
The Wandering Soul

This time in his cultivation, Meng Li wanted to break through. He had already memorised the entire section of the booklet about the Qi Foundation Realm, so he knew how to break through. In total, the Qi Foundation Realm was separated into three major stages - Reinforcement, Pillar Building and Pillar Merging. Meng Li was already at the peak of the first stage, Reinforcement. He had Reinforced his entire body, including his organs, as well as meridians themselves. Now, in order to break through to the Pillar Building stage, he had an important decision - where to build the pillar.

The Pillar Building Stage meant using the Solidified Qi in a person's Dantian to build Pillars supporting different parts of the body. The pillars were a mysterious existence - they weren't entirely in a cultivator's Dantian, but they weren't completely outside either. Their function was best described as connecting the Dantian to the body, allowing for easier absorption of Qi, and easier releasing. It also provided an easy way of Reinforcing certain parts of a body - for example, a cultivator with a Pillar supporting his hand would be able to unleash significantly higher strength with fist or palm techniques. Thus, the decision of where to build a Pillar was quite an important one, but it wasn't a final one - a person could build more than one pillar. In fact, the minimum to break through to the later stages was to build 9 pillars, but the more a person tried to build, the harder it was, and the harder the Pillar Merging stage would be.

Fortunately, Meng Li didn't have much trouble in making a decision - the booklet explicitly stated that the number of pillars a person could build was theoretically infinite. From the moment he'd read it, he had a crazy idea - he wanted to reinforce every part of his body. This meant that he didn't have to worry where to start as eventually, he would have to reinforce every part of his body. Without thinking too much, he decided to reinforce his right arm.

The formation of a pillar was quite simple, but it wasn't easy. In order to build it, a cultivator had to use the solidified Qi inside his Dantian and form a pillar. It didn't matter what shape, but upon the formation, it was not possible to change it, so Meng Li decided to do it simply. The pillar he build had a circular foundation and top, with eght small grooves marking the pillar itself. This part of forming a pillar was the simplest one - the challenging part was the next one.

In order to properly form a pillar, it had to have the foundation inside the Dantian, and the top of the pillar was supporting a part of the body. It sounded simple, but doing it was much harder than it sounded. To properly do it, a cultivator had to take the Pillar formed out of solidified Qi out of his Dantian while maintaining its' shape, and then form a connection between the pillar and the body part it was supporting. All while keeping the pillar stable and keeping half of it inside the Dantian.

Meng Li didn't think much of the difficulty and instead started. He either succeeded and broke through or didn't and stay at the cultivation he had, so what was the point of hesitating? Without thinking, he quickly but carefully controlled the pillar to move out of his Dantian.

The pillar, built entirely out of solidified Qi, contained an enormous amount of energy - when the top emerged from his Dantian, his body experienced an enormous rise in pressure. The pressure also radiated out of his body uncontrollably, stirring his clothes and long hair like an invisible wind.

As the top of the pillar travelled through his body towards his right arm, more of it was revealed and the pressure grew. When the pillar reached his shoulder, the pressure of the pillar was already causing his flesh to slightly tear, creating microscopic injuries. Some blood also started to seep from his pores, travelling down his body like sweat. However, Meng Li didn't notice, already using his all to control the pillar. Initially, he thought that with his control over Qi, he would be easily able to form the pillar, but he found that he severely underestimated the difficulty of breaking through. Fortunately, he could still manage.

A couple moments later, the pillar already reached it's place. Now, a mysterious power seemed to seep out of the pillar's top, quickly assimilating into the surrounding flesh. The mysterious power continued, slowly fusing with his entire arm. The process was entirely painless, yet placed more pressure on Meng Li, as the pillar started becoming more unruly as the mysterious power seeped out. Fortunately, Meng Li was still able to control it, with the pillar only shaking slightly.

The power continued to fuse with his arm, and Meng Li saw that it would take about ten minutes to fuse with it completely.

As the process carried on, the difficulty of controlling the pillar only grew, and near the end, Meng Li barely managed to keep it in check. His face showed a severe frown, while his forehead was filled with sweat. The process proved to be much more demanding than Meng Li thought, but he fortunately managed to pull through.

