
Reincarnated as koro-sensei(hiatus)

David Anderson was a middle age man when suddenly...... *STAB* he died and got reincarnated as... KORO-SENSEI?! David : "even though I got reincarnated as this creature...I- I WON'T GIVE UP!!" ??? : "You look so cute Koro-Sensei~~ I just want to eat you up~~" ??? : "No! Koro-Sensei is mine!!" ??? : " What are you guys talking about? He is totally my wife!!" David( Koro-Sensei ) : "Ehh??!! but.. I'm an octopus and a ugly one at that!!" ??? & ??? & ??? : "We don't care!!" P.S. Pictures and anime aren't mine except the OC / assassination classroom isn't mine btw, if you want to see the full version with pictures head to my wattpad account: @Mimu_Kun disclaimer: this fanfic is just for fun, I don't intended it to be accurate and I don't know some of the story lines and stuff so, please keep in mind this is just for fun and I'm not trying to steal the anime, I just got inspired and wanted to try this, and assassination classroom is not mine, I don't own it and credit to the owners of the anime, they're amazing to make this anime

Sleepy_Bun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9


"..." Speaking

'...' thought

I hope you enjoy this story!!!


3rd POV

In the sky, we could see a very secluded school surround by dense forest and very far from any other buildings.

We zoom into the forest and saw a yellow octopus.....chilling and reading the newspaper, as he read he sips on a cup.

"The moon is all they're talking about in America,too"

"I wish there were more interesting front-page news"

Not to far from the creature was nagisa and sugino, they were watching koro sensei as they make a plan.

"He makes a point of relaxing behind the school everyday before class,"

"With a drink and an English newspaper he got from Hawaii at Mach 20"

"Just as reported, Thanks nagisa"

Nagisa nods as he says "Yep. Good luck,sugino"

"You got it That ten billion yen is mine"(foreshadowing I . I) sugino said as he held up a baseball ⚾ surround by BB bullets

He got ready to swing as he held the ball in his hands..... He swung hard as koro-sensei as the ball was about to go to koro-sensei.

"Good morning!"

Koro-sensei suddenly appeared behind them as nagisa and sugino gasped in disbelief

"Remember,speak up when you greet someone!"

We could clearly see the smoke that koro-sensei cause as he speeds behind the two students (yikes)

"G-Good morning, koro-sensei." Nagisa replied

Koro-sensei then compliment sugino about his attempt and explain what happened before the ball arrived (I ain't explaining that)

Making nagisa jealous in the process , not like he know himself

"So, that's why...."

"I popped over to the equipment room to grab a glove"

Koro-sensei said in the final sentence

A thunder roared behind the background as nagisa and sugino have shocked faces

"I do hope you can kill me....before graduation,that is"

Ding ding ding ding

"Now then,time for homeroom"

"Yes,sir....." Sugino said disappointed

Nagisa looked at him worriedly

"Dammit. Guess my ball won't do the trick after all"






They were in a classroom as koro-sensei was explaining the subject


Sugino's assassination attempt failed this morning,huh?" Kaede said

Nagisa nods as he said

"He's been down in the dumps ever since....."

Kaede: "it's nothing to get bummed out about

I mean, none of us succeed yet"

Koro-sensei then speed to the white-haired boy starling the whole class in the process, he then come back to the front and was seen held a book in his ... Tentacles?


The mentioned boy winced as he thought he was in trouble for not paying attention to class

(Ignore the video thing pls)

Koro-sensei eyes glinted as he look at the book in his tentacles

"So close! But my features are a bit finer than that"

He then turn around the notebook to show the whole class


Ding dong ding dong

"Now then class, I have some business to take care of today, so if you'll excuse me..."


"Yes,I'm catching a game in New York"

Koro-sensei then, took off making the classroom filled with smoke

"There he goes"

"What his deal"

The whole classes then, do they're own thing as karasuma enter the class

Karasuma then ask the class about the assassination in which the class ponder in silence...

