
The Talk

I woke up, but this time there's no headache and I can't find my molted skin.

Ruby: " due to lack of food nearby, the skin was consumed instead"

Sapphire: " didn't know that was an option"


Name: Sapphire

Race: white leviathan (adult)

Level: 63

Status: normal


HP: 1,016/1,016







Skills: (presence concealment lv. 6), (poison resistance lv.10),(dig lv.3),(wip slash lv. 8),(instinct lv. 7)

Unique skills: (poison fang) (slither)(ultra speed regeneration) (devour)

Titles: (foul mouthed),(Cruel Sadist), (Exterminator).

Background: a leviathan who origins from the abyss.

Emotion: Calm


Will get to my stats in a minute, for now there is something more important to be done.




Sapphire: " Ruby"

Ruby: " yes?"

Sapphire: " we need to talk"

Ruby: " about what?"

Sapphire: " about our relationship"

Ruby : "....."

Sapphire : "...."

Ruby : " sorry you're not my type"


Damnit I'm already losing my nerves, keep calm... Keep calm.... Okay let's try again.

Sapphire: " listen, I know we didn't start on a great foot"

Ruby: " I wonder why, do you think because right after we were born, you used every single curse word, known to man, and some unknown, which is weird because I have I wide arrange of knowledge, and I still don't understand what #$&##$&# means"

Sapphire: "....."

Ruby: " or the fact that you keep blaming me for everything"

Sapphire: "....."

Ruby : " or the fact that you ignore my advice, like you did earlier"

Sapphire: "...."

Ruby : " or the fact that deep down in your heart, you still value that mouse more than me"

Sapphire: "..."





Okay she makes some good points, but damn it's pissing me off...

Calm down....

Don't start swearing...


Ruby: " you know I can read your mind right, how else did you think I answered questions you only thought about"


Sapphire: " listen here you want to Complain, fine let's start"

Ruby : "...."

Sapphire: " you were aware of dungeon bosses, you know their stronger that me, but you failed to mention the spider on the top floors"

Ruby: "....."

Sapphire : " you knew about the plants toxicity and taste, yet you omitted it"

Ruby: "....."

Sapphire: " you knew I would get hurt from attacking slimes, and that I can defeat them by only using (devour) but chose to keep that information untill after I took damage"

Ruby: "....."

Sapphire: " all under the excuse that, [ It was not dangerous so I thought it was not important] "

Ruby : "...."

Sapphire: " and I can bet you knew what type of dungeon bosses were on the first 20 floors but you didn't say, because their was 0.0001% you were wrong "

Ruby: "...."


the last might have been mean, but honestly compared to this nuisance of a system that mouse is a saint.

Ruby : " what do you want to talk about? "

There was no sarcasm, good it seems we can finally talk.

Sapphire: " look, you developed a personality, right?"

Ruby : " yes"

Sapphire : " then you should have a concept of life and death?"

Ruby : " correct, where is this conversation going?"


Sapphire: " do you want to die?"


Ruby: "....."


Ruby: " what's the point of this question? '

Sapphire : " answer it"

Ruby: "....."




After a minute of silence she finally spoke

Ruby: " if possible, I would prefer to keep living"

Good, she seems to understand.

Sapphire: " listen, if I died we both die, you are my only guide here, there is no one else to count on but each other, you developed enough personality to know what I want know and when I need to know it, so can we work together in order to survive?"

Ruby : ".... "



Sapphire:" So.... "



Ruby: " Condition "



Sapphire: " what? "



Ruby: " Sapphire will stop blaming me for everything "



Sapphire: " Okay"



Ruby: " Sapphire should stop swearing at me"



Sapphire: " fair enough"



Ruby: " he should say please and thank you more"



Sapphire: " and?"



Ruby: " Sapphire must try to be nice to me"



Sapphire: " anything else?"



Ruby: "... No..."



Sapphire: " good, now we have an understanding"

It seems we can finally make some progress.

Sapphire: "Well let's head to the next place"


Ruby: " WAIT"


Sapphire: " what?"


Ruby: " according to our deal I should give you information you might want when you need them, their are a few things you might want to know."

Sapphire: " mmm.. Oh...

Is that so, thank you for mentioning that,

Tell me what I should know? "

Chapter End

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