
Part 7 Ironman I Part II

1st person POV-

"OH they are definitely not friendly" I say

"Those are American helicopters, I recognize them." Tony says

"Exactly not friendly." I reply

"More like not funny" he mumbles but is actually trembling a bit, I guess he was more affected then I thought. Well I guess I am the same as I thought if they were enemies at least I'd have food.

As I was thinking that they had already landed and one of the soldiers came running up to Tony saying " How was the funvee?Next Time you ride with me." He didn't even look at me.....rude.

"See I told you not friendly, hasn't even looked at me or introduced himself, you would think he was an alien or something, no manners at all." I say and Tony just snorts while saying "The Sassy Lassy next to me is Laura she saved my life." And Laura this is Rhodes my friend. Before anyone continues I yell "WOW You have friends!?"

Tony just looks done with my BS saying "Yes I have Pepper, Rhodes and Obi"

" And how many work for you?" I say and Rhodes surprisingly jumps in saying " Technically I am paid by tax payers and Tony makes most of our stuff so all three."

"I hate you both" Tony says but has a slight smirk.

Rhodes says "Well hate us on the way home then, let's go."

-American Airport-

Before we landed in America we had to obviously stop at a military base and they tried finding my Identity, but obviously couldn't when Tony just said something unbelievable to everyone " She's American. I don't care if the data is lost if it's a problem make a new ID and if you can't do that I will just adopt her." I spat out my drink(and so did a few others around) and it got deathly quite but he gave a look that said it was final so they decided to make a few calls and once we landed in America I already had my papers, social, and everything else for one Laura Howlett. I got asked why this last name and just said it sounds cool but the real reason is a big middle finger to Hydra and Shield saying yes I know.

The loading ramp lowers and we get off the plane and I see people waiting for us....well Tony.

Tony upon seeing Peppers red eyes says " Tears, for me?" "Tears for Joy, I hate job hunting." After that Tony introduces me and the others. " Pepper, Happy this is Laura Howlett." "Laura this is Pepper ,Happy." To this I reply already laughing in my head " Well of course Pepper is Happy, no need to say it twice, but who is the other guy?"

Happy looks both a bit hurt and trying not to laugh its a weird expression to say anything.

"Very funny Laura, this time I know you are messing with me." Tony says as we get into the car...darn.

-Tony POV-

Pepper says as Happy drives anyway "Hospital" and I intercede "Bugers" Pep just give me a look saying "What! You just came back you need a hospital!" " No I need two things an American cheese burger and..."

Pep interrupts me saying " No and dont say stuff like that. Not in front of Laura!" "Not what you are thinking Pep I need a Press conference and beside the kids been though a lot." Pep just says "Ya?" " Ya for one she never had a burger" and I think back to what she's told me about herself and what she has been through all she has had to eat is nutrition paste and anything she killed which I know was mostly people! WHAT KIND OF MONSTERS DO THAT!

Pep finally relents snapping me out of my thoughts"Okay fine on the Bugers but why the Press?" " I'll tell once I have my Bugers"pulling up I ask Laura " What do you want to try?" Laura just asks or says " Everything" " Right Happy one of everything and Four cheese bugars two shakes and some fries and a large soda plus what ever you want." Laura just looks shocked but smiles awhile trying not to cry. THIS, this is what I should use my money for to make this girl smile to protect her and others so they don't go though what I did and Especially what she did.

I have Happy drive around for a while while we eat and Pep says "Okay now you have had your buger and Laura's apparently had half of everything so far!? why the press?"

"Because Pepper I say weapons killing American Soldiers, MY Weapons! In the hands of terrorists they killed them!"( and it's my fault I think) Laura surprisingly joins asking a question that I didn't realize I needed to hear " So you are suspending your weapons department then?" "Sus....Yes" I realized I was about to put a lot of people out of jobs if that wasn't asked so I just nod my head to Laura as thanks.

-Agent Phillip Sebastian Coleson POV-

-Press conference-


"Someone really wanted it to spell shield huh" they young lass named Laura Howlett said "It would appear so Ms...?" "Laura" she states never moving her eyes from Stark? No Stain!?? Why him...interesting. I return to Ms.Potts saying "I would like to debrief Mr.Stark of the circumstances of his escape." I get a reply from both at the same time "We will be in touch"

[Stark: That's why effective immediately I am suspending the Stark Weapons division until such a time I can determine the role the future of this company will take.]

"Excuse me Ladies, I need to make a call" in response I get an "Un" and "Okay Phill."

"Agent Coleson?" " Sir, I made contact." " And?" " Stark truly came back with an unknown Sir, before the records were made a few days ago Laura Howlett didn't exist."

"I know that Agent, I am asking what you think." " Sir, she reminds me of Agent Romanoff." "I see. Keep me updated." "Yes, Sir".

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