19 Pandora's Actor

"Ainz-sama, while this area is protected... Is it really wise to leave... Everything like that? I am sure that we could-" Yuri is about to say something, but Ainz interrupts her.

"It is just decoration." This sentence surprises everyone but CZ2128 Delta, which lacks any form of emotion as she is an automaton. "Take a second look around you."

On Ainz's suggestion, she takes a few moments to look around her.

"... I understand, I am sorry for my lack of insight."

"It is fine, that is the purpose of this entrance. This facade works even better when you are slowly dying by breathing in toxic gas, this area is completely covered by it. No one would worry about whatever there is more than this treasure in those circumstances. The real treasure, the truly important items, are inside."

"W-what?!" Albedo says in surprise.

"Hm? You did not know?"


"It is fine, this area... It is not really part of Nazarick, not in the traditional physical sense. It is more of a separate plane which can be accessed and exited with the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown."

In front of them, there is a door the size of an entire wall, black like the void. After reciting some words which serve as a password, the black void becomes jelly-like. It is no longer solid and as he enters, he appears in a completely different location.

"How about this floor's guardian? Do you know him?"

"I have heard of him but I never saw him personally," Yuri says.

"I have information about him but never saw him either," CZ2128 says.

"Same goes for me," Albedo says. "As an Overseer I know the general details but I have never met him before. Most importantly... He was created directly by you."

That last line, despite being far from being truly important, is spoken with a tone of jealousy.

Albedo suddenly freezes in spot as, on the other side of the room, a strange figure appears.

"Tabula Smaragdina-sama! ... Wait, no, that is not right! Who are you?!"

Everyone takes a fighting stance so Ainz decides to break out any fight from the beginning.

"That is enough, Pandora's actor. Revert to your true form." As soon as he gives the order, the strange figure distorts until it takes a whole different shape.

"Thank you for coming all this way. I bid you a fond welcome, my creator, Momonga-sama!" Pandora's Actor says.

Much like Narberal, Pandora's actor is a doppelganger. He loves transforming and can easily copy the target's abilities although they are more limited. His task is to guard this treasury.

"You look well," Ainz says to Pandora's Actor.

"Yes! I am doing quite well. So... What is your business here this time?"

" We are here to retrieve World-Class items."

"Ah! World Item! They can change the world with their immense power! Symbol of the greatness of the supreme beings! Truly worth of their name... World item! The various sacred treasures sleeping deep within Nazarick... Is their power finally going to be unleashed?"

"Should we really use World Items against that dragon?" Albedo asks. "The items that were obtained through the hard work of the supreme ones..."

"The world items I plan to get are not for the dragon. It is a precaution in case we encounter whoever brought that dragon there, we are unsure of their number or power, so it is good to think ahead in the worst-case scenario."


"Pandora's Actor. This is the list of items... I am also using this opportunity to move here some treasure from the throne room."

"Yes! It will be done, Momonga-sama!"

"I have changed my name... I am Ainz Ooal Gown now, call me Ainz."

"Oh! I understand, Ainz-sama."

"Yuri and Shizu, you two are tasked with helping Pandora's actor to move items to and from the Throne room."

" Understood," Yuir said.

"Understood," Shizu said.

"Oh! There is no need for that! To have such fair maidens perform such hard work! " Pandora's Actor suddenly said.

"Fair maiden? I am the second in command of the Pleiades. I am no stranger to work, in fact, I have made my schedule to be as efficient as possible. Do not address me so lightly."

While Yuri got slightly angry, Shizu just stood by.

"I apologize. I just could not help myself in front of such beauty!"

"By the way... Have you come here only to withdraw and deposit items?"


"I confess I was hoping you intended to make use of my abilities, Ainz-sama."

"The treasury is an important task, it may not have happened yet but if someone were to get this far, your strength would be vital. That being said, I do not plan to keep you here all the time... I will be using your abilities in the future but the need for your strength has not yet presented itself. Quite frankly, I would rather be at peace of mind knowing you are guarding this area than wasting your time on meaningless tasks."

"Oh! Ainz-sama! I am so... JOYFUL! So... GRATEFUL! o hear such words of praise, such words of trust, I am truly content, jubilant! Then, I shall continue to manage the Treasury."


" However. Given my role and your need for world items, I think it might be better if you permit me to leave the treasury and move around to other floors."

Unlike most members of Nazarick, Pandora's actor always spoke his mind, without worrying about Ainz's rank. Knowing he always spoke his mind without the need for Ainz to question him was refreshing to him.

"You are right."

From his inventory, he grabs a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown and hands it over to him."I suggest you to wear it only when you plan to move around, otherwise, store it somewhere in the treasury. You do not want to risk forgetting the ring on and entering the mausoleum by mistake. Anyways... As for us, we will be delivering the equipment to the squad, it will be faster since we can teleport around."

"Yes!" Albedo says.

After moving all the items from and to the vault, they delivered the equipment to the squad. They revised the plan quickly, nothing too complex as the creature they were about to face was simple enough considering their numbers and power. The real danger was whoever is standing in the background, possibly watching and expecting them; That was what the plan focused mostly about. The only thing left to do at this point is to head where the dragon is and slay it.

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