
Chapter 13: Geto's Suspicion

Cosmic forces and gods entwine, In the anime tapestry, a grand design. A symphony of genres, a kaleidoscope, Each episode, a tale of hope.


Takeshi's journey to Jujutsu High was not without its anxieties. The grand halls of the institution, filled with some students and teachers alike, were a constant reminder of the secret he harbored deep within. He had become Gojo Satoru, but not in the way everyone believed.

The fear of his friends or teachers noticing the difference was a nagging presence at the back of Takeshi's mind. 'La lala... I am Gojo, don't suspect Me plz, plz, plz.....' He walked through the corridors with a practiced nonchalance, an attempt to mimic Gojo's effortless swagger.

Among the sea of familiar faces, there was one who took Takeshi by surprise - Geto, his best friend from Jujutsu High. Geto's sharp eyes caught the subtle changes in Satoru's/Takeshi's demeanor. Something was different. 'Huh? Why the hell is he walking like that? did he step on the poop of something?' Geto thought.

Geto, unable to dismiss his suspicions, approached Takeshi. "Satoru, you've changed," he remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

'F*ck, S#it, #$@@#.....' Takeshi started to panic 'Hey! System, quickly activate Calm Mind' Takeshi ordered his system in a state of panic.

{Ding! Calm Mind is now activated..}

As his skill got active, his heart rate became normal and he started to access the situation he was in. 'Hm...it seems I have to use my biggest weapon in my arsenal now' Takeshi smirked 'Behold the power of BS no Jutsu, you mortal' Takeshi thought.

He took a deep breath and put on his best act, "Changed? Well, you know how it is, Geto. Life's full of surprises, and I've been through quite a few lately. I'm just adapting to the new me, I guess."

Geto, however, was not one to be easily fooled. "It's more than that, Satoru. You're not telling me everything."

Takeshi's eyes darted around, searching for an escape. "Geto, you're reading too much into it. Can't a guy just have a little personal growth?"

Geto's gaze remained steady, his intuition not easily swayed. "Personal growth, huh? Well, just remember, I've got my eyes on you."

Takeshi chuckled, and the tension between them dissipated a little. "You know, Geto, it's not easy being a Digimon Tamer and a Jujutsu Sorcerer at the same time. The dual life, it's quite a handful, you know."

Geto raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "A Digimon Tamer, you say? Satoru, you've got quite the imagination."

Takeshi grinned mischievously. "Well, who knows? Maybe one day I'll show you my Agumon."

Geto burst into laughter, and Takeshi joined him. It was a rare moment of shared humor in the midst of Takeshi's elaborate ruse. The two friends laughed together, their bond strengthened by a secret world of deception and hidden identities.

"Ok, Ok...now can we go towards our class Satorumon? or do I need to tame you first before taking you there?" Geto said while still laughing.

"Lead the way, Geto Sama..." Takeshi pointed his hand towards the corridor.

Geto scoffed and then started heading towards the class while Takeshi followed him from behind.


Takeshi and Geto, after their playful banter in the hallway, made their way to their class at Jujutsu High. However, as they entered, they were met with a surprising sight.

A short, energetic girl with a distinctive presence stood at the front of the classroom. It was Shoko Ieiri, one of Gojo's friends and colleagues from Jujutsu High. She had been eagerly waiting for Gojo and Geto to arrive.

As Takeshi, now inhabiting Gojo's body, entered the classroom alongside Geto, Shoko's eyes lit up at the sight of what she believed to be Gojo. "There you are, Satoru! I've been waiting for you."

Geto exchanged a knowing look with Takeshi, silently acknowledging the complexity of the situation. Takeshi nodded, maintaining his charade. "Here I am, Shoko. Ready for another day of adventure."

As Takeshi, Geto, and Shoko settled into their seats, they couldn't help but notice that their teacher, Masamichi Yaga, from the original manga, was conspicuously absent. He was known for his punctuality, and his tardiness was a rare occurrence.

Takeshi, in Gojo's borrowed body, raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with his friends. "Well, well, it seems our dear sensei is fashionably late today."

Geto, always ready for a bit of banter, chimed in with a smirk. "Must be busy calculating cursed energy equations. You know how he loves his numbers."

Shoko giggled, adding her own sarcastic remark. "Or maybe he got lost in his own technique explanations again."

Takeshi remarked "Nah, nah,may be he found a date or something after all this while.But it will be quite hard for him I guess."

with a mischievous glint in his eyes, couldn't resist a jab. "I think he's been busy making those cute little dolls of his and playing tea party with them. Haha."

Geto burst into laughter, and Shoko joined in, the classroom filling with their infectious mirth. The three friends, bound by the secrets they kept and the adventures they shared, found solace in their camaraderie and humor, even in the face of life's complexities.

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