
An Unexpected Meeting

Until you step into the unknown, you won't know what you're made of. -🍣✹

Both Draco and the wolf's attention switched to me, and my panic begins to rise rapidly at the tension I can't quite decipher. However the four legged creature instantly caught my interest, for it's fur was pure white like untouched snow. And the wind blowing gently against it, makes the wolf look like a majestic fluff ball floating in the air.

"What are you doing here.." Draco asked, but it sounded more like a demand for an answer. I peek at his captivating grey eyes as colours drown from my face. I hate it. I hate him. He ruined me. My hatred and anger build up in a matter of seconds, and the urge to dig his eyes out was itching within the very tip of my fingers.

"I should be the one asking you that question, Prince Draco. Have you forgotten that this is my garden." I confidently bite back, straining the word 'my'. Showing him that he isn't in the position to fight, since he is standing on my territory.

He groaned and roll his eyes in defeat, he never liked people correcting his wrong doings because he thinks he's always right. How can I be so dumb, and gave this arrogant bastard my heart, only so he can burn it as if it was garbage.

"Step back, the creature might find you a threat and attack you." Draco warned, acting all worried when I knew he couldn't care less if I get my limbs tear apart or not.

"I can protect myself." I snapped, and he flinch in surprise as I never acted this way around him. Not even when I was in one of my horrible mood swings, nobody can handle.

I met Draco at the age of 10 while he was 13, the day he became my fiancé. Ever since then, I adored him to the moon and back, would even kiss the floor he walks on. I'd follow him around like a lovesick puppy, admiring him and pushing his harsh insults to the back of my mind, that was constantly reprimanding me...that I was too blind to see the meaning behind his rough actions; he never wanted me, he loathe me. Just as much as I do now.

Feelings returned.

Ignoring his unbearable presence, I carefully observed the wolf. It was no longer growling instead, it backed away, limping but still cautious of its surroundings.

Its left leg was injured as drops of blood was visible on the grass from where it stood. Draco must be the cause of this, he's always the one starting the problem.

Immediately I knew the wolf was trying to put on a brave front, when it is actually scared and confused, you should never corner an injured animal. It will only heighten their suspicion for danger.

With small steps, I slowly approach it with the friendliest smile I could muster..I may be risking my second..third chance in life but the poor thing needs treatment or the wound will get badly infected.

Reaching my hand out to touch its head, I softly whisper..

"Hey there..its okay. I won't hurt you."

My eyes glistened when the wolf shift nearer to me, slightly whimpering, almost as if it understood what I was saying and my intentions.

I chuckled at it's cute reaction as I ran my hand through its soft fur, they felt like silk on clouds against my skin. Gently caressing it, I scratch a spot behind its ear and it let out a purr of satisfaction.


Now that I've got a closer look, its fur had small sunny gold streaks on its tail, making it look like a royalty. There was no longer a threatening aura, as the happy wolf lay its head on my lap when I sat down next to it.

"How did..how did you do that?" Draco spoke up, and kneeled next to me, I totally forgot he was here. His closeness plant goosebumps onto my skin, causing me to move a bit further away, enough for him to notice that I'm uncomfortable with him near. Awkwardly he cleared his throat, as he stood and took a step back.

"Can you please get someone to bring me first aid?" I requested Draco while stroking the head of the sleepy wolf. He nodded and disappeared within seconds.

I sigh and smile down at the bunch of cuteness sleeping my thigh. If he's a stray and has no owner, I'm definitely making him my own. I've already checked it's gender; a he, and also decided on a perfect name.


"Iris, I've brought somebody with the first aid." Draco voice popped out of nowhere as he strolls towards me. I nodded while narrowing my eyes, not appreciating him addressing my name without 'Princess'. Only close friends and family can call me by only name basis. And I don't remember him being anywhere close to a 'friend' to me, or did I give him the permission to. His ego is outrageously as large as the sun.

