

Aranta, a land once hailed as the Garden of Eden, whose inhabitants, the Arantians, were graced by the Veru, the gods of the heavenly realm.

Arantians lived eternally. They were praised and venerated as higher beings. They reigned over the entire world, second only to the gods and goddesses of the celestial realm. They have a power known as the blessings, which have four kinds.

Blessings of Healing. A blessing that cures any disease. Any individual in the world flocked to Aranta to seek healing for their incurable ailments.

Blessings of the Weather. The Arantians could manipulate the weather with the snap of their fingers, they could deliver rain to scorching regions. Or a powerful storm to those who oppose them.

Blessings of the Mind, where Arantians could develop and even revive a dying and the most poverty-stricken country with their knowledge.

Blessings of Life. Where Arantians graced to live for eternity and youth. Unless a god from the heavenly realm revoked their immortality, they could die.

However, twenty years ago. All these blessings turned into a curse.

In the blink of an eye…

Aranta collapsed and was no longer the land everyone worshiped.