
Reincarnated as Naruto with A gamer System

gaming_saff · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

where is my experience bar!

As Naruto saw the familiar unfamiliar notification of his status his thoughts were racing

'where the fuck is my Experience bar!'as he yelled the 2 sanins on his side attacked orochimaru

[Your system will keep changing untill the boss fight!]

As the system said Naruto questioned"wait...orochimaru is a boss?"

He asked confused but what shocked him was

[Defeat Uchiha Madara(end game)]

[Rewards: ???]

'why does this have end game title?' as Naruto thought as a determination popped up as he saw

The two Sanins gave a huge blow to orochi but he was fine

[All restrictions from using skills in full potential has been lifted! Congratulations! Your now in your full power]

As it said jiraiya and Tsunade felt a huge dangerous breath behind them

As they instinctively got out of the way of orochimaru and defend themselves to see

Naruto was emitting them

As his figure appeared in front of orochimaru as he said"take care of Sasuke Orochi-san"as he said orochimaru got a punch in his stomach

As Manda was trying to attack as it just lifted with rocks

"Chibaku Tensei!" As Naruto said manda as a core started to make mini planets

As Naruto then appeared with red death as he said"senioor, I wanna practice kenjutsu!"as he said

With a playful tone in the first word as he was grinning as orochimaru laughed and said

"So you healed my arms to just fight me! Very well!" As he said a katana

Made Naruto to lose his grib on red death as the katana was almost in orochimarus hand

[Red death Likes To return to the Leader of uzumaki!]

As the red death declared, black light shined on it as it was gone

As orochimaru stopped to see Naruto appeared above him and about to slash at him

As he moved back and put his katana at the Red death

As they clashed Naruto pushed orochimaru back as he just said"weak!"

As he said orochimaru counter attacked"same to you..I didn't even got a scratch" as he said

Naruto dashes as orochimaru as he passed throught him without unsheathing his red death

As he appeared holding his katana as we see chakra lines in up, left and circle

As he stood straight he saw orochimaru had gotten a huge damage at his chest

As he knelt and a huge swarm of snake started leaving

As Tsunade wanna attack Naruto stoped her saying"let him be....he's one of the three Sanins" as he thought about orochimaru

'well he isn't helpful' as he thought but... unnecessary killing is not good

As they made they're way to konoha






A while after. . . .

At the konoha gate Tsunade took a deep breath

"Feels good to be here again.." she said as jiraiya looked towards beyond the gates of konoha as Naruto,Couldn't read the room

Interrupted them and said"well many hell like elders will be at your throats at the start

So be prepared!"

As Naruto said jiraiya nodded "yes, they've been trying to make Danzo the head of village"

As jiraiya said Tsunade looked troubled "don't worry you have me The Strongest Jonin without even asking nine tails power!"

As Naruto said Tsunade still spoke"a civil war will bound to happen....we need to change the elders!"

As they entered a Anbu came and bowed to Tsunade and Jiraiya

As something of a sign jiraiya gave secretly the anbu nodded

As they started to leave

"I'm going first!" As Naruto said a bright light of red flashed across the village

"He's fast isn't he" Tsunade said as jiraiya chuckled and said"his wife's are waiting for him at home!"

As he said a bewildered Tsunade asked"how..I thought he was only 13"

[Sorry I forgot how old is he if you guys know please comment me]

As we saw Naruto entered his house

Everything was...a mess!

"What the fuck did Karin and Izumi do!" As he yelled a figure yelled

"Naruto..." As Naruto started looking for the source of voice he saw that

He was wearing a black cloak with red clouds imprinted on it

"So you saved an Uchiha from mascare?"as the man said calmly as Naruto understood

"You captured them dont you"as Naruto asked a sweat bead was forming on his face

'some times Obito is super super hard to deal with'


[Name Obito Uchiha]

[Alias-Madara Uchiha -Tobi Of the Akatsuki]


[Weight:83 kg]






'...he's stronger then me!...but what the heck is wrong with the tenacity stat? Because he can go kamui and evade attacks that's why?'

"Yes...I captured them....and what are 'YOU' going to do?" He asked mockingly in his tone

As Naruto said"what's the deal...you captured them...you must have a motive!"

As Naruto said Obito laughed a evil laugh

"Hahaha, Uchiha can no longer exist in the future so...I'm just cutting the roots of them by killing izumi...and the last Sasuke!"

As Obito said a bright blue light came his way


This sound made everyone looked towards the fourth hokage house as they realized

'somebody attacked lord fourth's son!'

As they thought and yelled a few ninjas started evacuating from that place as

Obito got out as he started to strike at Naruto as

He tried to block but because of his weaker strength he got pushed to the ground

As he coughed up blood a interface appeared


'that fucking attack did 70 thousand damage!???' as Naruto looked at Obito in disbelief Obito said

"Ohh...you believed you kicked orochimarus ass and now as strong as we? Huh....your wrong you only won because you both were using kenjutsu!"

As Obito yelled Naruto a reincarnated couldn't bear it as he said

"I don't give An F about a Person Who's All alone and wants to end his own bloodline for only a woman!" Naruto said because he had a thought

'I would die any sec' as he thought

Obito got enraged "what!"

As he thought'how did he know...did black zetsu betray me?'

As he thought he felt something

"Your lucky kid...if it weren't for 2 Kage level Shinobi and 200 jonins I would've taken you to extract your tail beast!"

As he said he marked Naruto in a genjutsu that made him faint

"Tch..Weak!" As Obito said he started sucking in a vacuum

[Ding! Quest Started! Getting stronger!]

[Contents of the quest: Your Daily quest has been updated this quest will continue for 3 years! Please Take care of the quest well,Fighting!]

As the system said good luck at the end and disappeared as jiraiya appeared and ordered"take Naruto to the hospital"





After a whole while Naruto awoke from his deep slumber

[Your Daily quest has officially started today please do- Push up 0/100, Pull ups 0/100, Squats 0/120]

[Run 40 KM 0/40]

As the system interface commanded a new interface popped up

[This interface will unlock after 1,5 years when the host has done these minor exercise]

As it said a huge figure appeared outside the window

"Let's go Naruto! Im gonna train you for the next 3 years!" As he said Naruto had nodded





to be continued

[Sorry guys I haven't been uploading there was many many things to do in the birthday of my arrogant brother sorry]


gaming_saffcreators' thoughts