

Akira decided to meet Tamayo tonight to see if there's anything interesting


It was cold but lively with people's voices and light

Akira saw that it's night already, so he stopped watching anime and decided to search, but he thought that he wouldn't need to search anymore since he had the map

Akira then left the inn and went into the crowd which the map is showing him the direction

Akira stopped in front of the house which is a clinic, there isn't any people around

Akira: (since I would be suspicious if I go in there, I should injure myself first) Akira thought as he gently slashed a small part of his shoulder

He then goes inside the clinic and shouted "help", while Tamayo hearing this goes into the sound and saw a man that have a wound on his shoulder

Seeing this Tamayo hastily checked the injury and took a bandage and a needle, she then cleans the blood and started sewing the cut, and after she finished she wrapped it with a bandage while Akira felt that the injury was healed by the instant regeneration

Tamayo: "it's finished" Tamayo said as she sighed

Akira: "Thank you so much" Akira said as he looked at Tamayo who looked younger

He then heard Yushiro's voice and looked at him

Akira: "Hello I am Akira D. Kanahe, you can call me Akira" Akira said to the two

Tamayo: "you can call me Ms. Tamayo and this is Yushiro my assistant"

Yushiro didn't look at Akira, Because of his arrogant side, Akira just didn't mind Yushiro

Akira: "hello Ms. Tamayo can I stay here for a while?" Akira asked

Tamayo: "Sure" Tamayo replied

Akira: "Thank you so much" Akira said

Tamayo: "you should rest now" Tamayo said while pointing to the room where Akira should rest

Akira: "Yes" Akira said with a smile since he knows that Tamayo pointed at her room

Akira: (looks like Tamayo will not sleep) Akira thought

He then walked towards the room and put a barrier to it with a soundproof effect and barrier to the doorknob which has the froze effect

that makes it unable to move

He then lies on the bed and searched Google for h*ntai which Tamayo is the girl and started relieving stress

Akira finished after 1 hour and realize something

Akira: "oh fuck, it looks like I am going through puberty but isn't this a bit too fast, maybe it's because I have a body that is the same as 13 years old kid"

Akira then rested after relieving stress 5 more times


Akira woke up early and removed all the barriers and left the room to cook for Tamayo

He then arrived in the kitchen and saw Tamayo who is about to start preparing/cook the food

Akira: "stop" Akira said while Tamayo just look at him

Akira: "let me do the cooking while I am here" Akira said since he planned to conquer Tamayo through her stomach

happy new year

Wang_Ling_6598creators' thoughts
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