
Play the Game

After repeatedly dancing with Zion and father, to Alexander then mother, I could feel my feet swollen from the intense aching. However, seeing them happy, and fighting over who's going to dance with me next over and over again, got me forgetting all about the pain.

Soon it all came to an end, when father walked up the corridor and to the entrance where I came from. I already knew what was going to happen next, but I know, they'd expect me to be surprise and full of joy.

"Unfortunately, this will soon have to stop. So let us finally end this night, with a delightful surprise for my dear daughter. That both my sons..wife and I all came to an agreement. Please welcome, your new addition to the family Iris.." And just like that, thunderous gasped erupted and the two large doors open then came in, Mia, followed by Draco from behind.

So that's where he has been all along, I am actually relieved, it almost ease my day knowing he was not around to ask me to dance just because he's my fiancé.

The huge crowd, eagerly clapped for the beauty walking down the stairs, holding onto my father's arms. She smiled joyously wide yet managed to look so elegant. I couldn't deny the fact that she is an absolute perfect definition of beautiful.

With her long straight pink hair and extraordinary big blue eyes, also every action she makes hold elegance and grace. It will have every boy in the kingdom falling to her feet without hesitation, people may even mistake her for a Queen.

Both my brothers and mother stood beside me, smiling at Mia who is now sauntering towards us with father beside her. Truthfully speaking, I could feel a painful pang of jealousy beating violently against the surface of my chest.

They all must've met her already, from what I knew, father stumbled upon her in one of his business trips and was charmed by her unique beauty.

Not to mention, her fit-to-be-a-princess manners. He took pitied of her, for she was an orphan, and therefore decided to adopt her, feeling a family connection between them.

Father then brought her home, when I wasn't around and introduce her to the rest of the family. They all planned to tell me as a surprise on the day of my ceremony. He practically claimed her a Princess, in front of the entire kingdom, on my birthday.

Even though I knew this was going to happen one way or another, I was still furious beyond humane.

"Mia, meet Iris. Sunshine meet, Mia, your sister from today onwards." Dad introduced us to one another as she smiled like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. While I had my tight lips in a straight line. For a moment, my muscles forgot how to fake a smile.

I've been really forgetting a lot of things today.

"Please to meet you sister Iris. I have a feeling we're going to be really close." She babbles, her voice was as smooth as butter, and face as radiant as a meadow of flowers.

Yeah, really close to destroying each other.

I didn't know how long was I staring at her hand that was stretched out for me to take, but a nudge on my arm got me jumping into reality.

My blurry vision then set on everyone's confused stares at me, the entire ball room was in deadly silence awaiting for my next move.

My eyes travel around and came in contact with Draco's from behind Mia, he narrowed his at me, almost threatening me to take her hand before I make a fool out of myself and embarrass her.

However, I am longer in a mood to be friendly and put up with everyone's lies anymore. Unmoving

and stiff, I just stood there still like a statue as Mia awkwardly hold her hand for minutes.

"Iris what's wrong sunshine, aren't you happy to have a sister? The whole family was thrilled about it." Dad reasoned as he noticed the atmosphere I was giving off.

"Are you alright, sweetie? Are you not feeling well? Is that why you're so quiet?" Mother asked worriedly, stroking my back as I eyed Mia like a predator going to pounce on its prey. However, hers remained as innocent as a newborn angel as she slowly swing down her hands to her side.

I feel like the bad guy again.

Why can't Draco just take her away and forever flee from my sight, from my life..Is that too much to ask for?

Once again swimming in my own mind, whispers gathered in the enormous room, echoing and bouncing into my ears creating an immense headache.

I can't take this. I thought I would calm and ready, but here I am, fuming silently and was going to explode any moment.

Zion then grabbed a hold of my hand, easing my inner flames and I let out a sigh, catching everyone's attention.

"Its nothing mother, father. I just felt like throwing up." I excused and watch as my father gulp visibly. My whole family knew whenever I mention mother's name first before father's, I was extremely mad.

"I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway, I'll try my best not too irritate you with my presence." Mia spoke up with glossy eyes, too timidly, too innocently..and loud enough for everyone in the ballroom to hear.

"Oh honey, its not like that. Iris is just isn't feeling well." Mom explained, rushing to her side as the same goes for my brothers, and that got me clenching my fist and nails digging into my palm. She already got the hearts of my family in her tiny grasp, who else knows what she's capable of.

