
Chapter 97 "My Own Path"

The young wizards entered the hall during dinner, where a bustling crowd awaited their turn for dinner.

Coincidentally, the Slytherins in the queue encountered Harry's trio. Draco, flanked by Goyle and Crabbe, called out to Ron, "Hey, Weasley!"

Ron responded angrily, "What do you want?"

"Your dad's making headlines, Weasley!" Draco exclaimed, waving a copy of the "Daily Prophet." His deliberately loud voice ensured everyone in the hall could hear. "Listen. Listen to this!"

Draco proceeded to read the contents of the newspaper. It was reported that Mr. Weasley had a confrontation with Muggle law enforcers while assisting Mad-Eye Moody the day before school started.

The Muggle authorities were alerted when the enchanted trash can outside Moody's home was triggered.

Mr. Weasley allegedly used the Obliviate Spell to alter the Muggle enforcer's memory, helping Moody avoid legal consequences.

"There's another picture, Weasley!" Draco sneered, flipping the newspaper and holding it high. "A picture of your parents in front of your house—or what you call a house! If your mother loses a bit of weight, she doesn't look too bad, does she?"

Skyler observed the scene from a distance, his expression unchanged, showing no intention of intervening. Is it unfolding exactly as in the original plot? What will happen next? A sharp glint flashed deep in Skyler's eyes.

Ron trembled with anger, drawing the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Back off, Malfoy," Harry said calmly. "Don't let it get to you, Ron..."

"Oh, by the way, Potter, you spent the summer with them, right?" Draco sarcastically remarked. "Then tell me, is his mother really that fat, or did the photo get a bit distorted?"

"What about your mother, Malfoy?" Harry retorted defiantly. "Look at her expression—it's like she's sniffing something unpleasant! Does she always look like that, or is it just when she's with you?"

Draco's pale face flushed slightly. His tone turned icy, "How dare you insult my mother, Potter."

Simultaneously, Skyler's wand slid into his hand. He squinted slightly, his gaze penetratingly deep.

His magical eyes clearly perceived the growing density of black energy around Draco.

In the blink of an eye, catching everyone off guard, Draco sent Harry flying with a well-aimed Knockback Jinx!

Harry collided with a wall in the hall, slid to the base, and slumped into unconsciousness.

Draco's forceful casting of the Knockback Jinx had propelled Harry a considerable distance. Skyler mused that the potency of this repelling spell was exceptional; even one of his own devising might possess similar power.

A resounding crash echoed through the hall, accompanied by a bellow, "Oh, don't do that, kid!"

The voice belonged to Professor Moody!

Moody launched an attack at Draco, who countered with Protego.

However, Moody's assault carried such intensity that, despite Draco managing to deflect it, he staggered backward several steps before regaining his balance, his wand hand visibly trembling.

Moody's voice thundered, "I'm least fond of those who attack from behind. Dirty, despicable, cowardly..." As he raised his wand again, both Skyler and Draco acted simultaneously!

The incantations for "Sectum Sempra" reverberated simultaneously in different corners of the hall.

Draco unleashed his hidden spell—the Hidden Blade of Light and Shadow.

Similar to how Skyler managed to modify a few spells on his own, Draco himself managed to modify Sectum Sempra to another level that it managed to manifest as an invisible sword that wouldn't stop until the enemy bathed in their own blood.

Two gray, crescent-shaped shadows soared toward Moody.

Midway, they merged, forming a silver blade three times its original size, slashing forcefully at Moody!

A glint of surprise flickered in Moody's eyes, but he skillfully averted imminent danger. With swift wand movements, he cast a modified Protego.

A transparent, micro-convex, mirror-shaped protective shield materialized before him, swiftly rotating to dissipate the impact of the razor-sharp blade.

Simultaneously, the shattered mirror-shaped shield mitigated the force of the counter-shock.

Skyler spoke, his voice resonating across the hall, "Professor, as a newcomer to the school, you might not be acquainted with our rules. While it is within your rights to discipline a student for misconduct, resorting to personal magical attacks against a student may be deemed an abuse of power. Even if you bring this matter to the attention of the Headmaster, I doubt you'll find much support without proper justification, right?"

Skyler's proclamation resonated forcefully through the hall, emphasizing the distinct rules of the Wizarding World.

Despite Harry appearing severely injured, a simple restorative potion would soon restore him.

While Draco's inappropriate spell casting warranted correction, it wasn't a grave offense.

The comparison to Harry's father's exposure of Snape's secrets, leading to his eventual appointment as the student council chairman, highlighted the lenient consequences faced by others.

"Oh, is that so?" With a distinct limp in his step, Moody advanced a few paces. The rhythmic echo of his wooden leg reverberated in the hall. "You two are Malfoy boys? I'm aware. Your dad... convey to him that Moody is keeping a close eye on his sons... just relay the message for me."

