
Reincarnated As The Thunder God

This is a story about a high school student who died right after his graduation party and got transmigrated to another universe, he took control over the body of a God, and prepared to begin his new journey.Now he has to figure out how this world works and get used to being a GOD.

Rhinoceross · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 The Prison 1

Sitting besides the huge oak tree Chris was still crying with red eyes, " Oh my lord up in your devine kingdom, please have mercy on this poor soul and deliver him from the current predicament that he currently faces, cause my strength isn't sufficient to handle it alone, please my lord I need your help, please." Sam prayed with tears flowing from his eyes.

"What is this feeling of sadness," Indra says, paying attention to it, he found out that it came from one of the remaining two believers, "it look like he is in trouble, damn it, I gotta save him."

Indra was scanning his memories which he got from the system to find a way to save his believer however he discovered that a part of his memories were sealed and he couldn't access them no matter what he did, he then abandon the idea of searching through his memory as nothing there can be of help. "Damn what should I do, nothing seems to be working its as if someone is playing game with me...WAIT GAMES? How could I forget, Status"


Name:- Chad Johnson {Indra}

Age: 18 (185)

Divine energy: 105/5,000

Experience: 0/1,000,000

Race: God

Authority: Thunder (Complete control over the thunder element)

Tier: Low-level God

Believers: 2

Skills: Devine Grace, Devine Descent, Devine Fury, Devine Blessing.

Indra was searching throughout his skills for something useful in this situation:"So among one of my skills is Devine Descent, as its name suggests I can use it to descent to the mortal realms to assist my believers...Devine Descent"


Devine Descent is currently sealed.

"...Sealed? Why?"


Mission accomplished: Host figured out why Indra has only 2 believers.

Mission accomplished: Host wants to help his believers.

Reward: Part of the truth.

"Part of the truth? what truth? What's happening here!"

Indra's consciousness began fading.

"Where am I?" Indra said while being in the same pitched black space he was after he died, then a screen similar to a movies appeared before him, there was Indra, Indra as in the original Indra before Chad transmigrated.

" Hello future me? Or should I say dear Chad?"

Chad mouth was wide open the whole time by the way.

" Okay enough with the pointless talk I don't have much time. To summarize my story I'm a god and not the type you're used to from your world, here in this world there are beings of different races, and yes as well as the kind you're thinking about right now." He said confidently as if he knew exactly what I would think about.

Then he continued "like every other god I was born with the authority over thunder."

"Born?" I exclaimed with a perplexed expression on my face, my mind coming up with different theories.

"Yes born," he said rolling his eyes which made me think he predicted this conversation from the beginning since he is a mere projection. "Born but not the same you humans give birth, our consciousness is born from the universe according to the wishes of the mortals, now am pretty sure you have an idea of what's happening here."

I nod my head indicating that I understand, which me made me then think that's stupid since that won't matter... It's a projection for gods sake!