UGH. Why am I being such a bitch! Why can't I keep it under control?! Why am I so frustrated?!!

I continued to stare, my heart saddening at the sight of my love ones gathering around Mia and comforting her as if she was an injured puppy.

My mouth is burning to spit out fire.

Even Draco, with everyone knowing he was my fiancé, he still had the audacity to hold her hand in public. Indirectly shaming me, but not that I care, the faster he takes her away, the better.

"Sweetie look at what you've done, the poor girl got the wrong idea. You got to learn to love her as much as you love us sweetheart. She's now our family, that means you have to treat her like one too." Mom scolded, and my bubble popped.

"I think she already got enough love right now mother." I spay and walk away from them, heading to the exit.

"Sunshine!" "Iris!" "Sweetie!" My father, mother, Xander and Zion, even Draco, all called out at once, but I pay no mind to them. If I stay any longer, food would be flying to everybody's faces.

However, I did stop in my track, giving them false hope to explain themselves. That ain't happening till I can calm my butt down first, so instead I bent down to take off those monstrous heels and drop them onto the floor. Making everyone's lips parted and sucking in air through their mouths, as I march out barefooted. Leaving the ballroom with a dramatic bang from closing the door behind me.

Instantly, unknown beads of tears wet my cheeks and drip onto my fluffy gown, times like these, I just want it to rain and have me cuddling against my blanket.

It seems like god heard my voice as the starry dark sky started drizzling from heaven to earth, and seconds later turns into a thundering storm. Exactly matching how I felt at the moment.

I fiercely wiped the uncontrollable waterfall from my face, but it was no use, my brain can't even find a reason to why I'm being like this.

Not bothering to think anymore, mindlessly, I dragged my achy feet as I stroll the empty hallway to my bedroom. The only source of light I had was from the lightening tearing up outside. The maids were all asleep, and it'd be too selfish of me to bother them at this hour, especially when they have to wake up early the next morning.

My entire body felt drained and exhausted, and eyes were swollen from rubbing too much, when suddenly I bumped into a bricked wall.

What is a wall doing in the middle of the hallway?

Luckily I wasn't rushing, or I would've flew a metre away. Slowly I looked up and came to face with handsome, worried looking Adam. Its been quite awhile since I've seen him around, I'm kinda glad he's here now.

"Princess what's wrong? And why aren't at the ballroom? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Please tell me so I can beat that imbecile up." Adam rambled and I sightly smiled at how he became protective of me. Acting or not, I felt a tiny bit happy that he asked and I also desperately needed support right now.

Shaking my head, I started to hiccup as tears were still flowing out freely, so I did the first thing that came in mind.

I hugged him, tightly as my wails go louder but it sounded like muffles against his chest, as I let all my emotions escape.

Adam stiffened at first and didn't know what to do, but fortunately, he knew how to be a great consoler and was very understanding. He didn't push me into answering him and as if he read my mind...

Adam softly stroke my hair, and effortlessly lift me up. His one arm under my knee and another supporting my back, and I automatically wrapped mine around his neck. He made way towards my bedroom, and I was grateful, as my cold feet could bleed any second.

Adam firm yet soft grip, warmed me from the freezing, stilled air, so on instinct..I snuggled closer to him. Feeling myself getting sleepier by the second.

My eyelids wither closed, as I hear the creaking of a opening door, to which I think was my bedroom's.

Adam gently place me down onto the softness of my bed and pull the blanket over me. The coziness, made me forgot about the uncomfortable dress I in and was way to tired to change.

"Sweet dreams, Princess." Adam whispered and I forcibly peel my eyes open a bit, to see him leave.

"Adam..please stay." I begged, my voice groggy and Adam flinch in surprise.

"B-but Princess.." I don't even have to properly look at his face to prove he's blushing. Adam is too sweet for his own good. Also very bitter in his own way, if you don't treat him right.

"Please." I drawled and almost jump for victory, when I heard him sigh in defeat.

"Fine, I'll sit next to you still you fall asleep." He reassured and pull a chair to the side of my bed. I grinned, stretching my tear-stain cheeks and grabbed his cold hands for reassurance.

"Can you do me a favour and promise me to not let anyone in, if it isn't you or Maria?" Not saying a word, he gently squeezes our hold as an answer.

And with that, I was over-thrown completely into darkness of my own misery.