A few moments later, the process entirely stopped. The mysterious power completely fused with his right arm, and the pillar now didn't radiate any energy. In fact, Meng Li noticed that he could not control the pillar at all - it was like a tensed string, drawn between his Dantian and his right arm. However, he could not sense it in his body anywhere but his right arm, where the top of the pillar was, supporting his right arm. In his Dantian, the pillar stood straight, pointing towards the heavens. The pillar also stretched impossible long, continuing until the top of the space within his Dantian. However, the higher it went, the more illusory it seemed, until at some point, he realised that it was no longer there. However, even when trying his best, he couldn't find where exactly it disappeared. It was like something was preventing him from seeing the truth, akin to a layer of mist he couldn't look through no matter how hard he tried.

After breaking through, Meng Li was immensely satisfied, but he would end there. Instead, he once again fell into concentration, accumulating power in order to have enough solidified Qi to build the second pillar.

And so, days passed. Within the control room, nothing was changing - there was no dust in the air, so nothing showed how much time passed. The air stayed perpetually fresh despite not moving at all. Meng Li sat on the small mat in the middle, not changing. Somehow, the white robes were not stained at all by the blood that flowed out of his pores, and the blood itself also mysteriously disappeared at some point. For a long time, the control room was still.

Until one day, Meng Li, who until this moment seemed like a statue, changed. His eyelashes trembled slightly, before his eyes opened. The eyes, despite being blue, seemed almost completely white. However, in a few seconds, the whiteness faded and his eyes were back to normal again.

This time, he had woken up because of a message from the system.

[Something extremely rare happened.] The message was simple, but it woke him up from the state of cultivation.

<What is it?> Meng Li asked. This cultivation session was fruitful - he managed to build a total of seven pillars, meaning he had eight at the moment. This was enough to place him in the late stages of Pillar Building, not long until he was able to break through. The pillars supported all six of the major parts of his body - two legs, two arms, his torso as well as his head. The next two pillars supported his heart as well as his lungs - this time, he wanted to reinforce his organs.

As he examined his body, he could feel that his heart was pumping vigorously, and the blood seemed to be infused with some Qi. The Qi circulated with his bloodstream, infusing into all of his muscles, strengthening them gradually. His lungs were also improved - with each breath, it seemed like he was swallowing the air in a certain radius, and the speed of absorbing Qi was immense. Fortunately, he could control it, or else he could forget trying to seem ordinary when he went to live in the world.

[A lost soul from another world managed to avoid the cycle of reincarnation and was born into the world.]

"What?!" Meng Li was so surprised he couldn't help but shout. After a few moments of thinking, he couldn't help but wonder if his life was turning into a novel. This seemed like the birth of a main character!

<How did this happen? Also, how does the cycle of reincarnation work? Does my world have it?>

[I don't know how it happened. It has never happened to master, as far as I remember... And about the cycle or reincarnation... The subject is too complicated for you right now. It involves laws, and to comprehend laws, you need to be at the Primordial Soul Realm - comprehending laws is in fact the requirement to break through to the next realm, the Immortal Realm. Continuing, this world does not have a cycle of reincarnation right now - it's simply too small. Instead, we're using the reincarnation cycle from another world which is relatively close by. When you reach a sufficiently high level of cultivation, the world will expand to the point where a reincarnation cycle will naturally form in accordance with the laws of the world.]

Hearing all of this only managed to spark Meng Li's curiosity, but he had no other option than to forget it at the moment. He was only in the middle of the Qi Foundation Realm, and the Primordial Soul realm was way above his current understanding - after all, he could only remember names of cultivation realms up to Nascent Soul from the booklet. He even glanced at the later pages, but despite the increase in his strength, it was still the same - he could only remember Nascent Soul. But he still had a premonition that Primordial Soul wasn't the Realm after Nascent Soul, but even higher than that. Thus, Meng Li decided not to worry about these matters and instead focused his attention on the reincarnated soul.

<Where did it happen? And when did it happen?> These questions were important matters. Since he didn't want to waste time, Meng Li directly teleported himself out of the control room into the world. He appeared above an ocean since he didn't pay attention to where he wanted to be teleported. He simply hovered above the surface, eager to go see the reincarnated soul.

[It happened in the Full Moon Empire, in a small town called Qingshui. The reincarnated soul is currently merging with the body and is going to be born in less than a month.]

The system's words stopped Meng Li in his tracks. He was so excited that he practically ignored the possibility that the person wasn't born yet.

