
Reincarnated In a Reversal World with Two Types of Women

When I thought a middle-aged man died in a traffic accident, he reincarnated in another world as a neutrally beautiful boy. It's a world with the so-called reversed chastity, where the male-to-female ratio is 1:100... or so I thought. Surprisingly, there are two types of women in this world. One looks almost the same as women from the previous life but is physiologically disliked by all men, known as Common. The other is slender, lacks feminine traits, and can interact with males, serving as male attendants—Artio. In this world with a male, Artio, and Common ratio of 1:4:95, only I can desire and touch both women equally. Wait, does that mean I can boldly claim that the Common, occupying 95% of the total population and ignored by men in this world, is all mine? Moreover, Artio becomes quite attractive once you get used to her. I can do whatever I want in this world! ...This is the story of a man living conveniently in such a world. •This is not my novel; I am merely translating it. •Status of this Novel is completed •The entire 130 chapters have been translated and are available on Patreon for those interested in exploring this captivating story further: https://www.patreon.com/Jenuinez_translation

Jens33 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: My Real Mother

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back!"

"Yes, welcome home."

"Welcome home, Sou-kun!"

"Big brother, welcome back!"

After completing the hospital discharge procedures, my mother drove me home, and we arrived home before noon.

By the way, because word had spread within the hospital that I didn't feel aversion towards Common people, even the female doctor, nurses, and receptionists all came up to me, congratulating me on my discharge. It took quite a while until I finally left the hospital.

Well, I mean, it's nice that everyone is so kind, but I wish they wouldn't burst into tears the moment I say, "Thank you, take care at work." They're a bit too sensitive to men.

Oh, and Madoka-san had a night shift, so I couldn't meet her at the time of discharge. That's a shame.

Anyway, now I'm finally at home.

My, or rather, my mother's house, is a detached house in a quiet residential area. It's so large that it seems extravagant for a family of four.

On the first floor, there's a kitchen, a spacious living-dining room, a slightly raised Japanese-style room, and even a study. On the second floor, there are five small rooms, with each family member having their own, and still, there's a spare room.

Could it be that we're quite well-off?

"Since we're late, is something simple for lunch okay? Saki, help me."

"Yes, yes. We have frozen rice, so how about making fried rice?"

"That sounds good, thaw it beforehand."

Entering the living room, my mother and Saki-nee promptly start preparing lunch in the kitchen.

...Oh, this "Saki-nee" thing was decided in the conversation during the car ride back.

"I don't dislike calling you 'Onee-san,' but Sou-kun, you used to call me 'Saki-nee,' so I'd be happy if you continue to do so."

"Got it, Saki-nee, right? I'll do that."

"Oh, if it's Saki, that's unfair! From Sou-chan, I've always been called 'Yoko Mama,' you know?"

"Um, um, then I'll go with... Loveable, Kaede-chan!"

"Geez, both Mom and Kaede, stop it! I'll look like I'm trying to deceive Sou-kun!"

...And well, it was almost like that until Kaede added a punchline. It was risky.

Anyway, while Mom and Saki-nee prepare lunch, I follow Kaede to my room on the second floor to put away my things.

It's a Western-style room that seems to be about 8 tatami mats, surprisingly well-organized. Did my mother clean it up while I was in the hospital?

Even though it's my own room, I'm not used to it, and I struggled to put away my clothes and other things

Even though it's my room, I struggle to figure out where things are. I notice Kaede hesitating near the door.

Huh? What's she doing there?

"Kaede, don't just stand there, come in."

"Huh? Can I come in?"

"Of course. You don't need to be reserved."

"...You won't hit me?"

I won't! Seriously, how much have I hit Kaede until now? I'm really sorry, Kaede. I'll be thoroughly kind from now on.

After apologizing profusely, I encourage her to come in. Kaede enters the room and sits on the bed.

"Hehe... big brother's bed..."

I don't know what's making her happy, but Kaede loosens her expression and starts fluttering her legs. Yeah, she's incredibly cute.

While tidying up my things, I sneak a peek at Kaede's adorable figure. I notice a photo frame on the low table by the bedside has fallen over and casually pick it up.

The photo inside is a bust shot of a woman in her mid-20s. She's a stunning beauty with short hair and a sharp vibe.

I wonder who she is? Considering her age, could there be another older sister besides Saki-nee?

Oh no, that would make the age gap with Mom inconsistent.

"Hey Kaede, do you know who this woman is?"

"Huh? ...Ah, I see. Big brother, you don't remember..."

When I ask, Kaede's eyes widen for a moment, then she murmurs with a lonely expression.

"That person is Ria, your real mom. Your true mother. She passed away in a traffic accident six years ago."

"Huh? My... real mom?"

Here, a shocking truth is revealed. Saki-nee and Kaede's mom, and my mom, are different people.

In this world, practically only Artios can marry men. It's not explicitly prohibited for Commons, but the likelihood of a Common marrying a man is nearly zero.

However, relying solely on the five percent of the population who are men and Artios for procreation wouldn't sustain the population.

Therefore, while Commons do conceive children through artificial insemination, raising them alone would be challenging, affecting both parenting and work.

Commons desiring children typically form marriages with other women, sharing responsibilities for childcare and work. In such cases, the relationship might not necessarily be based solely on affection but could involve trustworthy friends or even biological sisters.

Even though they marry, it doesn't mean they conceive children together, so there are no genetic issues with marrying relatives.

"Mom and Ria were friends since elementary school. Ideally, when you entered middle school, Ria was supposed to move to a different house with you. However, she passed away before that happened."

"I see... So..."

While there is generally aversion towards men in relation to Commons, biological mothers seem to be an exception. Usually, when a woman gives birth to a boy, she leaves the household with other Commons when the boy reaches adolescence.

However, due to the death of my biological mother, Ria, I couldn't follow this norm. Even though she faced harsh words and struggles, Mom (Yoko) raised me without abandoning me.

Not just Mom, but Saki-nee and Kaede did the same.

"Kaede... I've been a terrible big brother, yet you endured so much. I'm really sorry. Thank you."

"No, it's not your fault, big brother. Because we're Commons, it's inevitable for you to be like that. Besides, now that you're so close to us, I'm really happy. So, big brother, you don't have to apologize to us."

"Thank you, Kaede."

"Fuah? O-nii-cha... an... Ahn♡"

At that moment, my feelings for Kaede became a jumble of admiration, kindness, apology, cuteness, and affection. Impulsively, I hugged her small body. 

Despite her small chest, Kaede's body is soft, and it carries the pleasant scent of a girl. I wished I could continue holding her like this forever, but quite soon, Saki-nee called out, "Dinner's ready!" making us both jump and hurriedly separate.