
Planet Vegeta's Destruction


3 years later

"Hanna, show me my status, thanks"

Displaying host's status

Name: Broly

Age: 3 years old

Race: Saiyan

Talent: Legendary Super Saiyan

Lifespan: 367 years

Body State: Toddler(healthy)

Battle power: 30,451(suppressed, real BP: 3,045,100)

Ki control: 254(not bad)

Skills: Kame-hame-haaaa

"Hanna, do you get more powerful as I get more powerful?" Recently, Brandon has been interacting with Hanna more and started to take a liking in her, which is weird because she is bodiless, and he doesn't know what her soul looks like.

"Yes, the more powerful you get, the more powerful I get. Friendly reminder, you can never surpass me, my battle power if yours but multiplied by 4."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, no need to show off. Hanna, how long till the destruction of planet Vegeta?"

"There is one more month left till the destruction of planet Vegeta. Over 9000 Saiyans will die."

"If no one comes to save me, will you teleport me out of here?"

"Yes, but everything comes with a price, you'll have to sacrifice 1 percentage of your talent each time you rely on me in states of emergency."

"What?! That's trash! 1% doesn't seem much but if you think about it, I only get 100 'get out of tough situation card', at least make it drain 0.1% of my talent."

"I would love to do that, but in order to keep balanced, I have no choice but to do this, unless you reach the highest level of godliness, then it is impossible to change." Retorted Hanna.

"I'll be dead before then," said Brandon gloomily. Brandon then ignored Hanna and looked around the incubator. He looked to his right and saw that Son Goku or Kakarot was gone. Broly wasn't surprised. He sighed, wondering if anyone will save him, otherwise, he will have to waste his talent.


One month later

Today is a special day, it's the day of planet Vegeta's destruction. It was midnight when the sky suddenly lit up with a bright ball of fire.

Suddenly the incubator room's door was kicked down. Broly's father, Paragus ran into the room heading towards Broly's incubator. He found his son's incubator, smashed it open and pulled Broly out.

"It'll be alright Broly, Papa will be fine, but most importantly, you must live and carry on our bloodline. Eh? Ehhh?!" While Paragus was saying all these things he was suddenly alarmed by the increase of Broly's aura, but that didn't stop him as he kept on running towards the space-pod.

Broly's POV: I heard a loud noise, like glass shattering. He then felt a jerk on his body as he was carried away by some unknown person.

"Fuck this must be King Vegeta, f*cking c*cks*cker, dare to interrupt my sleep, taste my aura!" Brandon released all his aura at once, but he didn't feel the man slowing down, so he opened his eyes and saw that it was his father Paragus carrying him. Brandon heard what he said, then he looked up into the sky and saw a huge fireball descending down onto planet Vegeta. Unknowingly, horror crept into his heart, despite watching this scene in the anime, watching in real life is a whole new different experience.

He then found himself in a space pod, he then heard Paragus said,

"Son, I've always loved you, and will never separate from you, but today, dad got something else to do, and you may never see me again, so you better take care of yourself, have a nice trip."

Paragus shut the door to the space pod then inserted a few commands on the screen of the pod, then the pod took off.

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