<Does the fact that he's still an unborn have anything to do with the fact it's possible?>

[Yes. The innate Qi from his mother is shielding what is happening from the heavens. This must've happened before the soul from the cycle of reincarnation arrived - the wandering soul somehow entered the womb and merged with the embryo before the one sent from the cycle of reincarnation managed to. The soul from the cycle of reincarnation dispersed, leaving pure power of the soul in the womb. The wandering soul is currently absorbing it and recovering. The strand of innate Qi is shielding it from the heavens, and only due to the fact that it grew weaker over time I was able to discover it. If the strand of innate Qi disperses before the wandering soul merges completely with the infant, a heavenly tribulation will disperse the soul, because such a thing is a disturbance to the natural order. However, if he manages to succeed, the baby will be a heaven-defying genius, only slightly worse than you.]

The amount of information he just received stunned Meng Li. First, the situation was highly precarious - if the strand of innate Qi dispersed, the potential Main Character would die. After all, how could a weak soul with no cultivation defy the heavens? Secondly, what surprised him even more was how highly the system judged him. Even a reincarnated person with the combined talent of two souls was worse than him? How good was his talent then? Fortunately, this didn't make him feel arrogant. After all, not only talent was needed - hard work was required too. No matter how high a person's talent was, they couldn't succeed if they didn't try.

<How long is that strand of innate Qi going to last?>

[The last few days are going to be a close shave. I can feel that at the rate the strand of innate Qi is dispersing right now, and the rate of the soul's recovery, the strand of innate Qi is going to disperse merely a few days before the soul completely recovers and merges, which is also a few days before the birth.]

This wasn't good news. It meant that there was a large chance that it was all going to fail, and it wasn't something Meng Li wished to see.

<Are there any ways to help the strand of innate Qi, so it won't disperse so soon? Or help the soul merge faster?>

[The soul's recovery is completely dependant on itself, but there are ways to help the strand of innate Qi last longer. It only needs to last until the end of the soul's recovery, and it will stop dispersing after that, since it won't have to obscure heaven's sight anymore. It's also extremely beneficial for the strand to exist within the body of the child, since it helps with cultivation. It's extremely beneficial, that's why the best time to cultivate is when the innate Qi is still present - it disperses when the body matures.]

<Quickly, tell me. What are the ways to stop it from dispersing?>

[There are several ways, but for now, there is only one viable way. That is, the Heavenly Yin Yang Shroud technique.]

After hearing the system, Meng Li quickly focused on the store. He switched to the items tab and started to search for the technique the system mentioned. It quickly appeared - fortunately it wasn't some extremely high-end technique, so he was able to summon the manual without much Qi. The reason for it was that the technique didn't have a cultivation realm requirement to practice - even a Qi Gathering cultivator would be able to execute it, but the might would be... Underwhelming. However, if the technique were to be revealed in a world of cultivation, it would be extremely precious, and not even Nascent Soul cultivators would be able to find something like it. In short, it was priceless. The reason behind it being in the summoning tab is because all of the tools were prepared by that mysterious master, who also created the system. The summoning tab was actually connected to the treasury which the mysterious master left behind. The level requirement for summoning such things was only there to stop Meng Li from trying to cultivate things he simply couldn't. And so, even though the Heavenly Yin Yang Shroud technique was priceless, since it was safe and relatively easy to use, he was able to summon it easily.

With the technique in hand, Meng Li was quite eager to check it out and help the soul withstand the heaven's wrath, but before he had the chance to do so, he changed his mind. That was because with his Spiritual Sense, he could sense an extremely large existence in the water under his feet. It was one of the giant monsters he summoned - the sea serpent. The one under his feet was extremely strong if judged by the standards of the world. It had already reached to peak of the Qi Sea Realm, or at least the beast equivalent of the Qi Sea Realm. And at the moment, it was eyeing him, and he could sense that it was hungry. In fact, it wanted to eat him.

"Interesting. Let me try out my new cultivation on you." Meng Li wasn't scared - instead, he had an excited expression. At the moment, a fighting intent could be felt from him.

The expression of the sea serpent didn't change, but at the moment, it's eyes seemed to suddenly have some disdain, probably because it saw that the tiny ant didn't try to run. It was still swimming towards him, but merely a second later, the gigantic maw broke through the water's surface and shot towards him.

The reincarnated soul will be the minor character :D

Also, now is the first time he'll be the part of his own world!

Octaeoncreators' thoughts
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