
The Land Of Earth

I can't believe it. I was in the Land of Earth. This is bad, I mean really bad. My golden fur stands out too much here. I better get out of here. I don't think it would be great for me if Ohnoki finds a mini version of the Ninetails here. I did a 180 and ran back to the direction I was coming from. Far away from the hidden stone.


After I ran or jogged for about an hour, I saw a cave. The entrance was really big, enough to fit a ten foot tall creature. I had a nagging feeling that I shouldn't go inside, but I was tired as heck and you know the saying 'YOLT'{You only live twice}. I pushed down all my fears and went in.

It was wide to say the least but if you keep on going, the size kept on decreasing until it was just six feet before I reached a dead end. I then decided it was a great place to stay. I mean, it was so wide I could practice indoors. Speaking of practice, I should really get into it soon but that was not my priority now. Since I had a place to stay, my next aim is food and water. I got out of my cave ,which smelled weird, to look for water. I walked for a few metres in the direction of South-east before I found a water source. It was not that big, it was like the size of a pond but hey, I'm not living with anyone so it was perfect. I also saw that there were a couple of rabbits, birds and deers near the pond. That's solves my food problem. That was when it hit me. I don't live in the city. I'm kinda like a wild animal, so does that mean I have to eat my food raw. I shuddered at the thought but remembered that I was a fire type. I could cook my own food. Then it hit me again. I don't know any fire type moves.

"How useless can you be Sam?! Well it's no use crying over it now. First I have to find something to catch, then I will deal with the cooking issues."

I surveyed the area to locate my prey. Then I found it...a rabbit. A really small rabbit, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. I set my eyes upon the cute fur ball and crept closer to it. I looked at it for some time before it hit me...

"I know absolutely nothing about hunting....

Did I really spend my previous life doing nothing?!! Well, I'll just let nature take it's course. Maybe hunting will come to me naturally."

I waited, waited, and waited some more hoping for nature to take it's course, but I crouched there like the moron I am and kept on looking at the rabbit. It was eating it's fill while I was here starving. The creature may look cute but under all that cuteness is a black heart. A BLACK HEART I TELL YOU!!

"You know crouching here is not so bad. I think I remember the tiger being able to crouch without moving for six hours or was it four....Well anyway, I have chosen to imitate the tiger. The actual king of the jungle. One of the amazing big cats. The~". I was interrupted by my stomach growling, and that seemed to wake me, "I AM A FOX, not some lousy overgrown house cat. I don't laze around for prey, I show my determination by hunting for it. It's the Fox's way."

I crept closer to the rabbit. It hasn't noticed me yet. I crept closer, and closer, and closer. When I was close enough, I took a leap of faith. I struck home........well almost. I instead used my body weight to trap it under me. Notice the key word trap. It shows that I was successful enough to trap it. It was victory, victory I tell you.

The rabbit wiggled under me, stopping me from basking in my well deserved victory. I shifted my body backwards to let the rabbit come to my upper body. I kept on shifting until I got the rabbit trapped under my paws. I decided not to look at the creature otherwise I would become a vegetarian. I lifted my right paw, my claws glistening under the afternoon sun, and brought it down hard. I heard a sickening crunch after. I opened my eyes to see the rabbit skull crushed and my paw dyed blood red. It was disturbing to say the least but on the plus side I got food. Then came the real problem.....cooking.

I then returned to my mansion or cave would some people have it, I mean it would make an awesome place if there was a flat screen TV, a PS4,a home theater system and most importantly, a couch. It would really give the home a sophisticated touch but all that is not important, what is important is how to cook this rabbit in my mouth.

I placed the rabbit down and turned away from it. I tried thinking of the moves Ninetales uses. "Let's see, flamethrower, fire blitz, fire blast, flame wheel and mystical fire. Let's try flamethrower. Fire blitz has a recoil damage, fire blast is an all consuming fire, flame wheel is a physical attack and mystical fire just sounds dangerous, so I'm gonna stick to flamethrower." I took a deep breath and tried to feel a hot substance in my body. Once I found it, I then directed it towards my mouth. Immediately it reached my mouth, I breathed out towards the wall. I was expecting a stream of fire coming out from my mouth but what I got was a small ball of fire that hit the wall and immediately got put out. "Ohh...a Ninetales can also learn the move ember....well at least I know how moves work now." What transpired after was a giant nine-tailed fox trying to breathe out a suitable ball of fire enough to cook it but not burn it

"After all the practice, I am still eating charcoal..."

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