"Its Princess Iris to you, Prince Draco and...thank you." I gritted as I avoided eye contact, even without looking him, I knew he was beyond shocked at my disrespectful and harsh behaviour towards the 'soon-to-be-king of the world' and...Also, dreadfully, my fiancé. The situation is ridiculously cliche, that my tooth aches saying it.

"Umm. Princess, I've brought what you've asked for." The maid that Draco brought, spoke, breaking the tension to my relief.

"Thank you..Linda." I say, immediately recognising her face when I turn to her. She was one of the dozens of maids I've tormented before.

"Y-you're very much welcome, Princess." She stuttered, clearly surprised I remembered her name as I would always be calling everybody 'you!'. Before I was reincarnated back to my old royal life, I took the time to remember each and everyone's name at the palace and those I've met. It took a lot of brain-wrecking work, but it was all worth it.

After I bandaged up Meliodas's leg, he woke up, looking pleased and enthusiastic. I laughed at his excitement, he resembles more of a large puppy rather than a dangerous wolf. Did I forget to mention that Meliodas was half my height and twice the size of a regular wolf? Like an Alpha.

And if I remembered, I think I've read about Meliodas's breed from somewhere before. The problem is, I only know that its kind is endangered and nothing else.

"I must go now, Prince Draco. Goodbye." I say, making sure it sounded like I never want to see him ever again.

"Actually...I need to see your father to talk about your  upcoming ceremony." He explained and my eyes narrow. What is there to talk about? And its my ceremony, shouldn't he be discussing it with me if there was a problem?

"What's so important about the ceremony that you need to go to my father to discuss?" I seethe, anger dripping from my tone. Sensing this, Meliodas snuggles to the side of my gown and lightly lick my hand as my anger subsided by a little.

"Its none of your business." He snapped, having enough of my attitude and eyes turned icy cold. No matter, I stood my ground and having no will to back down, looking as fierce as I am feeling.

"None of my business? It is my coming-of-age ceremony, my birthday, you should be confronting me. Not my father as it is not his to have a say about. This concerns me, therefore, Prince Draco..you talk to me." I exclaimed as he looked at me shook by the statement.

I knew that arguing or talking back to a man, is rude and unattractive to woman. They consider it as not very 'ladylike' and proper, in this time space. Further more, there was never a day the old me would ever talk back to Draco, no matter what awful words he spew out of that dirt mouth.

And just so you know, I constantly call him by name basis in my mind, its because he doesn't deserve to be to be call 'Prince' and even worse, soon, 'Majesty'.

"ENOUGH! What is wrong with you talking back to the crown prince! Not to mention, your fiancé!? It's disgusting, disgraceful, and puts dishonour on your royal bloodline. What happen to the Iris that use to chatter around me so much? What happen to the girl that always clings to me like loyal dog?! I may not have seen you for a months, but do not forget your place before I force you to act like a proper princess!" He bursted out, not minding his words. Even if he says hurtful things to a woman, no one dares call him out, unless they have a death with.

Meliodas growled when Draco reach out for my arm, and I remain unaffected by the intense situation.

As I was about to open my mouth to pour out all my gruesome insults into his face, I've been holding back for so long, including a punch. My father and brothers came into view.

"What's going on here? All this commotion can be heard from the palace!" Dad complained with hint of annoyance and curiosity at the scene.

"Daddy." I yelped, immediately gracing to his side as Meliodas followed obediently. Good boy.

My brothers gave me a judgmental look, as they went to greet Draco. Probably thinking I've did something wrong and need Dad to fix it.

"Hey sweetie. Why is there a gigantic wolf with you? And what is Prince Draco doing in your garden? Why were you two arguing?" Dad inquire, desperate for answers to satisfy his curiosity. My brothers also wanted to know, its written all over their faces.

However Draco and I both kept quiet, for a moment forgetting what were arguing for, and my father sigh at this.

"We shall take this to the inside, then you two will explain."

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