
6. A Change of Priority

Misutorenu slowly opened her eyes and squinted from the light that fell on her eyes. She slowly opened them and then got up from the floor as she has a confused face as she is back in the same hotel room. Then she remembered about the events that had happened.

'I was on a mission to find Escalayer's weakness and then...' Misutorenu thought to herself as she got up and looked ahead.

Her eyes widened when she saw Haruto and the now dark Escalayer sitting on the bed with smirks on their faces. Haruto is naked while Escalayer is in her darker form as Misutorenu's eyes widened.

"M-My lord!" Misutorenu said as she kneeled in front of them causing the smirk on their faces to widen.

"What were you doing Misutorenu?" Haruto asked her with a smile.

"I-I was on a mission from Die-Lust to find Escalayer's weakness." Misutorenu said to him as she bowed to him.

"And is that why you had stabbed me with your sword?" Haruto asked her with a predatory grin.

"I-I-I an sorry my lord! I didn't know th-that it was you!" Misutorenu apologized profusely with a terrified face.

"Well, that won't do." Haruto said with a smirk.

"Gaaah!" Misutorenu cried as a claw made of darkness appeared and grabbed her by her neck and lifted her into the air.

"My my Haruto-sama, you are quite sadistic." Escalayer said to him with a giggle.

"That's her punishment. Now Misutorenu, if you want me to spare you, then tell me who you are." Haruto said to the woman sternly.

"I-I am Misutorenu. I am Haruto-sama's servant and slave. I joined Die-Lust to act as my Master's spy." Misutorenu said as she was starting to choke.

"So since you attacked me, does that mean that you are now with Die-Lust?" Haruto asked her with a glare.

"N-No! I would... never betray you... Master. I am terribly sorry for... attacking you. I promise to not do... it again." Misutorenu choked out as she looked at him.

"Good enough." Haruto said as the hand dissipated causing the woman to fall on the floor.

She fell on the floor and coughed as she held her throat while Haruto and Escalayer smirked at her.


After Escalayer had become his slave they focused on Misutorenu who was a bit scared at being looked at by the two of them.

"What are you going to do to me?" Misutorenu asked him as she struggled against her chains.

"I thought you were a good agent. Didn't you hear what he said, you're going to be his spy in Die-Lust." Escalayer said to her with a smirk.

"I would never betray Die-Lust!" Misutorenu said to her in response.

"We'll see about that." Haruto said as he walked and stood in front of her.

He then placed both his hands on either side of her head and then his energy appeared from them and entered her head causing Misutorenu's eyes to widen as her pupils shrank.

"Gaaah!... Ahhaaaahhh!... WhaaaGhaahgg!" Misutorenu cried out as her eyes shook erratically.

"What are you doing to her Master?" Escalayer asked him as she relished the look of pain in her eyes.

"Just changing some of her priorities." Haruto said to her with a smile.

Misutorenu kept on crying out in pain as she felt him do things to her mind before her eyes went blank and her body fell limp. He let go of her head as her body sagged. Haruto smirked as the chains vanished and she fell on the ground.

"What did you change Master?" Escalayer asked as she stood beside him.

"I made it so that Misutorenu thinks that she is in fact my loyal servant and so is just in Die-Lust as per my orders. When she wakes up that is what she will believe." Haruto said to her with a smirk.

"Master is quite powerful huh. You could've done the same to me." Escalayer said to him.

"I could have. But I wanted to make you mine with your mind complete." Haruto said to her with a smirk.

"And I'm happy to hear that. I will be your slave Haruto-sama, for as long as I live." Escalayer said to him as he smirked.

"That's what I want." Haruto said as he kissed her as she melted into it.

Flashback End 

"Since you learned your mistake I will overlook it. Now I want you to go to Die-Lust and act as my spy. You have gotten into a good position haven't you?" Haruto said to her seriously.

"Yes my lord. I will get more information regarding Die-Lust." Misutorenu said to him as she bowed.

"Good. Send all the info you have to this contact address and then keep on collecting. You better not make any blunder Ryouko Kiritani." Haruto said to her sternly.

"Y-Yes Haruto-sama! I will not fail you!" Misutorenu said to him as she bowed deeply.

"Good. Now go away. I don't want Die-Lust to get suspicious about you." Haruto said to her as she nodded.

Then she went to the window and jumped out of it as the two watched. The two of them waited for a few seconds before they laughed out loud at how she had acted in front of them.

"Oh that was gold. I can't believe Misutorenu actually acted like that!" Escalayer said as she laughed out loud.

"Yeah. I have seen her sometimes in TV so it was really great!" Haruto said as he also laughed.

The two laughed for a few more moments before stopping as they chuckled.

"But still, is Ryouko Kiritani her real name?" Escalayer asked him.

"Yep. That's her real name alright. You didn't actually think that I wouldn't know about it did you?" Haruto said to her with a smirk.

"You have a lot of secrets." Escalayer said to him.

"But you don't have to care about any of them." Haruto said to her as he grabbed her chin and raised her head.

He then kissed her and slipped his tongue inside her mouth as she moaned out as he pushed her onto the bed and groped her breasts and unclipped her nipples as she wrapped her arms around him as she felt his body and muscles as she felt her pussy getting wet. The window to the room closed by itself as the two kissed eachother.

"Am I supposed to fight in this form?" Escalayer asked him as they stopped kissing.

"Of course not. This is the form you will use when you are with me. In front of others you will be the normal Escalayer. When you're in front of me you will be using this form." Haruto said to her as he but her nipple eliciting a moan from her.

"Then, ahn~, what about if someone were to see us?" Escalayer asked him as she moaned.

"That's no problem. Because I have used my power and there is actually a covering over your breasts, it's just that you aren't able to see it." Haruto said to her.

"Really?" Escalayer asked him surprised.

"Of course. Look." Haruto said as his eyes glowed.

Then she saw a red cloth covering her breasts, made of the same fabric she is wearing.

"No one is allowed to see your body except me. You are my woman, my slave. You belong to me and me only." Haruto said to her with a smirk.

"Yes. I am yours Master." Escalayer said to him with a blush on her face.

Then the two kissed again as they started to enjoy each other's bodies.

Time skip

"Another day of peace. Another day of the hunt." Haruto said to himself from his place on top of a tall building.

He was currently standing as he is watching his phone. On it Escalayer is fighting her enemy as he smiled at it as she is in her normal form. After watching it for a few more minutes he stopped and switched off the device and then it vanished from his hands.

Then he looked down from his place on top of the building and smiled and then leaned forward without a hint of fear. And then he fell down the building through the air as he felt the wind rush past his face as it swept his hair and his clothes. 

"Man this is awesome!" Haruto said as he laughed as he freefalled.

He fell for a few more minutes before he was covered by the other buildings and was nearing the ground as he smirked. He was reaching closer to the ground but then he covered himself in dark energy and turned into a hawk and flew away a few metres from the ground.

He squeaked as he flew through the air with speed and flapped his wings. He already has a destination in mind as he shot forward and went to the building of a wealthy and computerized company. He managed to easily pass through the security at the gates and flew towards the upper parts of the building as he could see his target.

He reached almost the top floor before he flew straight towards the building and passed through the glass as he entered the building and entered the data room where many supercomputers were placed. He perched on one such supercomputer and looked at his target.

His target is none other than Night Charger, the lone superheroine who works all alone and doesn't have any allegiance to anyone. And since she works alone it's far more easy for him to catch her as well. (A/N: I'll try to put the image here.)

'Hehehe. Now this will be fun.' Haruto thought to himself as his hawk form had something similar to a smile on its face.

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