Skyler scoffed, "Professor, my father has more pressing matters to attend to. I'm afraid he doesn't have time for these peculiar words... Our savior is injured. Instead of tending to his condition, you seem preoccupied with punishing students. Why is that?"

Without awaiting Moody's response, Skyler proceeded toward Harry's prone form.

Ron and Hermione positioned themselves defensively in front of Harry, but Skyler, with a nonchalant gesture, retracted his wand and conveyed a lack of malice.

Hermione's rapid acquiescence surprised Skyler.

Although she hesitated briefly, she gritted her teeth and pulled Ron away, allowing Skyler to approach.

Even though Ron displayed reluctance, Hermione's determined tug compelled him to stand aside. Taken aback by Hermione's unexpected compliance, Skyler opted to withhold any remarks.

However, this was not the time to ponder Hermione's motivations.

Skyler stood a pace away from the supine Harry, extended his right hand in Harry's direction, and a subtle milky-white halo emanated from his hand.

A meadow-like fragrance enveloped the area. In a short while, Harry regained consciousness, looking bewildered and disoriented.

"Potter, are you all right?" Skyler inquired impassively.

In a swift response, Harry scrambled to his feet, brandishing his wand in Skyler's direction.

"Harry, don't!" Hermione intervened, rushing forward to press down on Harry's wand. "He wasn't the one who attacked you," she clarified, summarizing the events that transpired.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall arrived, exclaiming, "Oh my God!" She hurried down the stairs, wand at the ready. "What happened?"

"Professor McGonagall, my brother and Potter had a disagreement. Harry insulted our mother verbally, provoking my brother to attack him... Then, Professor Moody here started casting curses at my brother, not once but twice. However, my brother and I retaliated the second time," Draco explained.

Professor McGonagall suddenly felt a sense of unease.

On one side stood the Professor Dumbledore had invited from the Order of the Phoenix, and on the other was his proud disciple, the youngest Sir Merlin, a celebrity in the wizarding world with complex connections and formidable power.

As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, she understood Moody's character well, but in this situation, she couldn't help but silently lament why Moody had to be so troublesome.

Draco had indeed violated school rules, and he could be punished accordingly, but Moody's private use of magical attacks was unjustifiable.

As for the details of how Skyler and Draco counterattacked, she overlooked these minor aspects.

In her eyes, two junior wizards couldn't possibly pose a threat to the renowned Moody.

Little did she know that Moody had just traversed the veil of death. If not for learning the "Protego Horribilis" from "Him," he might have faced severe consequences today.

Skyler and Draco exchanged glances, each side refraining from uttering a word, silently assessing how much strength the other had retained during the recent "Sectum Sempra" exchange.

Moody's gaze held unknown thoughts. Draco's rapid reaction exceeded his expectations. The rumors portraying Malfoy's eldest son as idle and unrealistic proved false.

The collaborative power displayed by the two brothers left him somewhat alarmed, forcing him to reveal one of his hidden skills.

The most challenging part was concealing everything from the astute Dumbledore. Only time would reveal if the old fox would decipher any hidden truths.

"Professor McGonagall, there's no need for you to feel embarrassed. My brother and I weren't harmed in any way... However, I do hope you convey to the Headmaster that the Faculty Appointment Committee still holds the authority to review the qualifications of professors. Let's hope similar incidents won't occur again."

The storm concluded there.

At the dinner table, Draco, with solemnity, expressed to Skyler, "Thank you, Skyler. If you hadn't intervened today, Moody's madness might have escalated. Thanks for what?" Skyler replied with a light smile, "We're brothers, aren't we?"

Draco's eyes revealed a complex emotion as he softly murmured, "Yes, we are brothers."

Unbeknownst to everyone, the dissipating black energy on Draco's body was clearly visible in Skyler's eyes. Skyler's lips curled into a slight smile.

Could this be the power of "love"?

After his conversation with Murray earlier, Skyler noticed a change in his magical abilities. While the total magic power remained constant, there were now mysterious, unidentifiable qualities.

Magic seemed to possess a creature's spirituality, flowing through his body independently.

Passing through the brain, it harmonized with Skyler's spirit, and traversing the heart, it blended seamlessly with Skyler's soul.

It had become a bridge connecting spirit and soul, fostering mutual nourishment.

Recalling an anonymous saying— "If you have never experienced darkness, how can you know the real light?"—Skyler recognized the underestimated influence of black magic on spirit and soul.

Being cautious, he avoided the pitfalls of black magic after Meredith's disappearance.

Fortunately, Morag's reminder guided him back from the precipice.

Skyler understood that this was the power of love.

In his previous life, he recognized that the overarching theme in the seven original books was the power of love.

There were still many unexplored facets of "love" in the magical world.

Now, Skyler believed that denying the power of love and opting for black magic would be foolish, as it goes against the fundamental rules of the universe.

He knew he had found his own path in magic!

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