"Well, I mean, we are the E class" one student said laid back

The students then complain to karasuma about the assassination being impossible but, karasuma answered back saying

"For whatever reason, he insists on being your teacher"

That made the class went silent again

"Left to his own devices, come next march, hell blow the earth up

One look at that carved-up moon and you'll know: come march, the entire race will be beyond all help

He's too dangerous to be left alive

This classroom is the only place he will be killed"

The class ponders on that statement as the questions formed in their heads

'why is koro-sensei trying to destroy earth?'

'why come teach our class now?'








The class then enjoy their meals as one student was outside the classroom staring at his meal in wonder

He then close his food as he sigh

He put away his meal as he stare into nothingness

"All polished up, sugino"

Sugino then turn around seeing koro-sensei...eating?

He questions what he's eating as koro-sensei answers

"A coconut I bought in Hawaii yesterday"


"Want a bite?"

Sugino:" you're supposed to drink out of it!" He said as he took the ball from koro-sensei tentacles

"Nice throw yesterday"

He then sit down talking to sugino

"So you're in the baseball club?"



"Used to"

"Used to?"

Sugino then explains the situation between the E class with the others, he said that their not allowed in clubs because of the distance to the main campus and their classroom

"That's just major discrimination"

"It's all right, you saw yesterday right?"

"How slow am I?"

(There is a flashback but, I'm to lazy to add it so, you could see the video I put up there to watch the episode)

"Pretty soon I lost interest in studying, too, and wound up in the ol' End class"



"Let me give you a little advice"






Nagisa then sees koro-sensei and sugino talking and the next thing he knows koro-sensei was putting sugino up like he's torturing him or something

Nagisa then run up to them and said what are they doing...

Koro-sensei then explain to them why he do it

"You're copying major-league pitcher aria, aren't you?"

Sugino gasp in koro-sensei tentacles

"But you know, the tentacles don't lie"

He let down sugino

Koro sensei: "your shoulder muscles are out of whack compared to Arita's"

Sugino:"what's that supposed to mean?"

Koro sensei:"you won't be able to pitch his super fastballs with that body

No matter how much you try to imitate him"


Sugino then was cut off as nagisa said


How can you be so sure?" Nagisa fist up his hands as he was shaking up in anger


"Because, were misfits? Because were the E class.....the end class?

So why bother? Is that it?!"



"Hmm well...how do I know it's impossible?

Yesterday I checked the man himself" he then showed the newspaper article to them about aria being in the position as sugino

"Well ,then, nevermind!"

"I got his autograph too!"

Koro-sensei then advice on what to do to become more better as he walked away

Nagisa followed him as he questions his motif being here

Koro-sensei pondered a bit as he has a flashback on her and him

"Nagisa, I become your teacher to keep a promise I made"

"I will indeed destroy the earth but first I'll be your teacher" he talks as he took nagisa books away and draws on it

Once he finish he show it and say

"Taking you kids seriously is more important than the bed of the world" nagisa then took the note book that koro-sensei drew on and took a good look at it

"Koro sensei....."




"Please don't write weird problems on the back"


" I know you want to show off your heading speed but,...."

"It like a bonus!I though you'd be happy"

"More like penalty"

"So,er I hope all of you will seriously enjoy both studying and assasinating"

He spins the pen as he bit into it

"Even though you'll never pull off the assassinating part"

He bit more as nagisa look at him

Nagisa then smiles as he held his beating heart in wonder





(The others part is useless so you could watch it but, I'm a little tired so I won't put it here)

"Those are the circumstances

Given the crisis the earth is in, you must speak of them to no one

If this gets out, you will be made to undergo a memory-wiping operation"


"All members of the E class have received the same explainations: they're already part of the mission

Once your suspension is over you will return to the E class

Therefore you too will be given the assassination assignment"


Does this rubber knife really work?"

The other answered " yes, it's harmless to humans, bit guarantee it will work on him"


I guess it doesn't matter if he's not human"

The person stabbed the paper filled with koro sensei info on it

"I always wanted to try....."

He let the paper fall as he finally said

"....killing a teacher"

I'm tired, next chapter will be Oscar POV so be prepared ✨✨✨ thanks for being patient with me my lovely readers