirt. Goku held up a centipede he had caught "If you think this appetizer looks good, take a look at the main course!" He took a step back to show Tora holding the dead wolf behind him. "Hello." Tora said politely. Bulma screamed and slammed the door shut. "That's Bulma, she's kind of weird."

Goku showed Tora how to make a fire and they spit roasted the wolf above it's flames. When the wolf was almost done he shouted at the house "Bulma, are you serious about not eating? This is looking pretty good."

"You're grossing me out Goku, I can't believe you're going to eat that!" Goku and Tora ate the wolf together and went inside. Goku immediately burped when he entered "Oh my gosh, that is so disgusting, you need to brush your teeth kid and you..."

She stopped for a moment seeming surprised "When did you get here?" "I've been here the whole time." said Tora. "This is Tora, he helped me hunt down a big birdy, it wasn't any good though so we grabbed a wolf instead."

Bulma sighed, feeling like her responsibilities of baby sitting had just doubled. "Thanks for letting me spend the night." Tora made sure he was very polite with Bulma, Goku was simple to befriend but he really needed Bulma to like him to make sure he could be there when it was time to make a wish with the Dragon Balls.

"Wow what a soft bed, I could bounce like this all night, come on Tora there's room for all of us." Bulma came out of the bathroom "Room? What are you talking about kid were not sleeping together, you two are sleeping on the floor."

"Are you seri-" Tora stopped Goku. "The floor will be just fine, thank you Bulma." He said before pulling Goku to the floor with him. Bulma went to brush her teeth and gave Tora a toothbrush so he could as well, Goku opted not to. While brushing Bulma asked "Hey Goku, what is it with your grandpa anyway, what happened to your parents?"

"I'm not sure what happened, my grandpa found me on a mountainside on a little bed of moss when I was just a baby so he picked me up a took me home." He said with a smile. Tora thought of his own father the Tiger Hermit and of Goku's true father Bardock.

"You're not missing much Goku." Bulma looked at Tora "So what's your deal kid?" "My father taught me martial arts then kicked me out and told me to make his martial arts famous, I don't really care about that though I want an adventure!" He lied. Tora hoped by showing himself in a sympathetic but also exploitable manner Bulma would be more likely to keep him around. By the time they had finished brushing their teeth Goku had already fallen asleep.

Tora awoke to shouting, he stood up ready in case it was a fight, only to see a scared Goku, his back to the wall shouting "No balls!" again and again. Bulma screamed at first thinking someone had stolen the Dragon Balls, and checked to make sure they were still there. "Geez, you freaked me out! Stop having nightmares will you?"

Tora had forgotten that this would happen, it was censored in the American version he originally saw. "I should probably warn her before she meets Master Roshi that Goku took off her underwear. It'll get me more brownie points and I'd feel kind of bad if I just let it happen." He thought to himself before going back to sleep.