
A new beginning

The last thing she remembered before the darkness held her in a cold embrace was a kind sympathetic voice whispering "I'm sorry it had to be this way"

She woke up from what felt like a long nightmare, her heart was racing and she felt like if she went back to sleep she would be dragged back to that muddy hellscape she can't remember.

Suddenly thoughts and memories started flashing through her mind of voices, people, foods and places. She was so disoriented she quickly got up and started walking somewhere, she opened the door to the room she was in and walked down the hall before opening another door.

The bathroom was clean and there was a mirror there, for some odd reason everything seemed bigger, she walked to the mirror and what she saw Infront of the mirror was something very odd.

The image the mirror was reflecting was that of an 8 year old child with an olive like skin tone with light freckels, they had short hair that barely went down to their neck it was an odd hair colour as it seemed to be brown with few streaks of white,black and yellow.

The oddest things were the eyes,they seemed to be almost pitch black with hints of dark brown. Suddenly a woman's voice popped into her head "-ta-...-i-..-r" (My name is it?)

All of a sudden I heard footsteps before a lady came in and looked at me. "Tai what are you doing up this late you should go back to sleep, tomorrow we are going to the prince's welcoming party"she put a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back to my room before closing the door.

I got on the bed and laid down while thinking of my situation. (It seems I died,I can't remember much apart from the voice, what was she apologizing for, and why?)

My eyes started closing and the last thing I could remember thinking was (The prince? A welcoming party?)